Commented 20 years ago2005-01-02 21:48:56 UTCComment #5425
I d-led it but i cant play it.
My shit computer makes te file a compressed file and i cant unzip it or whatever. The "folder" must be forbided into cutting and pasting or some shit.
And BTW, how come you can attach files to your comment?
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-02 22:10:18 UTCComment #5428
copied from forum post
Kay, follows the review;
Well, since the map was split up in parts, I'll review each one of them.
The start (ministeves?); The first thing you notice is the boxy and oversized architecture. The ladder is unclimbable and the room itself is just a box. The "tricky" puzzle in this room is nothing but annoying.
Headcrab room and forward; More boxy architecture, but with some better lighting. Kind of annoying to only have grenades against them headcrabs, but hey, I made it. The puzzle in the crystal-bridge room could be made more challenging by actually putting the crystal somewhere else than the bridge ;> The drawbridge was very cool, very good work on that one. Overall, this section was signified by annoying lighting, bad texturing and boxy architecture. 2/5, and that's just for the drawbridge.
Pipe walk and forward; This section was slightly better. Better architecture aswell as texturing. The monsters were hardly challenging, considering there were a HEV Chargers everywhere, but some fun gameplay. The gargantua part was cool, but neither challenging nor fun. I just ran around the boxes and climbed the ladders and left it at that. A neat boss-fight would've been nicer there.
The teleportation and forward; Excellent all the way through. I was mighty impressed with hazs (and rabids?) work here. The lighting is smooth, allthough too dark at the teleportation room but it didn't matter much, the architecture is great, aswell as texturing. It's hard to believe all of it was made in hl1 original textures. The generator/fuel puzzle was great, allthough more puzzles on the entire section would be cool. Excellent idea to use "Pick-uppable" items and "refueling" the generator. Great work with beams and sprites and even ambient sounds throughout the section, not to mention an interesting semi-plot Ending was v. good.
The trainstation and forward; First thing that struck me was the very annoying lighting. The room you start in is nearly fullbright. The texturing is, well, lets say "not impressive" (hrm, the signs are inverted). The station itself was better. The train was nicely made aswell as some (SOME) of the cliffs. The lighting got better when you went inside - but unfortunately the texturing and architecture became uglier. The first room with the a-slaves, zombies and barnacles is just annoying and it makes no sense in them being there whatsoever. I thought it was a lab or sth, not a zoo. The scientist cloning-machine is awesome, and the architecture and texturing in those/that room/s is good. The corridor tha--- TRANSPORT (with no warning or fade)
The end scene Well, what can I say? I start in(in) a very oversized bed. After I noclip out of it I swim(swim) up the sun beam while reading the mispelled text on my screen. I get stuck behind the beam and have to noclip my way out of there. The room is nearly completely dark, and everything that I could see looked pretty oversized. That section needs(needed?) some major revising and remaking.
Sum of all: I must say I'm pretty disappointed. Hazardous!' part was great - everything else held a very low standard. I liked the usage of titles.txt, but that's pretty much everything there's to say.
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-02 22:25:58 UTCComment #5430
I got it working, but as ZL said.
-The gargantua was freaking stup. i had to use godmode. -the ladder was un climbable. -I got weaopn stripped so i had to use impulse 101. -too many white out dealys. -and an overall "okay" map.
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-03 15:41:23 UTCComment #5446
All you guys saying that it's corrupt, try it with Winzip 9, it might be super-compressed with that - or download the files seperately (see the map description for the URL).
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-03 16:32:34 UTCComment #5447
There's the update. I replaced the .zip file - hopefully no more problems now. I also uploaded a screenshot, free your browser cache to see it.
