
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 22:23:50 UTC in vault item: Lost Valve intro Comment #1362
what da hell r u peeps talking about? It's in my HL.... As far as I know it's been there since the game came out...
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 17:16:29 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1361
Oh, btw, the cameras didn't work for me.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 17:16:09 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1360
Dodgy lift. You jump down onto the rail and it goes crazy. I tore apart the front doors by jamming the metal rim :) and a little metal door somewhere leading into the lobby needs a lip. Very nice architecture. Texturing's good. 4/5.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 16:37:00 UTC in vault item: Lost Valve intro Comment #1359
Already seen's got a nice atmosphere...
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 11:43:01 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1358
erm, its the same lobby wiht a few little changes,he shoudl look good, it has become much better, i mihgt make bot waypoints so you can play it wiht bots to, ore download jumobt, that one learnes on your movement
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 11:14:02 UTC in vault item: Hotel_unfinished Comment #1357
it looks nice from the pic but I predict the r_speeds are bad from the amount of stuff in that room
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 11:13:44 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1356
no offence but I dont see how this is the sequel lol, its nothing like the other lobby in my opion :P

He made the first lobby, I think hes the one to decide wether its a sequel or not.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 11:11:12 UTC in vault item: Lost Valve intro Comment #1355
But incredibly cool...
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 11:09:15 UTC in vault item: Lost Valve intro Comment #1354
Sick, tbh
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 11:07:12 UTC in vault item: Lost Valve intro Comment #1353
incredibly old but cool and true :D
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 10:29:07 UTC in vault item: The Lobby Comment #1352
its out!! lobbyv2
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 09:52:40 UTC in vault item: PacManHL Comment #1351
A good idea but sense of space wasn't there 'cos've the lack of lighting. Maybe push them faster through the teleporting tunnel?
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 09:41:41 UTC in vault item: Hotel_unfinished Comment #1350
Cant you read?
The download is invalid, resubmit it.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 05:23:55 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1349
Um, Anthony, texture work is always an issue. That's one reason people complain about noob maps...bad texturing...but still, I like this map a lot. 4 stars.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 04:37:51 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1348
i chnaged the picture, now you should see the relation to lobby
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 04:22:34 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1347
thanks, that are the thigns i looked over. and yes i know about the bug wiht the fence, very strange.
the connection wiht the first map is that it is totaly build on it, only some small things have been changed in the lobby itself.
and the water texture i created myself.
what about the mirrord door?? and the walkway wich connect the camera room wiht the power generator.
i might make the train useble, as a transport to a other part.
tell me where the texture work is and i might be able to fix it

il go fix the bugs when there are more commments, so i know if anyone else has found a bug
thans a lot everyone
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-21 01:31:05 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1346
Nice work Pepper! Here is the breakdown:

  • Great rebuilding of the Lobby scene in Matrix!
  • Fun to play
  • Camera's
  • New textures (I've never seen that water texture before)
  • Nice work with the generator and the train
  • Architexture]
  • Some bad texture work (not really an issue)
  • If you look through the fence on either side of the door leading into the lobby, you can see through the fence into the lobby somehow. Weird
  • LOL the table is too high, make it lower to be more realistic
I give it a 4. Well done!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 23:28:28 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1345
no offence but I dont see how this is the sequel lol, its nothing like the other lobby in my opion :P
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 21:41:13 UTC in vault item: Hotel_unfinished Comment #1344
please tell me what u think of it guys
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 20:51:35 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1343
I downloaded first! Cant wait to try it!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 20:25:18 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #1342
Your WAAAYYY into the matrix man.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 18:55:22 UTC in vault item: de_ss Comment #1341
my bad, i didnt think people would care. i just wanted to make it look good.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 13:24:45 UTC in vault item: Pendulum Comment #1340
Did you modiy this EXACT map for Timefall? It looks like that part near the end.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 13:21:23 UTC in vault item: Breakfree Comment #1339
Play with a bot on LAN
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 13:20:19 UTC in vault item: Ka_KnifeWorld Comment #1338
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 10:17:59 UTC in vault item: The Lobby Comment #1337
i started working on the next version of lobby, a indoor and outdoor area in a office/storage area, wiht costum textures!!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 09:42:07 UTC in vault item: Breakfree Comment #1336
sounds good, too bad my internet is dead!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 09:40:39 UTC in vault item: de_ss Comment #1335
I hate when people do that!

Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 07:10:22 UTC in vault item: Terrorist Escape (for Counter-Life) Comment #1334
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 07:04:15 UTC in vault item: Breakfree Comment #1333
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 04:37:32 UTC in vault item: Problem with bots Comment #1332
I need a solution! not mishaps! common... this is a real problem... help me with it someone... It is not related to the size of the map.... It is a basic problem!
Why will someone play my map.... if the players do not respawn.. once they die? please help!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-20 01:53:40 UTC in vault item: Ka_KnifeWorld Comment #1331
Ill pretend im Vassy...
OMG not another cs map! We should make a seprate cs vault for this! (Dont take it personally im just pokin fun)
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 21:39:08 UTC in vault item: Ka_KnifeWorld Comment #1330
Amazing. Now all we need is for Vassy to give us a "proper" complaint on the new cs map in the vault.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 20:27:47 UTC in vault item: Ka_KnifeWorld Comment #1329
Well, look at that, a PROPER comment! Pads on the back and applaudes to ME!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 20:27:13 UTC in vault item: Ka_KnifeWorld Comment #1328
I am going to try and write a quite proper review:

When I first saw this map(the screenie on the vault), I thought "NEWB" cause of the texturing.
When I tested it, I saw that the brushwork was quite good(better than most trash we get) and that 'playability' was not-that-bad aswell. Remember I did not test this with another player, Ill try it with jaardsi laterz.

The main problems are 1,Texturing and 2,Lighting.
Try giving more life to the walls, not just the same old repeating textures... Maybe remove the walls completely and put a fence with SKY behind and over them? Also, the wooden planks are alittle over-used aswell as that Crete texture...
You need to work with the aligning(try the 'Fit' button :D ).
The lighting is pretty much consistant of about 10-20 point-lights, which gives a pretty crappy result.
Avoid using light entities as much as possible, use the small and hand texlights! Tutorial:

And dude, remove the armoury :( Far too much for a knifing map.

Overall score?... Dunno
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 20:21:56 UTC in vault item: de_kse Comment #1327
i tried to make a map of my school, but it was the first map i tried to create. that turned into a failure. i think i might go back and try again. ive got a little better since that map (download de_ss). anyway this is a good map
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 20:21:47 UTC in vault item: de_kse Comment #1326
i tried to make a map of my school, but it was the first map i tried to create. that turned into a failure. i think i might go back and try again. ive got a little better since that map (download de_ss). anyway this is a good map
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 20:14:03 UTC in vault item: cs_ties Comment #1325
oh i forgot to say great map
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 20:13:49 UTC in vault item: cs_ties Comment #1324
how do you get the wad and text files to be included in the bsp file???
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 18:21:34 UTC in vault item: ka_nv-labirint Comment #1323
Dark maps... BOO... Make some winter maps. Orrrr....... CITY MAPS! W00T! ROCK ON CITY MAPS! I havent played this but it looks kinda complicated to be a KNIFE arena.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 15:34:20 UTC in vault item: de_ss Comment #1322
he rated his own map
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 11:44:17 UTC in vault item: Problem with bots Comment #1321
its similair to the first , i helped him making that track
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 11:42:46 UTC in vault item: The Lobby Comment #1320
not as far as i know, i cant seem to run server myself:( he wont update to version
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 10:43:16 UTC in vault item: ScoutzKnivez2 Comment #1319
You have a right to be pissed off even if there's nothing wrong... New Yorkers are a great example! I didn't see any maps with his name, but that would make him a hippo-crate!

I still think you should delete, rename, retexture, and repost it. ;)
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 04:02:14 UTC in vault item: mountain Comment #1318
here it plays but i don't run vis or rad
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 02:55:54 UTC in vault item: de_ss Comment #1317
Hmm no downloads yet its been rated already...
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 01:05:47 UTC in vault item: de_ss Comment #1316
maybe people would if you stoped spammin with things like de_ss is the shit
does that mean your map is good? lol
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 01:03:52 UTC in vault item: ScoutzKnivez2 Comment #1315
Dude why are you so pissed off? How do you like it when you make a cool map and then someone tells you to shutup when and make a totally different map? I called him a hypocrit because he made the map, what was it, de_warehouse2?, and its not like thats original. I don't know who but theres a de_warehouse and he could have made it- i dont know... and please one of the most poplular cs maps, cs_assault, is a freakin warehouse... When someone accuses me of not being original when he made a superbly non-original map I get pissed off and I have a right to be!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-18 23:49:28 UTC in vault item: de_ss Comment #1314
Please download this map and put it on your servers, or have people put it on their servers. It is a fun map.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-18 22:35:17 UTC in vault item: fy_flyby Comment #1313
(Its counterstrike there are no monsters)