Commented 20 years ago2005-02-10 12:07:32 UTCComment #5955
hey good map but too small you have written the bugs but you forgot some when i use the elevator i get stuck in the bottom, people must jump just before elevator reaches bottom.. and also i saw that one letter is broken up when you textured it there i think.. anyway i found two letters and looking for others
Commented 20 years ago2005-02-11 06:27:49 UTCComment #5962
Heres a little waiting game for you all to play with whilst my mods are still in production. Its a small map set in a competition style. Around this map there are 5 hidden letters. These letters make up the name of my upcoming demo mod entitled HL:*****. You must find all 5 letters and create the name of my mod. The letters are in the order that they are in the map. (e.g. the letter closest to the start of the level is the mods first letter and the letter closest to the end of the map is the last one in the title.) The map WILL require the occasional back-track.
If you get to the end of the level and you have less than 5 letters you've missed some and will have to start again. Once your positive you have the name of the mod E-mail it to me. The the names of the people with the correct answers will be put into a hat for a prize draw. The winner will recieve the Mod prior to its final release for reviewing and / or constructive critisizm and ideas. You will then be added to the credits as a 'playtester and critic.' Nothing major.
Commented 20 years ago2005-02-12 20:31:04 UTCComment #5981
nice map. i missed the bloody lift and fell to my death!! i didn't have the jumping bug but one bug that i did encur, involved the panel with the Health behind didn't always slide back.
Commented 20 years ago2005-03-15 23:18:10 UTCComment #6279
I loved it. Good use of archetecture and enemy placement. Kinda crept around corners and glock sniped everyone. The rooms were too small for enemies to maneuver around and fight. Overall: 4 stars!
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 15:44:53 UTCComment #8904
Very very good! It was certainly good gameplay, but as rimrook pointed out its not really spacious. And is hard for anyone maneuver (player and enemies) overall, it was nicely done!
Its a small map set in a competition style. Around this map there are 5 hidden letters.
These letters make up the name of my upcoming demo mod entitled HL:*****. You must
find all 5 letters and create the name of my mod. The letters are in the order that they
are in the map. (e.g. the letter closest to the start of the level is the mods first letter
and the letter closest to the end of the map is the last one in the title.) The map WILL
require the occasional back-track.
If you get to the end of the level and you have less than 5 letters you've missed some
and will have to start again. Once your positive you have the name of the mod E-mail
it to me. The the names of the people with the correct answers will be put into a hat
for a prize draw. The winner will recieve the Mod prior to its final release for
reviewing and / or constructive critisizm and ideas. You will then be added to the
credits as a 'playtester and critic.' Nothing major.
i didn't have the jumping bug but one bug that i did encur, involved the panel with the Health behind didn't always slide back.
Anyway, thank you to all who entered the compo. It is no longer going and the final names are being added to TEH HAT. Good luck!