Then & Now
by Urby
Single Player map pack for Half-Life
Installation: Easy as pissing. Extract both map files to your Valve/Maps directory. Open the game and run the first map 'thenandnow' from the console.
Build Time: First map, probably about 3 days. I was an idiot back in 1999. Second map... uhm, 3 days. I know what I'm doing now. Took just as long. How odd... Then add on another few minutes for tweaks based on feedback from TWHL community.

Story: There isn't one really. Back in 1999 I just stuck the player in a prison cell and he had to escape. I've basically included the original map and then remade it. Dunno. Thought you guys might like to see how I've progressed over the years.

Sorry it's not quite The Core... That's coming soon. Promise...

Good stuff.
Good point... edited the description. - Urby
That aside, the improvement is definitely there. Especially compared to this map
Also there are like 50 other maps/mods where you start in a jail or prison and have to escape. No idea why mappers like this theme so much
The first version was the standard, blandly lit, nonsensical and empty rooms that we all started making.
The second version was much more coherent, organic feeling, and detailed, but with keeping the same setting and encounter constraints as the original.
+ Excellent use of textures
+ Good use of ambient and scripted sounds
+ Very detailed furnishings and props
+/- Itty bitty filing cabinets. Seem a bit off since we're used to the massive HL ones, but they're also so cute! :3
- Very dark. When there was lighting it was used exceptionally well, but I had to rely on my flashlight a lot just to get my basic bearings
- No autosaves. I can see how you wouldn't think it was necessary, considering the short, simple, and mainly showcasey purpose, and I would not have normally noticed this, but I tried to kill the ichthyosaurs the first time, ran out of ammo, and then ended up in the Hazard Course.
I like it. I might consider doing a similar thing myself at some point, if not for my schedule and the fact that I don't think a single rmf from my early days still exists. (A mix of shame, lack of external backups, and harddrive failure/format-enabled reuse.)
As 2much noted, 'escaping from jail' is used a lot - I know I used it at least once, and I can think of a few other people who did as well. I guess it gives an easy excuse to start with no equipment and give a feeling of persecution/pressure?
Regarding the file cabinets Jeff, they currently stand at 48 units / inches which is a little shorter than the average of 52. Larger cabinets would have looked odd alongside the desks which were also built to scale (to the nearest inch), but yeah, I see where you're coming from. They are kinda diddy looking.
If you can map this well how come all your maps in The Core are so shit?
Does this strike anyone else as a good idea for a mini-compo? As in, someone builds a little series of super basic rooms, each with a distinct idea, and people have to re-imagine the map while maintaining those ideas, maybe tying them all together with a unique theme? So long as you enter the room and go "oh this is the flooded room" or "this is the office area", I imagine it could be pretty open to interpretation and varied world themes.
Just a thought.
Urby, who supposedly is an experienced mapper, making such obvious mistakes as sticking a pointlight in a room with no source, or having a thick metal blast door get broken by a single hit with a crowbar? I am vicariously ashamed, and frankly I interpret this upload as a cry for help. Urby probably did this because slitting his wrists in a bathroom or overdosing on over the counter painkillers would likely go unnoticed by us as we only know him through the internet.
But seriously, it was good. Probably the only real flaw in the newer version was the fact that as a location in a building the ichthyosaur pool didn't make much sense. Apart from the underwater bits, there was only one entrance to this large area.
The older portion, I won't offer any serious critique of.
You're fired.
Can you post the .rmf please? I'd learn a lot from the second map's lighting, I'd be very grateful!
Didn't realize you've been mapping for hl for that long outstanding!