
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-25 21:26:44 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68266
moment of silence
Well, that's awkward. Still, I love my foxgirl more than everything, so it's not going to happen.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-25 20:53:48 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68223
Kisses on the mouth are also fine.

Don't let this sex-negative prude poison your mind.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-25 20:53:14 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68265
OOOOOHH, you meant kissing in the mouth and/or boyfriend-girlfriend relationships!? Hell no.

After all, I've got Jody, my furry girlfriend, remember? Wow, she'll turn 19 in December, time flies so fast. (and yes, she's a bit less than 4 years older than me, OK?)
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-25 20:46:35 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68170
Kisses on the cheek are fine.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-25 16:28:30 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68264
Hello. :)

Wow, over 50 comments, thank you people. :D
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-25 15:59:50 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68222
'Ello. How's the wife?
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-25 15:36:21 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68234
Just gonna drop in to say hello.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-25 12:10:05 UTC in journal: #3046 Comment #49833
I put in a request to write a tut years ago but it got rejected :(

at least I don't use Bigpond
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-25 11:58:52 UTC in journal: #255 Comment #38187
nah hes just being modest
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-25 11:30:54 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68238
Haven't been at elementary school prom, but I attended technical graduation one. It was neutral... too neutral, as I met my partner just one day before it...
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-25 10:24:45 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68263
Wait, you mean to not kiss my cousin in the cheeks? Kissing my relatives anyhow is a thing I stopped doing years ago.

Prom is neutral. It depends on the situation.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-25 00:48:06 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68182
Death from a sprained ankle? What a way to go.

Also Garfield is pretty swell, if you want to have a good time (and who doesn't) you should look up "Garfield minus Garfield" and prepare for the laughs
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-24 23:21:18 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68221
False. Prom is the worst.

At least, my prom was. I went stag, danced with my friend's ex and he got jealous, and then at afterprom I ran an obstacle course 20 times until I sprained my ankle and died.

And there's nothing wrong with kissing your cousin.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-24 21:56:56 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68169
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-24 19:09:08 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68262
So, I'm done with the semester and 0th grade and elementary school altogether. I finished my biology report and got an A as soon as I had started reading the 3rd page, I showed a presentation about CS 1.6 in Turkish today (and freed around 3.5GB of space because I don't need that raw footage any more), and this night I finished programming an mBot to follow a line.

Yeah, I'm done! I'M A FREE BIRD!!!! Oh right, there's the prom in Friday, darn...
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-24 18:26:25 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68212
Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-24 18:07:12 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68220
Ay you folks like Garfield?
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-24 12:44:20 UTC in journal: #4226 Comment #46994
Well this is awkward
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-24 12:37:06 UTC in journal: #8177 Comment #65791
Oh Darny darn you guys started without me
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-24 12:13:11 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68261
Well... 40th comment. New personal record. :D

My only problem with Germany is that I didn't have German in school. Basically, my stupid classmates voted for Turkish in 6th grade.

So I'll probably get German in high school. But I'm worried that I won't know anything. Ah well, we will see how it goes.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-23 21:18:44 UTC in vault item: de_vine Comment #21000
I remember this map.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-23 16:53:39 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68260
Lol, Bruce is OK, I don't have anything against him. It's just that some members make jokes which I take seriously and then I make a scene out of it. It's perfectly normal.

Ah well, whatever happens, let's hope for the best.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-23 14:50:03 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68236
Federal elections in Germany coming this september, iirc. For your sake, i hope Merkel gets to keep the reins :)
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-23 10:26:37 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68327

If not this "bastard", I'd never figure out that I forgot to wadinclude de_vegas.wad while compiling dm_ascension. It's probably the first person who has given any feedback to me.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-23 09:50:07 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68237
Here lies a post. May it rest in pieces.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-23 08:36:13 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68259
My morning is relatively fine. It's close to noon here and I'm literally in school, enjoying my last days of elementary school, while reading these comments.

Well, there were exceptions. I was once really mad at Bruce because he made a joke about the graphics. Just stop comparing Far Cry 1 to SNES! It's a PC game from the same year as Half-Life 2! (that's what's going on in my mind) That cheeky bastard...

But even when I do get mad, I usually cool down in a matter of hours. Now I remember how Jessie gave me a log-out link of TWHL when I said the only jokes I liked were memes. Oh, the good old days. :]
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-23 03:34:23 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68181
I think its funny that people like Archie and Jessie often make cynical or sarcastic comments to what Admer says but Admer is so chilled that the comments just bounce right off him haha
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-23 03:33:45 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68211
It's morning and I'm sipping my cup of tea. Decided to come back to TWHL to make this journal pointlessly longer.

