
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-13 16:00:52 UTC in journal: #8401 Comment #61164
No, not that Potatis. A problem with most of those packs is that the music is usually a direct convert from a YouTube video or in terrible MP1 or MP2 quality. I prefer to actually have my soundcard itself emulate the original sound, plus an added benefit is to hear other games that were meant to have the soundfont, but don't have any music packs. There is literally a soundfont that someone had created to emulate most of the SC-55 and it is awesome. If your soundcard is integrated, get the BassMIDI drivers and the soundfont, but if it is a Creative soundcard then I think you can actually configure it through a tool that comes with it.
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Commented 10 years ago2014-07-13 02:43:21 UTC in journal: #8401 Comment #61144
I agree with Suture about Brutal Doom. It messes with the pace and flow of Doom in ways I don't like, and the excess gore becomes very boring quickly. It also chucks a lot of weird 'next-gen' features in there like a bloody screen (so real!) and lens flares galore that stand out like a sore thumb. Lots of stuff that just sort of gets in the way of the core gameplay.

But you may like it, it puts less emphasis on controlling crowds or rooms, and more on the 'visceral' act of killing individual dudes. I'm a vanilla guy when it comes to old school shooters.

Also I totally forgot about that Heretic chicken thing. That was amazing!
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Commented 10 years ago2014-07-13 00:04:55 UTC in journal: #8401 Comment #61156 has music packs recorded with an SC-55. I haven't tried them yet.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-12 23:18:16 UTC in journal: #8399 Comment #54550
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-12 23:15:36 UTC in journal: #8401 Comment #61154
^ Yessir! ;P

I want to get that midi thingie for some of my other MSDOS dos games too.. Can u emulate it or do you need the chip? <starts googling Chocolate Doom>
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-12 21:55:46 UTC in journal: #8399 Comment #54554
Fine job.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-12 19:49:18 UTC in journal: #8401 Comment #61163
Brutal Doom is awful. Don't follow Urby or Brendanmint's advice if you don't want to get slapped across the head by me. If you're looking for the most vanilla experience possible, check out Chocolate Doom. I used to use zDoom since it was one of my favorite source ports but now that I've discovered Chocolate Doom, it's all I play with. I also recommend getting some decent midi drivers and checking out an SC-55 midi thingy so you can listen to the Doom music in the quality that Bobby Price originally composed and heard it in.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-12 01:41:56 UTC in journal: #8399 Comment #54541
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Bateman will help you cut that cake.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-11 23:43:14 UTC in journal: #8401 Comment #61153
Bok-bok-bok-bok-bok-bok, BOK! :P
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-11 21:44:24 UTC in journal: #8401 Comment #61147
download it and type "idkfa"
you get turned into a chicken and a message displays "Trying to cheat eh?"
It's temporary, but good fun in the first level.
You can fly and peck enemies.
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FPS chicken
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-11 21:20:31 UTC in journal: #8401 Comment #61152
I've heard good things about Heretic--like I think turning people into chickens?--, but I never playt it.. Added to the list =P
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-11 21:03:39 UTC in journal: #8401 Comment #61146
Heretic was fantastic too.
That was my first shooter.
Never finished a doom game.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-11 20:07:00 UTC in journal: #8401 Comment #61159
I was actually planning on doing Brutal Doom for a second playthrough - it's the reason I finally got around to buying the games.

And yeah, Strider, I agree. I think a lot of people would consider it a dumb corridor shooter, since there's not much in the way of story development, but the levels in Doom are some of the best mazes I've seen inside or outside of a shooter - just getting through one level takes more thought than 90% of modern FPS games. Combine that with the enemy AI and the weapons, and you have spot-on gameplay that takes little work to get into but much to master.

I've done all 3 original episodes of Doom I and am what I think is most of the way through Doom II, and the only reason I stopped there is because I've been playing all day long and felt the need to get something productive done besides admiring/analyzing classic gameplay design.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-11 18:43:08 UTC in journal: #8401 Comment #61151
All the Doom II memories are coming back now, what fun! Thanks for the tips Urby/Brendan! =P
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-11 17:10:50 UTC in journal: #8401 Comment #61161
FUCKING URBY. STOLE MY FUCKING SUGGESTION. Building off of what Urby said, seems you already have GzDoom, which is nice, but if you ever want to play multiplayer I'd recommend Zandronum, playing Brutal Doom on a LAN with friends is fun as hell. Me and my friend used to do it in school everyday. But it's the best, if you like pixel gore, get it, because you do. Nothing beats kicking demons while flipping them off yelling "GO FUCK YOURSELF", then ripping them to shreds with your bare hands. Nothing.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-11 12:16:07 UTC in journal: #8401 Comment #61145
1. Go to MODDB.
2. Download Brutal Doom.
3. Wonder how you ever got by without it.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-11 04:30:10 UTC in journal: #8401 Comment #61143
Still a bloody great game, and definitely not a corridor shooter! The level design is sort of semi-non-linear and largely abstract. Lots of wide areas to demonstrate it's speed and maneuverability (I think there's about 3 hitscan enemies in the entire game, everything else can be dodged with skill). I really miss this style of level design.

"Corridor shooter" makes me think of games that are literally funneling you down one path. There are levels in Doom way larger than most modern shooters, which is pretty strange.

