
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-25 23:06:36 UTC in journal: #7981 Comment #43773
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-25 10:39:24 UTC in journal: #7982 Comment #55935
What? I'm just saying that my mum is totally fucking useless.

"Are you really this literal or purposefully nitwitted?"

Commented 11 years ago2012-09-25 10:29:24 UTC in journal: #7982 Comment #55934
10. Wet Wipes - Never ever used and never want to.
09. Lint Rollers--the sticky things that you peel off - Yup, though you can save money with a Sticky Buddy. :P
08. Plasti-rubber sandals--the nike ones last for fucking-ever. - Sandals are the single most uncomfortable thing to wear on your feet, second only to a bag of phlegm.
07. headlamps (headtorches for the engrish?) - "Headlights" belong on a car, but I agree that they are pretty bloody useful. :P
06. Individually-wrapped anything - Agree
05. spray bottles - Agree
04. non-dairy, powdered coffee creamer (this stuff saves lives) - Never heard of.
03. Santa Hats - Not really an "everyday" item unless you live in a mental asylum or lapland.
02. zip ties - Never use
01. yer mum - Totally fucking useless.

So, I only really use 30% of these everyday items and that's only because I purposefully misunderstood "headlights"
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-25 08:44:07 UTC in journal: #7981 Comment #43772
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-24 22:12:51 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45761
@digi... no? You're confused about the last time we went out.
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-24 16:42:34 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45760
@Stojke. Little tip. Never suggest drinking less to a Scotsman. A sober night up there is practically blasphemy and treason rolled into one.
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-22 14:33:27 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43754
I had an issue with BF3 crashing to desktop when I first started playing it. Then I did something to fix it and it has never happened since.

Trouble is, I can't for the life of me remember what I did... I think it was related to my connection and it quit to desktop whenever I lost connection to the server.

Do you get a message at all when it jumps back to desktop Pb? Is it related to the connection or is it just your bog standard "boop. I'm dead" kinda thing?
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-19 22:20:43 UTC in journal: #7976 Comment #44860
Talking like a pirate:

"I'm going to play a bunch of games I never paid for in case it turned out I didn't like them."
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-19 21:46:18 UTC in journal: #7976 Comment #44859
Arrr, I be rememberin' too late that it be talk-like-a-pirate day. I gots me 15 minutes to be makin' the most of it. Arrr.

By the gods, this house be dry! Nary a bottle o' rum in sight.
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-18 22:23:02 UTC in journal: #7975 Comment #45739
Web design yields instant results. I am jealous.
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-14 19:35:44 UTC in journal: #7968 Comment #58137
I was going to do a let's play, but now that the install is finally done you can all fuck a cunt. :D
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-14 18:17:43 UTC in journal: #7968 Comment #58136
Mine did too. Somebody on MODDB was kind enough to link to a german gaming site with a mirror.

5% downloaded in 3 mins.

Happy again.
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-14 18:02:06 UTC in journal: #7968 Comment #58135
Can't even find a download willing to complete before Sunday. :(
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-14 13:55:55 UTC in journal: #7967 Comment #43729
Half expecting the site to come back up with just a massive troll face.
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-14 12:07:28 UTC in journal: #7967 Comment #43728
Well, that is also very exciting. Not so much in a new free videogame kind of way, but in a moving on with your life kind of way. :D
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-14 10:52:00 UTC in journal: #7967 Comment #43727
3 hours to go.

There are only 2 gamers in my office, including me. The other, our tech, has an elaborate plan which would force the office to close early.

"We'd only lose Friday afternoon's business (aka. none) and we'd be home in time to make a cup of coffee before starting the download."

Seriously though, when 5pm rolls around I will be heading home with my foot on the floor and my wipers on full.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-03 16:28:12 UTC in journal: #7960 Comment #45730
Have fun producing posts. Maybe you can get a staff discount on fences. :D
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-02 07:00:34 UTC in journal: #7959 Comment #40189
Amen to that.

"I'm not that bad am I?"

Commented 11 years ago2012-09-02 06:53:59 UTC in journal: #7959 Comment #40188
Trapt... I never thought I'd be happy to see one of your posts! FUCK!

