
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-05 02:31:41 UTC in journal: #7200 Comment #66361
That's super dodgy, man. There's plenty of companies that sell good server hosting. You don't even know which company this is with - why would you buy a server in-game?!

Is he telling you to pay him or are you paying the hosting company directly?
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-04 20:43:35 UTC in journal: #7199 Comment #48101
I hate to say it, satch, but that does appear to be the most pointless GTAIV video I have ever seen :P
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-25 14:04:56 UTC in journal: #7182 Comment #48094
on the contrary, striker, look at how developed his vocab is.
That's awesome, satchmo :)
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-18 03:16:27 UTC in journal: #7170 Comment #57451
Aside from the fact it's not the least bit elaborate, yes.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-17 22:36:16 UTC in journal: #7170 Comment #57450
I dunno... D0G is with Kleiner, sure, but do you not think he'll fight on Alyx's side when the time comes? I mean she's still loyal to Gordon, so I doubt you'll actually fight D0G. Might be mistaken, though.

Speaking of Alyx, is that new hair sexy or what?
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-17 22:27:43 UTC in journal: #7170 Comment #57449
The emotion was pretty incredible in that scene, Urby. It's obvious that Kleiner was still blaming himself for Eli's death which contributed heavily to his decision. The fact that his morality core was removed also factors into it, of course.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-17 22:23:46 UTC in journal: #7170 Comment #57448
Did not expect Breen to come back into the story. They were very clever with the way they handled it considering his voice actor sadly passed away.

Also, am I mistaken or do the vorts have new voice actors as well? They sound weird.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-14 23:46:20 UTC in journal: #7165 Comment #63768
oh god please be an early release...
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-14 04:34:15 UTC in journal: #7163 Comment #49251
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-13 18:53:48 UTC in journal: #7161 Comment #45175
Not worth it? This is Portal we're talking about.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-13 16:10:36 UTC in journal: #7161 Comment #45174
£26.99 for a big studio release?

That's almost half the price of games like Black Ops, which didn't have nearly as much love put into them.

Valve could quite easily have charged £20 more for portal 2 and people would have bought it.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-13 11:35:05 UTC in journal: #7161 Comment #45173
some much ARG.
Seen the recent update news for games like Audiosurf, The Ball, AAAAaaaaAAAA, Amnesia, Defense Grid, Toki Tori, BIT.TRIP BEAT, RUSH and Wonderful End of the World?
  • Don't worry. Changes are here.
  • Console fixed and updated
  • Recruits fixed and updated
  • CHAS levels fixed and updated
  • Fixed update in Spanish localization
  • Added Stochastic Level Enrichment Process
  • Major new content added - 7 locally optimized test chambers made available
  • Includes Edgeless Artifact Cube
  • Any appearance of computerized objects is not part of the official testing protocols, but is an unintended side effect of the Aperture Science facilities
  • Temporary GLaDOS integration activated
  • <test> level implementation complete
  • <test> level accolades implemented
  • Cryptographic clues cleverly disguised
  • Evaluation of perfection within human test subjects imminent -- outcome not expected to be positive
  • We couldn't stop her.
  • Please help us. Please help us. Please help us. Please help us. Please help us. Please help us.
  • You would hate me if I insulted your skill by making it too easy. I certainly would Hate you.
  • Now with 20% more horror and 10% less cake. Enjoy this brand new flavor of canned horror - manufactured with license by Aperture Science.
  • (might contain traces of potatoes)
  • SOS
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-05 14:25:52 UTC in journal: #7144 Comment #43071
To see a cat in your dream symbolizes an independent spirit, feminine sexuality, creativity, and power. It also represents misfortune and bad luck. To see a fox in your dream represents insight, cleverness, cunningness and resourcefulness.

Basically the first appearance of the cat at the door represents your worry that your sexuality and/or independence is going to be locked out when you get married. An attempt to let it back in will result in it being multiplied my a great amount (see: 12), but this will seem natural to you.
However, you worry that this bloated sexuality/independence will upset your fiancé (now wife) and will result in said sexuality/independence being torn to shreds.
The fact that your cat is named after a drunk Scotsman throws confusing messages into this scenario, however.