Smart move using a source port too, the modding scene has been really good to Id games. I like playing their games as vanilla as possible, just with better modern compatibility, no new out-of-place bells and whistles.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-11 04:21:15 UTC in journal: #8401 Comment #61150
Aw, it misses the Doom!
On my to-do list of games to replay!
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-10 21:12:58 UTC in journal: #8399 Comment #54542
Happy Belated =]
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Commented 10 years ago2014-07-10 18:32:47 UTC in journal: #8399 Comment #54544
By looking at the number of this journal my good man.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-10 17:58:30 UTC in journal: #8399 Comment #54549
How thou claimeth thine dubsz0rz?
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-10 00:01:38 UTC in journal: #8399 Comment #54543
OP claiming dubs.
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Commented 10 years ago2014-07-09 22:57:22 UTC in journal: #8399 Comment #54548
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-09 21:06:48 UTC in journal: #8399 Comment #54555
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Commented 10 years ago2014-07-09 15:30:34 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42324
Scientist hunt looks like a kill box. :/

Anyway Started a thread.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-09 14:54:44 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42316
This sort of reminds me of scientist hunt.

Does anyone remember this mod? It had one of my favorite half life maps to date "endless rain".

The game was simple, just run around the level and kill scientists. You also were equipped with three extra weapons, a double barrel sawed off shotgun that could fire single shot or duel, a huge hammer that flung scientists into the air or smashed them, and of course a chainsaw.

You could also play as a scientist and inject enemies with a needle.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-09 09:07:08 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42329
So why not regular headcrabs? They're difficult enough to find sometimes.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-09 08:56:13 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42315
Yea i'd be willing to help make caves that don't compile ;)
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-08 16:47:36 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42323
Rats can walk very slowly along path_corners.
I haven't looked into SoHL and if the rats might be different in some way.

Why explosives work so well is because the origin, which is just a point, is calculated for explosives. It makes sense because it's one point to calculate rather that calculating blast damage for every hitbox. It's what I would do to. :/

In theory a crossbow bolt could work if the bolt's hitbox has the rat's origin inside it. It would then deal the damage... only in theory though. That kind of aim is uncanny and would be unreliable.

Should we make a thread for this? Call it "Black Mesa: X-Squad!"

EDIT: If this becomes a mod thing, we can do more. I could reskin the keycard or the weaponbox to look like the rat... or red coins for the lulz.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-08 14:45:52 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42314
I think this game calls for spirit of half life. Imagine making a func_train that was also a button with shootable flag enabled... Bam you have a critter ;)
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-08 13:12:22 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42334
Crossbow didn't work? Huh.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-08 12:35:30 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42322
I couldn't manage to kill a rat with anything other than explosives like grenades, ar grenades, satchels, rockets, and tripmines. Rats DO have hit boxes around their hip and torso, but the hbox ID is 0 being generic where as 3, 4, 9, are hip, torso, and head.

I wonder if I had an HD pack version of the rat or something. None of my attempts to fix anything worked.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-08 12:12:57 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42313
This game sounds like a pretty cool idea.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-08 09:44:13 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42312
Tested the monster_generic/roach idea, and it sort of works, but you're stuck with a giant bounding box and the roach bleeds human blood/gibs a giant skull.

monster_generic 'Take Damage' > Relay (kill monster_generic) > Multi Manager

Roach disappears, leaves a big red splat when you whack it, triggers the manager. Not totally ideal. Bloody Goldsource!

Rats might be a better choice.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-08 08:14:38 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42333
You can find some in the hazard course, in the target range. Only place I'm aware of.

Just went there are had a stuff around with them. They seem to be able to take some kind of commands, as some are walking around when the map starts, then they reach a certain point and don't move again. Don't know whether that's coded or just entity work.
When stationary, they seem to turn to look at you if you're nearby to some extent, like scientists. You can't hit them with bullets, the egon gun or the crowbar (or snarks, obviously), or so it would seem. The gauss gun I'm not sure about, I killed one with it (and gibbed it with it afterwards) but I couldn't do the same to another. Explosions kill and gib as per usual. Also worth noting is that the crossbow seems to have no trouble killing them.
On the topic of killing them, their death animation loops about three times and then they freeze. Obviously wasn't coded too rigorously.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-08 06:11:29 UTC in journal: #8399 Comment #54553
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-08 05:49:23 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42339
I dunno, sounds kinda like a glorified scavenger hunt, really.

Though, I just got an idea for a map where you're chasing after a headcrab with a crowbar, and the headcrab jumps away wherever you find it, and you have to solve puzzles to progress towards it...

Hmm... give me a moment.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-08 05:13:31 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42338
Since when are there rats in Half Life? I don't remember them AT ALL...
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-08 00:26:08 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42321
Good question Strider, I haven't tried a monster_generic yet.
The roach has the trigger and target stuff respectively, but I found that for no reason it doesn't trigger anything on death.

I also tried a work around using a giant trigger brush. Monsters only trigger it when they move, so its unreliable. Interesting findings all around....
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-07 23:47:12 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42311
I'm fuzzy with Goldsource, so insult me if this is stupid, but when you say the roach code is incomplete and won't trigger on death, is that just with the monster_cockroach? Can we use a monster_generic with 'Take Damage' to trigger it, or something like that?
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-07 18:34:01 UTC in journal: #8399 Comment #54547
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Commented 10 years ago2014-07-07 17:15:31 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42320
if the monster is stuck in a wall, fireflies will show up and give its location away.

There are so many ways to do it. Possibly a map pack could be made of this.

Also, I stand corrected that leeches don't work for this. Rats it is for then :] But geez everytime I go to do something kinda cool, the HL code or otherwise just gets in the way.

EDIT: I tried fixing the rat's hit boxes but it didn't work. So I guess we'll just have to be clever with the grenades...

I was thinking each time you kill a rat, you get some grenades. That way the game is perpetuating, but if you waste all of your nades guessing or missing, you run out and essentially lose. I have some triggerwork to do but, once again, its simple.
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-07 17:05:59 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42335
Sounds fun rimmeh! =P
Commented 10 years ago2014-07-07 16:48:14 UTC in journal: #8400 Comment #42332
Could you use the rat model (generic or whatever), and an invisible button that triggers on hit, with some multi_manager trickery...?