I kid :P
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-01 00:00:00 UTC in vault item: Carbaseus Comment #32836
Architecture — 8.5
Texturing — 8
Ambience — 7.5
Lighting — 9
Gameplay — 9

Carbaseus Review

Because the TWHL community ultimately failed at voting for July’s map of the month, the reviewing team decided that we just wouldn’t bother reviewing anything for the ungrateful fuckers. Then we had the idea of reviewing a classic map instead, if not just to stop idiots asking where July’s review was.Carbaseus was first uploaded to TWHL’s map vault in 2004 by a mysterious user known as K7. The description of the map states that although it was intended for the mod Rocket Crowbar, it’s pretty good fun in HLDM. K7 claims this to be his best work and a fitting end to mapping for GoldSource. Whether or not he did stay true to his word is unknown, since this is the only map he ever uploaded to TWHL and hasn’t been seen since.Well, I for one would like to say that that is a real damn shame, because this is probably the most entertaining map to play in HLDM ever. This map was featured on the once popular TWHL HLDM server and with 8 or more people was an absolute blast to play. When we sat down to review it, there were only 3 of us, and I still reckon that despite often not seeing another player for a good few minutes at a time, this map still manages to be an absolute joy to explore.Carbaseus appears to be latin for the work linen, despite the fact that there is a large amount of canvas in the map. Combined with the visible support brackets, pine panels and glass surfaces, this looks like the kind of thing you could buy flatpacked from Ikea, possible assembled by a drunk orangutan with tools made of ketchup. While on the surface the architecture seems fairly basic, when you take a second to really look at it you notice that everything looks structurally sound. The map is littered with support beams and railings and the canvas covers are held in place with little brackets. It’s a strange feeling looking at this bizarre mish-mash of materials, which at the same time feels very real.Texturing again, is something which appears to be very basic and even a little uncoordinated at a glance. Most of it looks as though it was just slapped on to the maps faces because it most likely was. However this strange slap-dash texture work does even more to complement the crazy brushwork seen throughout the map.The lighting is a little bit of a let down. There are some nice variations in areas such as the teleport room and the lower hallways, but overall the map sticks to sky lighting. While there are some interested darker areas because of this, a lot of the maps light just feels very standard. I can only imagine how much potential this map has for a night time version.Ambience is another element which is pulled off beautifully. You can hear the wind sweeping through the alcoves and over ledges in the main arena, while around the edges you can hear it slapping against the canvas outer walls. It’s a really nice effect and it’s something that more mappers should put more effort into.The gameplay is where Carbaseus really stands out, or at least, where it once did. This map has so much to offer in terms of gameplay. Not only is the main arena huge, encouraging simply massive battles with large groups of free for all players, its also perfect for sniping, quite unlike last month’s winning AWP based CSS map. However, the more players you pile into the game, the less likely a single crossbow user will dominate the battlefield, simply because there are so many angles of exposure from which they could get countersniped. Also, the players have access to many tunnels and passages which run below the main arena, meaning close quarter engagements and explosive traps are both likely occurrences. With fewer players however, the map can easily be controlled by the sniper, and considering the scarcity of HLDM servers with more than three or four players these days, Carbaseus, much like it’s creator, runs the risk of getting lost in the past.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-31 06:55:20 UTC in journal: #7956 Comment #45719
There some who say the glass is half full and others who say the glass is half empty. Then there are a few who say "This isn't my glass! My glass was full AND it was bigger!"
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-30 10:09:11 UTC in journal: #7954 Comment #60977
"Gays is Homosexual!"

lol'd for so very many reasons.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-29 21:34:41 UTC in journal: #7953 Comment #60006
A balcony with windows... foreign buildings are strange. Balconies don't have windows.
User posted image
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-29 12:56:49 UTC in journal: #7953 Comment #60005
Can't believe we got to the eighth post before somebody asked that...
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-25 14:13:01 UTC in journal: #7946 Comment #43716
Dead? Nah.

Butt hurt? Most likely, yes.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-24 13:49:16 UTC in journal: #7947 Comment #49378

I can honestly say that I cannot imagine how much that must have hurt.

I personally have never broken a single bone in my body. I guess it's one of the perks of being, as Archie would say, the most bland man on the planet.