Also all dreams actually mean you feel stressed at work so everything I just typed is meaningless.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-01 00:00:00 UTC in vault item: Chicco's Bedroom 2 Comment #32810
Architecture — 8.5
Texturing — 7.5
Ambience — 6
Lighting — 8.5
Gameplay — 8.5

Video Review

Bottom Line

It might just be the nostalgia talking, but this map has just fallen short in my view.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-25 22:35:10 UTC in journal: #7127 Comment #60781
haha. Good reply.

(to be added when a rep system is maybe introduced)
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-25 18:11:00 UTC in journal: #7124 Comment #66976
I did.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-24 21:55:05 UTC in journal: #7124 Comment #66975
Nothing wrong with starting with Goldsource. Baby steps :)
The problem is people who never out-grow it.

Welcome to the community.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-03-23 01:01:24 UTC in journal: #7121 Comment #44729
Gunna be honest, we both uninstalled the Crysis 2 demo pretty shortly after making that video, and neither of us intend to buy it, or at least not until it's under a tenner.

Multiplayer is as generic as it gets. Literally exactly the same as recent CoD games with that constant reward bullshit.
Singleplayer looks unlikely to be much better based on gameplay vids.

I'd hold off until it's cheaper if I was you, bruv.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-23 00:23:06 UTC in journal: #7120 Comment #57387
Trust it to be a Scottish university to conduct such obscure, pointless research. Trust it to be Transylvania to have such mad birds in the first place.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-03-21 06:42:48 UTC in vault item: aim_aztec_portugal Comment #18910
I think what Dimbark is trying to say is that a map should have some sort of background and sense of place, but he's being a twat about it.
Also how the hell did he rate twice?
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-20 03:11:58 UTC in vault item: aim_aztec_portugal Comment #18904
Why is the sky a red-rock desert?
Why is there no detailing at all?
What makes this map unique in any way?
Why does this have 'Aztec' in the name?

helpful hint:
Don't release maps which only took 20 mins to make. If you can literally count the number of brushes in the screenshot - it's not finished.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-17 12:05:15 UTC in journal: #7108 Comment #44725
haha, that looks great
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-16 18:59:41 UTC in vault item: gg_last_rain Comment #18890
Too many porps.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-15 18:35:17 UTC in vault item: mg_last_rain Comment #18888
more porps for everyone!
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Commented 13 years ago2011-03-10 19:45:18 UTC in journal: #7093 Comment #57349
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-10 14:20:10 UTC in journal: #7093 Comment #57348
You've... You've never played Theme Hospital???
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-10 13:55:45 UTC in journal: #7093 Comment #57347
There was an open source version of Theme Hospital in development that I would love to see completed. Sadly, it seems to have disappeared :(

oh wait, it seems to be in a playable beta 5!
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-09 17:16:12 UTC in vault item: css_castle_bridge Comment #18870
What is this an example map of?
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Commented 13 years ago2011-03-03 20:13:20 UTC in journal: #7079 Comment #52677
Not okay with this.
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-27 15:31:58 UTC in journal: #7075 Comment #50679
If he's studying Standard grades, he'll be coming up on the end of his 4th year in secondary school.
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-27 09:44:59 UTC in journal: #7075 Comment #50678
Assignments allow you to show you understand what you've been taught. Exams allow you to show you know how to pass exams.
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-27 08:34:18 UTC in journal: #7075 Comment #50677
Exams are what is wrong with the education system.

I'm a competent writer, and I can analyse texts reasonably well. I got a solid 'A' in my HN English prelim (mock exam) then 2 months later I got a C in the actual exam because the question was a total curve ball.
Don't want to blow my own trumpet, but I'm not a bloody C student, and it pisses me the hell off that I couldn't appeal my grade considering my prelim score.

And when I was in high school, half the classes seemed to be more about teaching you how to pass the exam, rather than actual useful knowledge in the subject.

