
Commented 16 years ago2008-02-03 19:43:35 UTC in vault item: Ren_Test2 Comment #16327
Challenging? Yes. Too difficult? No. You just have to analyze the hand you're being dealt with the energy ball. You may get lucky on switch 3 trying to place the blue portal on a "portable" spot just before the energy ball hits but don't bet on it.

Also I still never figured out how I got the "booth" to pop up for switch 2. I knew it would eventually show and took it then.

Great Level! Portal rocks m/ and so does this level. Can't wait for valve to release a Portal II - Thx

BTW - After making me go through that to get all of the final three switches I was expecting an add'l puzzle when I got through the door. In the words of GLaDOS, "You broke my heart."