I got a really weird idea and it's hopefully not too weird.
In a nutshell, it's a singleplayer mini-game type where the player hunts down headcrabs tucked away in hidden locations. Kind of like an exterminator. Baby-crabs in HL1 work well for this because they are tiny and can hide in more locations. I tried experimenting with cockroaches in the original idea, but their code is incomplete and they trigger nothing when they are killed. The next smallest is baby-crabs so that's why its crab hunt and not roach hunt.
It would certainly be interesting to craft a small and detailed environment and stash 50 crabs in it to be found. Lots of interesting puzzles could be made of it too.
Would be more interesting if we each made a level and strung them together in a mod. All default resources would do nicely for it I suppose.
Could be an interesting variation on Deathmatch, with the players being scored on how many 'crabs they get rather than kills. Might be difficult to rig that up though.
On second thought, you could use a monster generic for that too right?
Would be fun to see players tearing open a place to find crabs
I made a zombie hunt map before It was fun.
I like the vanilla asset idea because then we don't need coding.
However, it'd be neat if you could toss a counter in there and have a 'Par' like doom.
Secrets found / Total Secrets.
It'd be like finding the 8 red coins in super mario 64
I want to do this!
Manually place all of the crabs and have them target a game_counter on death, then have the counter target the game win stuff. I'm thinking the system vox basically say something like "doop level clear" then quit or level change. Simple simple simple stuff.
Go nuts.
So baby crab are a lot bigger than I thought. Though they are the smallest enemy in the game aside from the roaches.
I forgot about the rats. Though you can't shoot them, they are killed by explosions only.
Leeches work. Killed by anything, tiny, fully working code. I'm going to use leeches. Though rats sound incredibly tempting....
There are so many ways to do it. Possibly a map pack could be made of this.
Also, I stand corrected that leeches don't work for this. Rats it is for then :] But geez everytime I go to do something kinda cool, the HL code or otherwise just gets in the way.
EDIT: I tried fixing the rat's hit boxes but it didn't work. So I guess we'll just have to be clever with the grenades...
I was thinking each time you kill a rat, you get some grenades. That way the game is perpetuating, but if you waste all of your nades guessing or missing, you run out and essentially lose. I have some triggerwork to do but, once again, its simple.
The roach has the trigger and target stuff respectively, but I found that for no reason it doesn't trigger anything on death.
I also tried a work around using a giant trigger brush. Monsters only trigger it when they move, so its unreliable. Interesting findings all around....
Though, I just got an idea for a map where you're chasing after a headcrab with a crowbar, and the headcrab jumps away wherever you find it, and you have to solve puzzles to progress towards it...
Hmm... give me a moment.
Just went there are had a stuff around with them. They seem to be able to take some kind of commands, as some are walking around when the map starts, then they reach a certain point and don't move again. Don't know whether that's coded or just entity work.
When stationary, they seem to turn to look at you if you're nearby to some extent, like scientists. You can't hit them with bullets, the egon gun or the crowbar (or snarks, obviously), or so it would seem. The gauss gun I'm not sure about, I killed one with it (and gibbed it with it afterwards) but I couldn't do the same to another. Explosions kill and gib as per usual. Also worth noting is that the crossbow seems to have no trouble killing them.
On the topic of killing them, their death animation loops about three times and then they freeze. Obviously wasn't coded too rigorously.
monster_generic 'Take Damage' > Relay (kill monster_generic) > Multi Manager
Roach disappears, leaves a big red splat when you whack it, triggers the manager. Not totally ideal. Bloody Goldsource!
Rats might be a better choice.
I wonder if I had an HD pack version of the rat or something. None of my attempts to fix anything worked.
I haven't looked into SoHL and if the rats might be different in some way.
Why explosives work so well is because the origin, which is just a point, is calculated for explosives. It makes sense because it's one point to calculate rather that calculating blast damage for every hitbox. It's what I would do to. :/
In theory a crossbow bolt could work if the bolt's hitbox has the rat's origin inside it. It would then deal the damage... only in theory though. That kind of aim is uncanny and would be unreliable.
Should we make a thread for this? Call it "Black Mesa: X-Squad!"
EDIT: If this becomes a mod thing, we can do more. I could reskin the keycard or the weaponbox to look like the rat... or red coins for the lulz.
Does anyone remember this mod? It had one of my favorite half life maps to date "endless rain".
The game was simple, just run around the level and kill scientists. You also were equipped with three extra weapons, a double barrel sawed off shotgun that could fire single shot or duel, a huge hammer that flung scientists into the air or smashed them, and of course a chainsaw.
You could also play as a scientist and inject enemies with a needle.
Anyway Started a thread.
Aka this is me kinda pushing a map pack I made a few maps for for the mod for fun. Please click me.