Now for the appologies: BL - sorry that I couldn't use the TWHLmix acc ti upload it m_gargantua - sorry that I had to use text messages instead of voice acting, we'll certainly be more flexible on twhlmix2 gman - sorry that i couldn't fic those ugly lightmap edges in the entering hallway, but even with thrice as many patches it didn't improve everybody experiencing problems with the zip - sorry for that, problem hopefully fixed now
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-03 16:50:28 UTCComment #5450
Cool screenie! :)) I just loved the scripts in the map (like barney falling down with a bullet in the head(I guess ;))but there are some texture problems ...but nevermind ! I liked the train .But I expected better because there are so much talented mapper's work in it...but I expected a better work.I especially didnt liked the ladders,there is 50 cm between me and the ladder while I m climbing
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-03 18:00:11 UTCComment #5454
MY REVIEW: ________
First room:
Oversized, boxy architecture was a let-down, especially since you can't walk up the ladder. The HEV charger looked out of place, and it seemed stupid that you had to use it as a platform. The rest of this part was fairly boring and extremely straightforward, although I liked the lighting in the headcrab room and drawbridge room. The drawbridge was a nice touch, and it's a pity that the area behind the crystal wasn't included in the final map, since it was far too easy. The room after the drawbridge was disappointing, badly lit, badly textured, and far too big. The crossbow looked out of place. The crate room was also fairly badly mapped, and it wasn't immediately obvious that you had to open the red metal crates.
The lighting in this area was outrageous, and the room seemed too large for such a short section of the map. It also had very little to do with the area before it. However, the map pack improved greatly as soon as you climbed the shaft with the sentry turrets...
Doc's lab:
I loved this portion of the map pack. The lab area was extremely well mapped, and I thought the Xen area, while small, was excellent. The lighting was great and the messages onscreen gave the map a great feel, although the extra HEV suit seemed out of place, since you were already wearing one. The teleportation sequence was a bit disappointing though. The effects were fine, and I liked the bit where you power up the generator, but it would've been more exciting if you had a weapon, and had to hold off the intruding assassins until the teleporter was ready, and if you were too slow, the teleporter would deactivate. However, it was still great.
Train station:
The station itself looked great, and it felt like a train station in Black Mesa (great job!). However, some of the architecture (mostly indoors) was very bland, and some of the texturing was very poor.
Big room:
This would've been a lot better if you had access to more weapons and there were aliens randomly teleporting in. Lighting was good, but the textures were a bit bland.
Lab area:
I found this bit fairly pointless. The architecture was bland, although the lights and textures worked very well together. I liked the cloning machine or whatever it was though.
Final area:
This area had a great feel, although I remain uncertain of exactly what it was, but I liked the feel of it and it made a very good conclusion. ________
All in all, I found this to be a fairly enjoyable map pack. While some of it was poorly mapped, and some of the lighting was quite bad, I enjoyed the mid-section in the Xen lab a lot, and enjoyed the conclusion.
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-03 18:00:29 UTCComment #5455
well someone must have edited the ladder then. and i ded the garg part in three days and you are just supposed to run around the boxes up the ladder and press the button to detonate the c4 scattered around the area.
abd how can you not understand the ending. you are walking and you just suddenly wake up to the heavy breathing and the tv on. the first bit of text haz changed from voice acting, i still think it should have been voice acting. and you weren't supposed to noclip off the bed. it was big becasue you are suposedly a small kid, but i never implied that little detail in the finaliy
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-03 18:05:10 UTCComment #5457
trapts car and train
I did them D:! The explorer is even a prefab @ Snarkpit.
/me spams credit for his prefabs ;o
It was fun to run around and look at my pitiful work from about a year ago, though. *cough*crappycrateroom*cough. And I get the ending NOW D: - The TV looked weird though.
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-03 21:39:17 UTCComment #5465
well after playing this, i would just like to apoliguise for my behaviour to those who thought my part was crap. it is. although, it could have been worse.
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-04 11:36:47 UTCComment #5469
Awww... damn, I forgot to add a text saying when my lvele starts.... oh, well, it's in the readme anyway... some ppl may think it's part of Trapt's and Rabid's trainstation.... well, it's the warehouse-type room immediately after that... (Since we've started the apologies already) I apologise if the textures and architecture are too boring... not much time was put in the actual process of making that map.... I may continue it and improve it later... And I apologise for my obsession with breaking lightbulbs.
And, um... TV?? Looked pretty weird to me... more like a slide projector and some moving ?film/metal? particles behind it...
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-04 18:09:25 UTCComment #5484
obviously your not a hl fan merc as the garg can be killed by pushing button near dead body, then human grunts wont tocuh you if you quickly stand on teleporter,oh well too many weapons big deal its more fun that way, the ladders were crap.