I wish you a speedy recovery (That would be nine months, rather than twelve) :)
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-23 13:49:37 UTC in journal: #7943 Comment #45706
Yup. Archie and I are constantly mentioning cgtextures. You will not find a better source of textures anywhere. Google is ok, but you never know where those images are coming from or what copyright laws are protecting them. CGTextures is totally and utterly FREE!

Hell, they even tile some of the images themselves to save you the trouble. :D
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-17 07:20:51 UTC in journal: #7938 Comment #43712
Well, I just found this:

Can't we just point SnC at that?
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-17 06:48:50 UTC in journal: #7939 Comment #63883
Acne. So much acne. :(
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-16 11:55:46 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58100
Oh man. I love seeing update shots like those on your blog. Make's me feel warm, fuzzy and nerdy as fuck.

CS:GO is ok so far. I'd prefer to play with more than 9 other people (or bots, ugh) though.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-16 11:03:34 UTC in journal: #7938 Comment #43711
It wasn't bad as such. It wasn't exactly great either. The point is, I just don't have it.

Also, no. It's a fresh new forum.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-13 17:08:17 UTC in journal: #7935 Comment #48637
Holy shit, it's Sajo... again. I have a happy.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-12 08:26:12 UTC in journal: #7933 Comment #45692
He thought the card was fae Blue. Fuck sake.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-09 14:09:39 UTC in journal: #7931 Comment #43705
Of course, you can still see a lot of these level designs in HL2:
  • The beginning of the Ravenholm demo is where you fight your first fast zombie.
  • The combine were cut completely from this area so the rooftop dumpster trap was scrapped and is now where you acquire the shotgun from Grigori, etc.
  • The highway chase / gunship battle hasn't really changed at all apart from the fact that you have to use a magnet to get your buggy off the beach now.
  • The Kliener's lab scene occured earlier (I get the impression that the demo version was set later on in the plot) and was generally a lot less interactive, which is a shame.
The thing that gets me is stuff like the vending machine which busts open when hit by the radiator and some of the other destructible/interactive elements you see in the video. Valve kinda just, removed all that stuff huh? I'm no expert in Source but I'm pretty certain the engine was capable of handling that sort of destruction back then.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-09 10:53:22 UTC in journal: #7928 Comment #55342
I still have a beast!

Trouble is, it's natural environment would be somewhere up north, covered in snow. Overheats like a motherfucker. :(
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-09 10:51:22 UTC in journal: #7929 Comment #67009
I'm holding out for the single player campaign to be added.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-08 20:33:36 UTC in journal: #7931 Comment #43704
I just love the bullshit that the presenter is feeding the audience. If you've ever played the E3 Demo leak you can see that it is scripted to fuck, and that still goes on at E3 these days too. :P
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-07 13:23:21 UTC in journal: #7926 Comment #49368
Eddie Izzard on moon rock:

"Rock Neil!? Really? I don't know if you looked at the Earth before you left but it's made of fucking rock. Oooh, did you see Neil, on the shares market, rock went up three points. No, it didn't did it, because it's fuckin' rock!"
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-07 08:55:27 UTC in journal: #7925 Comment #59998
You will be.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-07 08:50:54 UTC in journal: #7926 Comment #49367
I laughed Strider. I must now end my life.

I too am looking forward to HD images and videos of a barren rock.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-06 11:40:46 UTC in journal: #7925 Comment #59997
What is your laptop make and model. There is most likely a key combination (e.g. Fn key + something else) to enable or disable numlock.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-05 15:24:25 UTC in journal: #7922 Comment #43695
I know man, I know.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-05 14:33:23 UTC in journal: #7924 Comment #44849
Was good. I'm not really a fan of CSS anymore, and the bots were annoying as Hell. The map though, is looking real nice and there is a fair amount of variety in the gameplay which is all you can ask for in a CS map really. The doors need to go though, or open once and stay open. Otherwise, damn good fun. :D
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-01 17:51:24 UTC in journal: #7920 Comment #43684
I grabbed that from Google Grimmeh. I know better than to have wordwrap on. :P
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-01 16:20:45 UTC in journal: #7920 Comment #43683
@stojke: Stay focused :P