It's nonsense.
All I can say is thank fuck I'm in college now and almost all my assessments are practical, not theory.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-02-25 18:12:49 UTC in journal: #7067 Comment #62170
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-23 12:12:07 UTC in journal: #7064 Comment #41734

+1 Party!
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-21 18:36:46 UTC in journal: #7060 Comment #55229
What the fuck do you think journals are for if not putting your thoughts into words?

And this is a modding website, so thoughts regarding mods should be a bonus.
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-21 06:37:56 UTC in journal: #7056 Comment #66330
"When pushed to it's limits the Goldsource engine can be pretty amazing for how old it is."

No, it can't. Sorry. Honestly, I've been taking it to its limit a lot lately and all I can think about when I hit that brick wall of having to sacrifice detailing in order to ensure a map runs is "God damn this would be easier in Source."

That said, for the most part I've enjoyed going back to Goldsource. Its simplistic charm does make it fun to develop content for... Right up until you hit that limit.
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-20 18:27:43 UTC in vault item: Gm_NightField Comment #18825
Good map.
Here's the video review:

And the text review (just a more formal version of what I say in the video):

After I pretty savagely reviewed gm_beachplay, I was worried that I'd been too harsh and would have offended Samurai Jack - but no, he bounced right back and let me know that he had taken all my criticism on board and was working on a new map which would be much, much better. It was made under the working title "Abandoned Field" and was released recently as gm_nightfield.
At first glance it seems to be a great improvement on Samurai Jack's previous work, especially in terms of detailing and lighting. There are some very atmospheric areas and it's obvious that a lot of time and effort was put in to give this more of a sense of place - rather than just a level in the middle of nowhere.
Well, I say that, but while it's definitely an improvement that there is a 3D skybox at all, it's very minimalistic and doesn't have any ground, so the world still just falls into the sky at the edges of the playable space and buildings are almost pitch black. Lights work in the skybox as well, so use them! There are also a few bugs with the skybox, for example this group of trees which seem to be fullbright.
There is plenty of playable space, and even some football goal posts for games although I'm not entirely sure where that idea came from considering the rest of the map seems to be based on some sort of oil refinery. It sounds like a Billy Connolly gag - a football pitch in the middle of a working class factory.
Annoyingly though, unlike beachplay, the sky is quite low in nightfield removing any chance of tall constructions, which is pretty surprising considering how tall some of the structures in the map itself are. This platform, for example is only a few metres under the limits of the sky.
Texturing is pretty bland throughout, and I think that now you've gotten really good at lighting, you should concentrate on improving your texturing. There are some pretty odd choices for some textures like the bottom of the ramp which looks pretty terrible or the water next to it which I'm pretty sure is DX7 water considering it doesn't seem to cast any reflections.
Even in some of the best looking parts of the map you can see texturing issues. Take a look at this for a second. You've got this neat, seemingly Portal-inspired area and the metal block texture the walls are made of is divided into squares which fit neatly in the Hammer grid, yet you've cut this big hole out of them in odd places when aligning it to the edges of the texture would have been fairly easy.
Displacements are quite jaggy in places, and here they don't even come close to touching the ground and seriously - what is up with these stairs? That's just lazy.
Once again there're no AI nodes, so NPCs are pretty useless and can you tell me what is meant to be casting this light? There are just a bunch of really obvious bugs that leave this map feeling unfinished that should have been noticed during testing.
I? Hmm?
Uh, so as I was saying - this is probably the best Gmod map I've ever played. The interactive bits are great, like the totally over-the-top teleport system which sends the player flying out of the building and the floodlights with Crossfire-esque alarm system. Really nice touches which give the map a real edge. The lighting outside is really atmospheric and I can see this being really fun to play on with a bunch of mates.
There's even a bunch of easter-eggs to find and more places to explore than you can shake a stick at, although I feel the subtle art of stick shaking is somewhat lost in Garry's Mod.
Seriously, though. This is a pretty damn good map - it just needed to be tested more before release.