Commented 14 years ago2010-09-27 20:55:20 UTC
in journal: #6791Comment #63150
So nothing fancy happened with thirdperson mode - and the mod itself was decent. those damn monstermakers though... pissing me right the hell off. The handjob scene was just absurd, and that model sucks (no pun intended)
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-25 17:46:48 UTC
in vault item: City 11Comment #18567
I can tell you what's wrong, but im not fixing it. What use is it to grow as a mapper if everyone else fixes your mistakes? Learn from them and try to fix it, else you're never going to get any better.
And what bugs are in the map?
That poker face has ZERO to do with the map. More descriptions / screenshots of bugs or something would help immensely.
It's like asking us to go on a scavenger hunt without a list of items to find. It wont work.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-24 21:38:30 UTC
in journal: #6788Comment #57058
I meant that in all seriousness. There are a lot of people who come onto the site with broken english and through their stay here at TWHL have vastly improved their communications skills.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-19 19:22:04 UTC
in vault item: Castle DisposedComment #18525
chill I know it's broken I haven't had the time to do anything with it. I tested the mod on my machine before I released it. I guess( and didn't know before ) the mod still references stuff in the default valve folders- wads... sprites... ect..
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-18 20:23:55 UTC
in journal: #6778Comment #63148
2muchvideogames, The Mighty Atom, I appreciate the review, first of all; its always nice to know that somebody out there appreciates my work =] Secondly, as i only release a map once in a blue moon, I'm not too familiar with mod layouts, and as a newb when it comes to this ,i have made a LOT of mistakes with this mod.
The last leg of the mod is noticeably rushed, which i am not proud of, and i really should have noted that the mod is primarily a steam mod.
I plan on fixing this mod as soon as possible. While i am logged in right now, and responding to this journal, it takes many hours to trouble shoot and fix all the issues presented.. It takes people like you to play the mod and find the problems in order for the whole thing to get fixed.
all in all this whole experience has been a great learning experience for me, and i really hope that i can avoid these mistakes in the future.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-16 17:37:17 UTC
in journal: #6774Comment #57044
Multisim - from national instruments. You can download the student edition and its a trial for 30 days then you gotta reinstall it But it's a amazing program. The only downside to Multisim student is the parts database lacks completeness. But it has a full range of transistors and diodes and some ic's like op amps etc..
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-11 22:03:33 UTC
in journal: #6768Comment #55151
Lol penguin. I do not mean to spread lies. I did not know that they were not as good as vendor drivers. A friend recommended them to me a few years back and i had no problems with them, so i forwarded the information here. My apologies, i only intended to help.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-07 19:26:41 UTC
in journal: #6764Comment #49105
Thanks all for the wishes. I need to be at the hospital for 6:30AM Which means we have to leave my house at 5:30.. which means i probably need to wake up at 5:00, or close to it.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
The handjob scene was just absurd, and that model sucks (no pun intended)
i give it a solid 3 out of 5
Have a link?
And from now on, call me brewmaster
What use is it to grow as a mapper if everyone else fixes your mistakes?
Learn from them and try to fix it, else you're never going to get any better.
And what bugs are in the map?
That poker face has ZERO to do with the map.
More descriptions / screenshots of bugs or something would help immensely.
It's like asking us to go on a scavenger hunt without a list of items to find.
It wont work.
Freaking weird.
and nice do
but not pose, that's creepy..
also.. contacts?
There are a lot of people who come onto the site with broken english and through their stay here at TWHL have vastly improved their communications skills.
Apologies if anyone took that the wrong way
teaches you english
That's some funny stuff.
I agree with jeffmod. hope you can get to sleep at a good hour tonight.
ok version 2.1 of castle disposed is up!
Happy - belated - birthday!
I tested the mod on my machine before I released it. I guess( and didn't know before ) the mod still references stuff in the default valve folders- wads... sprites... ect..
I was disappointed
I appreciate the review, first of all; its always nice to know that somebody out there appreciates my work =]
Secondly, as i only release a map once in a blue moon, I'm not too familiar with mod layouts, and as a newb when it comes to this ,i have made a LOT of mistakes with this mod.
The last leg of the mod is noticeably rushed, which i am not proud of, and i really should have noted that the mod is primarily a steam mod.
I plan on fixing this mod as soon as possible. While i am logged in right now, and responding to this journal, it takes many hours to trouble shoot and fix all the issues presented..
It takes people like you to play the mod and find the problems in order for the whole thing to get fixed.
all in all this whole experience has been a great learning experience for me, and i really hope that i can avoid these mistakes in the future.
People learn more by failing than succeeding. =]
im sorry guys.
You can download the student edition and its a trial for 30 days then you gotta reinstall it
But it's a amazing program.
The only downside to Multisim student is the parts database lacks completeness. But it has a full range of transistors and diodes and some ic's like op amps etc..
Glad you found one you love
Good to see another person on TWHL who is handy with a soldering iron!
I did not know that they were not as good as vendor drivers. A friend recommended them to me a few years back and i had no problems with them, so i forwarded the information here.
My apologies, i only intended to help.
And check out Omega Drivers
Usually they're better than the real drivers anyway.
And put a laser inside it lol.
I plan on releasing the RMF's after the compo is done.
And that picture is just some random google pic i found.
More details later, when im not using an on-screen keyboard.
I need to be at the hospital for 6:30AM Which means we have to leave my house at 5:30.. which means i probably need to wake up at 5:00, or close to it.