Commented 14 years ago2010-03-31 19:41:49 UTC
in news: No Bullshit TodayComment #99535
You should do like Google, make an announcement and everyone thinks it's fake, but it isn't. Like the TWHL 4 release date (tomorrow would be a good date, or the day after if you need more time).
Nope, just trigger_relays, trigger_changetargets and a multimanager. Maybe it could be done with multisources, but I don't like them and they don't like me.
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-02 21:05:29 UTC
in journal: #6425Comment #52566
It's my favourite language I'm working on a sound class which lets you load Microsoft WAVE files, edit them (apply effects, remove/add channels) and then play or save them. It uses HTML5's audio element and you can use File API's File and FileReader, or XMLHttpRequest to load files. So far it can load most Microsoft WAVE files and get the header and PCM data, generate a new header, generate a data URI and play.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-12 23:21:40 UTC
in vault item: CP TWHL3Comment #12005
"What about the time it took to capture? Was it alright? I don't think anyone complained about it." I think you should increase the time it takes to capture the middle, other than that it's good.
The UNIX timestamp representing 6 May 2012 02:01:53 is 1337133713
should be
gamedll "dlls/hl.dll"
So far it can load most Microsoft WAVE files and get the header and PCM data, generate a new header, generate a data URI and play.
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I think you should increase the time it takes to capture the middle, other than that it's good.