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-05 14:46:44 UTCComment #5501
Before any more of you complain about a lot of parts in TWHLmix, let me remind you that this project was not meant to be anything "OMG we discovered a new world 1337 omg OMG"... A lot of ppl (most of them) had to do their parts quickly... So cut us some slack, ok? Sure, most parts probably need work, but these maps don't just happen... they require time, and ideas, and effort... This was supposed to be (as far as I know) a collaborate map done for the fun of the whole thing... I don't know about all of the members who contributed, so I'll speak for myself: this is my first participation in a collective map... I didn't expect to make an amazing part, and I didn't. I'm pretty sure a lot of the participants also didn't expect to make anything ground-shaking. Am I right?... Haz's part is great, sure, but: 1. He is very experienced, more experienced than a lot of us. 2. He had the most time to create it (A.F.A.I.K.)... Overall I give this project 3.5/5 stars... Hopefully we will take our time with TWHLmix2, and produce a more organized project with better quality, more challenging gameplay, and maybe (just maybe) a plot...
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-10 06:13:12 UTCComment #5585
SilentGunz: Usually those errors occur, if they occur, on all systems, so this is quite strange. Have your tried playing the map on both, WON and Steam? SO far nobody else had this problem. WHat are your system specs?
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-13 08:41:55 UTCComment #5606
I've played it and I must say, it's not something I'll quickly play again. Most parts were either awfull looking or of mediocre visuals. Overall gameplay seemed either forgotten or badly implemented in most area's. As many have noticed, Haz!' part definitely stood out from the rest. The sci-cloning facility also looked nice, and here and there I could see some nice idea's, but overall... it was disappointing.
Now I understand the goal of this joined effort wasn't to get a good result but to create something together, but as a player I'm not impressed with it. And that's probably not really satisfying to you as the mappers. I'd say, next time, try to create something that plays fun and wich visuals don't hinder the fun but rather enhance it. Good luck on further efforts.
// A note on available time: working on a map until 2:00 in the morning is devotion, not having a lot of time. Haz!' part showed devotion, a lot of other parts didn't. It's not all talent that does it, it's devotion that counts. And sure, there are time constraints, but that doesn't say all there is to say. I've made maps or map parts within 2 weeks and the result was positively received by the public or my fellow mappers. Now I have been mapping for 3 years, but in those 3 years I've read a lot about level-design, about what makes levels and games in general fun, about how to create models, textures, and so on... so you could say I've devoted quite some time to mapping. Combined with the artistic talent I have it leads to the quality I currently produce. That's not to say I'm 'uber' or 'l33t', in fact I know far better mappers, far better modellers, far better programmers than I am. But I do try to say that devotion does make a difference...
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-20 07:11:08 UTCComment #5660
Yeah, try to devote to mapping, when your father's an imbecile, when you've got tons of school crap to do, and you only have about 1 to 2 hours of PC time a day, considering you didn't even have an idea of what exactly to map, in the first place... Anyway, Cp, I agree that the 2nd mix should be more collaborate, that the mappers who are joining in will all share their ideas, comment each other's maps, give tips, etc... rather than everyone being all secret, planning that "OMG" big surprize for their own parts... We should try to help eachother, so if a fellow TWHLmix2 member sees something wrong, he talks to the mapper who made that area, and suggests something better, etc... I think that would help the overall quality (even if it wouldn't be as fun for us to play, consideting we've made it.... it'll elevate the gameplay, and the project, overall)
My shit computer makes te file a compressed file and i cant unzip it or whatever. The "folder" must be forbided into cutting and pasting or some shit.
And BTW, how come you can attach files to your comment?
Time to download my monster... MUHHAHAHAHAAAAA
Let me put it in the vault..
Kay, follows the review;
Well, since the map was split up in parts, I'll review each one of them.
The start (ministeves?); The first thing you notice is the boxy and oversized architecture. The ladder is unclimbable and the room itself is just a box.
The "tricky" puzzle in this room is nothing but annoying.
Headcrab room and forward;
More boxy architecture, but with some better lighting. Kind of annoying to only have grenades against them headcrabs, but hey, I made it.
The puzzle in the crystal-bridge room could be made more challenging by actually putting the crystal somewhere else than the bridge ;>
The drawbridge was very cool, very good work on that one.
Overall, this section was signified by annoying lighting, bad texturing and boxy architecture. 2/5, and that's just for the drawbridge.
