
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-28 21:43:04 UTC in journal: #7537 Comment #43268
You've been talking about licking obscure things all day young Archie and quite frankly I'm worried.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-28 17:29:42 UTC in journal: #7537 Comment #43267
Can't at work. Gfx card got fried last week.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-28 13:26:05 UTC in journal: #7537 Comment #43266
Well, a lot of people have done that. So, it's even more irrelevant that the few of us turned up. I am now alone as everyone else has gone home.

They were told the days were non compulsory, I've been told jack and I need all the money I can get.

Commented 12 years ago2011-12-28 10:43:05 UTC in journal: #7537 Comment #43265
We're sitting around talking about Skyrim.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-25 21:39:11 UTC in journal: #7529 Comment #45443
Meh, cans mean boobs to me. Sounds good though.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-24 10:51:11 UTC in vault item: Merry Christmas to hlife_hotdog Comment #19669
Spirit comes with a couple of dlls in a folder called "Additional files you many need" which need to be added to the Half-Life folder.

Worked fine for me but I've been working with Spirit for as long as I can remember so I already had the files. :P
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-21 23:49:21 UTC in vault item: Merry Christmas to hlife_hotdog Comment #19672
LOL. Yeah GJ...

Mind you, having played through it and then checked the files afterwards, I have no fucking idea how it works.
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Commented 12 years ago2011-12-05 10:13:41 UTC in journal: #7497 Comment #43225
@Skals. I don't condone live feeding full stop. The argument owners give that "it's natural" is so fucking transparent when they are keeping the thing in a fucking glass tank. (no pun intended)
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-01 00:00:00 UTC in vault item: fy_dystopia Comment #32817
Architecture — 9.5
Texturing — 9
Ambience — 6
Lighting — 8
Gameplay — 8

Bottom Line:

It's astonishingly detailed, but at the end of the day I just can't understand why CS 1.6 was the game of choice for this map.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-26 12:23:49 UTC in journal: #7486 Comment #55847
I used Opera for a couple of years until I started working for QWS. Then I switched to Firefox because of it's web designer features. I recently switched to Chrome at home but now I'm back with FF again.

What can I say, it just seems to work best for me and as PB said, it works the way you want it to regarding add-ons. Even that image explains it.

"Fairly well-rounded but nearly unusable because of all its stupid add-ons."

Just remove or disable any add-ons you don't actually need and it runs a treat.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-26 12:16:35 UTC in journal: #7486 Comment #55846
Firefox has Firebug - I'm a web designer - 'nuff said.
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Commented 12 years ago2011-11-09 12:30:31 UTC in journal: #7470 Comment #45379
Lol'd hard at the DO NOT WANT photos.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-31 22:07:51 UTC in journal: #7457 Comment #45366
The downside: You are the worst Battlefield 3 owner ever.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-27 05:09:50 UTC in journal: #7451 Comment #43209
I was expecting ZP to be brought up (look in the tags) to the point where I think I've already got a plan for episode 2. :P
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-25 21:05:23 UTC in journal: #7449 Comment #60903
@Luke: You pre-ordered BF2? Wow, you're behind. :P

@JeffMOD: Nice! Pre-ordered it myself with my birthday money yesterday. BF3 too. :D
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-19 23:51:57 UTC in journal: #7444 Comment #45330
Same thing I do every year. Watching TV, Gaming and not answering the front door.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-17 10:52:59 UTC in journal: #7439 Comment #44801
Never heard of this guy. Watched a few of his other vids. Subbed.
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Commented 12 years ago2011-10-11 10:36:27 UTC in journal: #7435 Comment #57755
Blue Shift was certainly the shortest and weakest of the 3 official releases by Valve/Gearbox, but as strider said, the mapping was brilliant down to the finest details. The last section in the old abandoned lab complex was quite impressive.

That said, I owned Blue Shift from day 1 and I got my steam version free by plugging in the CD-Key (Which also got me DMC, Ricochet, Half-Life, Opposing Force and Team Fortress.)

Back in the day, I only really got it after seeing the HD models in a trailer.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-09 08:17:07 UTC in journal: #7433 Comment #50122
Nice site, good reads.

BF3 is on my wishlist regardless of it's flaws at the moment. Time will tell if this is a wise decision. :P
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Commented 12 years ago2011-10-08 06:31:13 UTC in journal: #7430 Comment #51378
It suffers for being a console based shooter. A lot of people complain about it's texture bug. When spinning around quickly enough it can take a moment to raise the LOD for what your looking at.

That said, I've only played around 30 minutes of it so far. Unlike a few people at work who thought it was an open world game, I knew what to expect from id software. Corridor shooters. PCGamer hit the nail on the head.

"Despite what the developers might have suggested and we might have assumed, it’s still set in a corridor. Fortunately, id still make some of the finest corridors in the world."

Commented 12 years ago2011-10-06 17:44:41 UTC in journal: #7428 Comment #43174
Yeah, opened it up again and it lookz az though there are 4 linez in the membrane that are actually burned. Even the 2 doezn't uork zo that entire column of keyz iz dead.

