Commented 13 years ago2010-12-02 00:31:56 UTC
in journal: #6906Comment #60714
I'm pretty sure water is actually blue, though. As for snow being white. Next time you have ice water, check out the ice cubes. There will be white streaks going through it. I'm no Chemist, but whenever stuff gets cold, it happens to turn white.
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-22 01:13:42 UTC
in journal: #6884Comment #49191
There's nothing in your emails- like account activation or anything? I'd say next step is contacting support, ugh now i feel bad making you guys go through all that freakin work for nothin
Commented 14 years ago2010-10-24 17:48:58 UTC
in journal: #6843Comment #57102
Nah just take a deep breath and start talking. If you think about being up there, you're gonna mess up. If you focus on the subject of your speech you'll do fine. Good luck!
Commented 14 years ago2010-10-03 19:43:41 UTC
in journal: #6802Comment #47973
Yeah I always tell myself that i should wake up at 5:00 AM and run and do some sort of workout every morning. I'm just now fully recovered from my surgery and it's starting to get cold. My brother has one of those Total Gyms (the one chuck norris sells) and my mom has a treadmill. Just need to find time now.
That's good to hear about the triathalon! hope you win
As for snow being white. Next time you have ice water, check out the ice cubes. There will be white streaks going through it.
I'm no Chemist, but whenever stuff gets cold, it happens to turn white.
That's a bunch of bullshit that someone's own mother would do this..
I though MY girlfriend had a crazy-ass mother.
Hope everything works out alright, but if it doesnt, I'll throw a bake sale and paypal you the funds
And good call on the game. Looks sick grabbing that one too!
And thanks!
[ aw
Campaign was sweet. i got like 80% of the achievements.
Been playing multiplayer lately and getting pounded by all the koreans
sc2 has my heart right now though. even though I get pounded everytime I play. I'm so bad haha
i hate it. =[
sorry guys
I'd say next step is contacting support, ugh now i feel bad making you guys go through all that freakin work for nothin
Direct2Drive has a similar way of business.
In the long run
it's only 10c
Go back to your games for windows marketplace, right click on AOE3, and hit view product keys.. should be right there!
[ Welcome back though.
What a fucking amazing slogan.
I lol'd. good job manWhich browser are you using?
And spybot has never served me wrong. i would recommend it.
bet of luck lyssa!
This is nice and simple! Awesome Tut!
Personally, i LOATHE driving in cities, but if its for a band you love it's all worth it!
Have a good time, be safe
That and Novocain.. you think you're a freaking cartoon man.
My brother has one of those Total Gyms (the one chuck norris sells) and my mom has a treadmill.
Just need to find time now.
That's good to hear about the triathalon! hope you win