Pipe walk and forward;
This section was slightly better. Better architecture aswell as texturing.
The monsters were hardly challenging, considering there were a HEV Chargers everywhere, but some fun gameplay.
The gargantua part was cool, but neither challenging nor fun. I just ran around the boxes and climbed the ladders and left it at that. A neat boss-fight would've been nicer there.
The teleportation and forward;
Excellent all the way through. I was mighty impressed with hazs (and rabids?) work here. The lighting is smooth, allthough too dark at the teleportation room but it didn't matter much, the architecture is great, aswell as texturing. It's hard to believe all of it was made in hl1 original textures.
The generator/fuel puzzle was great, allthough more puzzles on the entire section would be cool. Excellent idea to use "Pick-uppable" items and "refueling" the generator.
Great work with beams and sprites and even ambient sounds throughout the section, not to mention an interesting semi-plot Ending was v. good.
The trainstation and forward;
First thing that struck me was the very annoying lighting. The room you start in is nearly fullbright. The texturing is, well, lets say "not impressive" (hrm, the signs are inverted).
The station itself was better. The train was nicely made aswell as some (SOME) of the cliffs.
The lighting got better when you went inside - but unfortunately the texturing and architecture became uglier. The first room with the a-slaves, zombies and barnacles is just annoying and it makes no sense in them being there whatsoever. I thought it was a lab or sth, not a zoo.
The scientist cloning-machine is awesome, and the architecture and texturing in those/that room/s is good.
The corridor tha---
TRANSPORT (with no warning or fade)
The end scene
Well, what can I say? I start in(in) a very oversized bed. After I noclip out of it I swim(swim) up the sun beam while reading the mispelled text on my screen. I get stuck behind the beam and have to noclip my way out of there.
The room is nearly completely dark, and everything that I could see looked pretty oversized.
That section needs(needed?) some major revising and remaking.
Sum of all:
I must say I'm pretty disappointed.
Hazardous!' part was great - everything else held a very low standard.
I liked the usage of titles.txt, but that's pretty much everything there's to say.
-The gargantua was freaking stup. i had to use godmode.
-the ladder was un climbable.
-I got weaopn stripped so i had to use impulse 101.
-too many white out dealys.
-and an overall "okay" map.
I didnt get it.
Haz, your part rocked, I loved the little fix the generator puzzle. For the rest, I agree with ZL, mostly.
Extracting to "D:\Half-Life"
Use Path: yes Overlay Files: no
skipping: valve\maps\graphs\twhlmix1.nod unsupported compression method 12
skipping: valve\maps\graphs\twhlmix2.nod unsupported compression method 12
skipping: valve\maps\twhlmix1.bsp unsupported compression method 12
skipping: valve\maps\twhlmix2.bsp unsupported compression method 12
skipping: valve\titles.txt unsupported compression method 12
error: no files were found - nothing to do
I liked Haz's section it looked as though it had more time spent on it than the other places but i liked trapts car and train
Ending didnt make any sense to me (in a bed) and the haz section where the writing comes up at certain bits was weird
At least its over now and you guys can go your separate ways
I replaced the .zip file - hopefully no more problems now.
I also uploaded a screenshot, free your browser cache to see it.
Now for the appologies:
BL - sorry that I couldn't use the TWHLmix acc ti upload it
m_gargantua - sorry that I had to use text messages instead of voice acting, we'll certainly be more flexible on twhlmix2
gman - sorry that i couldn't fic those ugly lightmap edges in the entering hallway, but even with thrice as many patches it didn't improve
everybody experiencing problems with the zip - sorry for that, problem hopefully fixed now
I just loved the scripts in the map (like barney falling down with a bullet in the head(I guess ;))but there are some texture problems ...but nevermind ! I liked the train .But I expected better because there are so much talented mapper's work in it...but I expected a better work.I especially didnt liked the ladders,there is 50 cm between me and the ladder while I m climbing
First room:
Oversized, boxy architecture was a let-down, especially since you can't walk up the ladder. The HEV charger looked out of place, and it seemed stupid that you had to use it as a platform. The rest of this part was fairly boring and extremely straightforward, although I liked the lighting in the headcrab room and drawbridge room. The drawbridge was a nice touch, and it's a pity that the area behind the crystal wasn't included in the final map, since it was far too easy. The room after the drawbridge was disappointing, badly lit, badly textured, and far too big. The crossbow looked out of place. The crate room was also fairly badly mapped, and it wasn't immediately obvious that you had to open the red metal crates.