Good a reazon az any to finally try out Ocarina of Time on the Nintento uii. :P
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-06 05:26:32 UTC in journal: #7428 Comment #43173
The whole thing needs replacing anyway. It's old and cheap and most of the characters have rubbed off. I'll try soaking it but considering i already wiped the whole thing down inside I'm not sure what good it will do.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-05 21:23:08 UTC in journal: #7428 Comment #43172
lol'd like an idiot.

Anyuay, thiz iz actually a ztep foruard compared to earlier. Couldn't even log into uindouz becauze a bunch of the keyz uere zticking. I'd prezz 'K' and I'd get 'KIJLM.' Pretty hard uhen entering a pazzuord. Opened her up and cleaned a feu bitz and piecez but unfortunately to no avail. Glad it only cozt £7. I'll be getting a neu one at the ueekend and making my dezk a cat free zone... actually, might juzt be eazier to keep liquidz off the dezk. :P

Hmmm, lookz like pipe and capzlock are buggered too. :rly:

Might juzt go to bed... :(
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-05 21:13:07 UTC in journal: #7428 Comment #43171
Coca-Cola. Can't game ith creen keyboard though o that doen't really help in that repect. :(
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-03 20:27:07 UTC in journal: #7423 Comment #50114
Haha. Yeah. Been caught out by DST one too many times. Once my PC clock changed itself and for some reason or other I assumed it was wrong. Long story short I turned up at work an hour early. Lucky it wasn't the opposite way around I guess.
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-29 10:53:16 UTC in journal: #7421 Comment #57746
Duke lives in Vegas now.

Also @JeffMOD. "Soon" in Valve time can mean up to 8 years from now.
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-12 20:54:35 UTC in journal: #7393 Comment #43165
Moaby has it. Pretty straight forward really. :/

"I hate Mondays, but today has been awesome!"

Also @Crollo, uncalled for much?
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-11 11:01:16 UTC in journal: #7390 Comment #43160
@brendanmint, this is realistic difficulty. Enemies are ridiculously accurate sometimes, able to headshot you through cover as seen in the last few sections of the video. But yeah, i still suck, but the game is shite so I don't really care.
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-11 07:24:06 UTC in journal: #7390 Comment #43159
Yeah, that's the difficulty we were playing. Funnily enough, realistic made the game as unrealistic as it could possibly be.
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-09 10:58:26 UTC in journal: #7387 Comment #43152
@Soup Miner: Yeah, I realised that after watching it back. :P

"I don't talk like that..."
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-09 00:21:01 UTC in journal: #7387 Comment #43151
Gargh. Cheers. Been doing so much image css at work I got quotes out the arse.

I'd be willing to pick up MOTM again. :D

@Dimbark: My bad, I b0rked the link. Still, it's time to start using a proper browser. Get Firefox.
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-06 10:21:17 UTC in journal: #7385 Comment #66394
You know when people say "School / College years are the best of your life" ? I never used to believe that and I hated it. Thing is, it was 100% true. Working and being responsible has it's perks but life was so much easier back then.

Of course, I'm speaking from an underpaid web designer's point of view. I'm sure life rocks if you're loaded / famous, and I'm yet to experience having kids and retiring. :P
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-05 23:20:34 UTC in journal: #7385 Comment #66393
Man I miss school, and the Summer, and thinking life was good. :|
Commented 12 years ago2011-08-29 18:00:21 UTC in journal: #7376 Comment #43138
Yeah. They're not pink. Also regarding the pink bag, what can I say. The wife likes pink. :P
Commented 12 years ago2011-08-29 12:13:09 UTC in journal: #7376 Comment #43137
"Also lol at the pink box with stuff in it."

Ooo...k? Wat?
Commented 12 years ago2011-08-06 07:53:36 UTC in journal: #7343 Comment #43127
This stuff wasn't carbonated. :P
Commented 12 years ago2011-08-01 00:00:00 UTC in vault item: de_twhl2011 Comment #32813
Architecture — 9
Texturing — 9
Ambience — 8.5
Lighting — 8
Gameplay — 8


It's a very good CS 1.6 map and is good fun to play with a few friends.
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Commented 12 years ago2011-07-25 17:21:27 UTC in journal: #7334 Comment #54342
Fascinating... I want one! D:
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-23 06:46:33 UTC in journal: #7331 Comment #57677
It is so shiny. :D
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-19 23:41:34 UTC in journal: #7328 Comment #48145
Cool story bro

On Topic: That is pretty nerdy and pretty awesome. ^_^
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-17 22:12:47 UTC in journal: #7324 Comment #55443
"Ha ok Urby. I wanted a PC from a well known company"

Heh. is advertised constantly in Mags like PCGamer (twice) and on sites such as

Oh well, enjoy your Dell I guess :|

(Also yeah, I missed the x4. I have 12GB of RAM, not 48 :P)
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-17 01:48:47 UTC in journal: #7324 Comment #55442
Jesus! £2100!?

Fair enough my PC cost me a total of £2500 but the RAM, GPU and HDD space are literally quadruple what you've got there! (Actually with RAM I got 6 times more.)

I'm no hardware buff either, but I went to and had them build it for me :P.

Anyway, does the random freezing occur while actively working on something or gaming or does it occur even if the PC is idling in Windows or on Standby / Power saving mode?