How is your morning guys? It's a bit chilly here and I'm about to go get some package I received from China( an Orange Pi).
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-23 02:14:53 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68217
twhl is just so good at being a magnet for kids. I think its good
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 22:33:29 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68197
Man, I don't know whether to laugh or cry from frustration. I'm starting to think there might be a genuine mental/social dysfunction of some sort at work here, and I really don't know how to respond to that.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 21:24:51 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68168
Hmm, you're right - it may have been perceived as a joke. I certainly don't want that.

Jessie, just to clarify matters: I wasn't joking in the slightest when I called you a cut-throat bitch and no part of what I've contributed to this journal should be taken in any other sense than purely literal and serious.

Any accidental or collateral humour perceived and/or caused by the things I've said should be immediately disregarded.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 20:53:48 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68258
Shh, if she hasn't replied by now, she must've thought of the insult either as a joke, or she accepted the insult. I don't know, really.

Speaking of insults, I'd never insult anyone because I remember getting very upset because I wrote "Oh shut up" to someone in Discord. XD
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 20:03:36 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68167
I have a sneaking suspicion that Jessie wasn't insulted, but I could be wrong.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 17:43:37 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68257
I'm making a short documentary-like film for Turkish class. Basically, it says some basic things about the game, and I show off some maps, including a few demo maps (just for show, lel), and some of my actual maps as well as others' maps.

I hope to have it done before Wednesday...
See, I'm only left with recording my voice, finishing demo_2 (the helicopter map) and actually rendering the video.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 15:52:21 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68326
Ok, now this journal is actually shoutBOX 2.0
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 15:18:28 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68322
Hey, which documentary are you making?
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 14:43:43 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68256
Because I'm trying to write that biology report, after which I will work on that Turkish CS 1.6 documentary, after which I'll work on programming a robot for an online competition and THEN I will work on a map.

I just love meaningless conversations like this, lol.

Edit: And hooray! 24 comments! I have never had more than this.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 14:33:27 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68325
So much ado about nothing. Why wouldn't you go and, I don't know, make some maps for the vault?
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 14:17:22 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68255
@The Mad Carrot
I really thought that nobody understood what I was saying (maybe except Jessie, lol), so I actually had to write this entire thing.
I often don't recognise sarcasm on the Internet. I only recognise it in speech if you stress a specific word or two. And essentially, saying "I don't understand this" despite understanding it is a lie, at least in my perspective. So, every bit of sarcasm is a lie (in my eyes), and I don't like lies.

P.S. I really want to correct that "was" to "were" but I won't. I'm odd, aren't I? (feel free to correct me, I'm always up for improvements)
Well... I can't say it doesn't make sense. Alright. And what does the "Make a joke mean"? Who made the joke, me or you, or a 3rd person? The imperative form confuses me.

"It's all in good spirits, don't worry."
I know, I know. But my reactions will always be inevitable, regardless of what others say.

Though, don't insult Jessie like that. I wouldn't have done that if I had been you. She called me various names: a banana, a comma, a grammar, and so on... Lots of funny moments, and I appreciate that as something which I can remember that one particular member with.
I see her as either my best enemy or my worst friend, lol.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 14:16:40 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68196
I know I have. If only there were some way to refresh my memory... Oh well, maybe someday.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 14:13:44 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68166
If you think I've forgotten about all your Rocket League foul-play, you're gravely mistaken.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 14:10:12 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68195
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 13:21:20 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68165
Make a joke based on you over-explaining things in the shoutbox.
In response, you over-explain the topic of the joke in a journal.

Dictionary definition irony.

It's all in good spirits, don't worry :) ¹

¹ Except for Jessie; she's just a cut-throat bitch.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 12:43:49 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68194
I'd be careful if I was you. He hates sarcasm.

(That, incidentally, was irony.)
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 12:11:07 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68159
Admer-jokes. They're real!

Seriously now, you really had to explain it all? My last comment about me not understanding was just me being sarcastic. I've been playing Half-Life and mapping for it since, I don't know, 2000/2001-ish? I knew about Half-Life in Germany and its absence of blood and gore before you were born even, pretty much.

But it's all good, no hard feelings. :)
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 11:24:15 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68254
What's so ironic about this journal? I don't see any iron here! xD (now that's a pun)

But on a serious note, what's so ironic about it?
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 04:39:02 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68210
Prost is a drinking toast in German.

Heheh, I know. It just sounds funny :D.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 04:19:23 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68253
Tendency to over-explain things? Well, I might be a good tutorial writer, then.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-22 02:01:46 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68180
this was actually a pretty humorous journal to read, especially the 'blah blah blah (ok I couldn't think of anything else)' bit haha