
Commented 19 years ago2005-02-04 10:05:53 UTC in vault item: Solids not rendering - O'Reilly Comment #5875

Thanks a lot for the advice - I've put some more effort into the map since I created this post. I've been running with just the CSG and BSP tools for the most part but I did do a full compile overnight just to make sure everything was in order.

I'll check out Andy's tutorial now, thanks for the tip.

And, RabidMonkey - I think I just ran BSP on normal, I'm not familiar with EntsOnly, what is it?

Thanks again
Commented 19 years ago2005-02-04 09:52:11 UTC in vault item: Leak - O'Reilly - getting better Comment #5873
Hey thanks to all for the advice!!

Hey dandyli0n,

Thanks so much - I owe you big time for finding that. I was getting VERY bothered and irritated by the whole thing. I shall take your advice and up my grid size to 8 - in my defence though the map is partly a relic from Quake (that's the excuse I'm using anyway!)

Quick question though, if I load a pointfile - is it the game that I load it into and not the editor??