The lighting in this area was outrageous, and the room seemed too large for such a short section of the map. It also had very little to do with the area before it. However, the map pack improved greatly as soon as you climbed the shaft with the sentry turrets...
Doc's lab:
I loved this portion of the map pack. The lab area was extremely well mapped, and I thought the Xen area, while small, was excellent. The lighting was great and the messages onscreen gave the map a great feel, although the extra HEV suit seemed out of place, since you were already wearing one. The teleportation sequence was a bit disappointing though. The effects were fine, and I liked the bit where you power up the generator, but it would've been more exciting if you had a weapon, and had to hold off the intruding assassins until the teleporter was ready, and if you were too slow, the teleporter would deactivate. However, it was still great.
Train station:
The station itself looked great, and it felt like a train station in Black Mesa (great job!). However, some of the architecture (mostly indoors) was very bland, and some of the texturing was very poor.
Big room:
This would've been a lot better if you had access to more weapons and there were aliens randomly teleporting in. Lighting was good, but the textures were a bit bland.
Lab area:
I found this bit fairly pointless. The architecture was bland, although the lights and textures worked very well together. I liked the cloning machine or whatever it was though.
Final area:
This area had a great feel, although I remain uncertain of exactly what it was, but I liked the feel of it and it made a very good conclusion.
All in all, I found this to be a fairly enjoyable map pack. While some of it was poorly mapped, and some of the lighting was quite bad, I enjoyed the mid-section in the Xen lab a lot, and enjoyed the conclusion.
My rating: 4/5
abd how can you not understand the ending. you are walking and you just suddenly wake up to the heavy breathing and the tv on. the first bit of text haz changed from voice acting, i still think it should have been voice acting. and you weren't supposed to noclip off the bed. it was big becasue you are suposedly a small kid, but i never implied that little detail in the finaliy
I did them D:! The explorer is even a prefab @ Snarkpit.
/me spams credit for his prefabs ;o
It was fun to run around and look at my pitiful work from about a year ago, though. *cough*crappycrateroom*cough. And I get the ending NOW D: - The TV looked weird though.
although, it could have been worse.
And, um... TV?? Looked pretty weird to me... more like a slide projector and some moving ?film/metal? particles behind it...
-I got stripped of weapons and then there came some human grunts
-I already had a suit but you had placed a second one
-Gargantua was imposseble... used gravity to jump by it
-A ladder that had the aaatrigger to long away from it so I feel of all the time and died!
-To many weapons in the start
When I FINALLY came to the second part I got no suit or weapon and there was nowhere to go (Unless I wanted to die)
Update it... plz!
Greater consistency in size, time to complete, and quality, would have helped, IMHO.
I also reazlize co-op projects are a nightmare to execute efficiently, especially with this many people. All things considered, Great Job!
Overall I give this project 3.5/5 stars... Hopefully we will take our time with TWHLmix2, and produce a more organized project with better quality, more challenging gameplay, and maybe (just maybe) a plot...
ED_Alloc: no free edicts
WTH is that?
Now I understand the goal of this joined effort wasn't to get a good result but to create something together, but as a player I'm not impressed with it. And that's probably not really satisfying to you as the mappers. I'd say, next time, try to create something that plays fun and wich visuals don't hinder the fun but rather enhance it. Good luck on further efforts.
// A note on available time: working on a map until 2:00 in the morning is devotion, not having a lot of time. Haz!' part showed devotion, a lot of other parts didn't. It's not all talent that does it, it's devotion that counts.
And sure, there are time constraints, but that doesn't say all there is to say. I've made maps or map parts within 2 weeks and the result was positively received by the public or my fellow mappers. Now I have been mapping for 3 years, but in those 3 years I've read a lot about level-design, about what makes levels and games in general fun, about how to create models, textures, and so on... so you could say I've devoted quite some time to mapping. Combined with the artistic talent I have it leads to the quality I currently produce.
That's not to say I'm 'uber' or 'l33t', in fact I know far better mappers, far better modellers, far better programmers than I am. But I do try to say that devotion does make a difference...
Anyway, good luck with TWHLmix 2.