Commented 16 years ago2008-11-29 21:26:42 UTC
in wiki page: Tutorial: SoundscapesComment #100766
The problem is that you don't have to write the map's name. example: "soundscapes_venetia.txt". Just name it "soundscapes" and thats it!... It will apply to all maps compiled...
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-16 12:38:22 UTC
in wiki page: Tutorial: SoundscapesComment #100762
Okay... I finally cracked it. The .txt file need's to be the FULL name of the map. For example: my map is named: "aim_test", the .txt file name has do contain the "aim_test" name in it. Just test or .._test isn't enough.
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-09 13:03:34 UTC
in vault item: dm_mudancheeComment #16702
Vau.... This is the best map i have ever seen! Although this isn't "perfect" map than it it brilliant! Everything is 10/10 although the texture resolution on the rocks could been better... Spot on Captain P! The 2.5years working on it has bayed off!
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: 'dm_bulk' is not a valid BSP file
map load failed: dm_bulk not found or invalid
It would be nice if you fixed the problem. TY..