
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-12 21:29:12 UTC in journal: #6390 Comment #59821
Consoles -> Preference -> Homosexuality -> Religion -> Sexually transmitted diseases -> The Iraqi war? Socialism? Censorship? Apple?
Nah, better end this here.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-12 21:11:55 UTC in vault item: CP TWHL3 Comment #12020
I think capturing the last point was hard enough, but capturing the middle was too easy. The CP concept works well, but I think teams should get scores for winning (if they don't already?) and that players should get scores for capturing. As expected, the map wasn't very good looking or detailed, but fun. I look forward to playing the next version(s).
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-12 19:05:14 UTC in journal: #6395 Comment #56815
I used to have 100-250 browser tabs open at the same time every once in a while, before I learnt not to get sidetracked too much on the web.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 13:26:44 UTC in journal: #6390 Comment #59820
I just want to say I agree with everything Huntey just wrote. I love the 360 controllers, I have one plugged in to my PC but I would never buy a 360 (or PS3/Wii).
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Commented 14 years ago2010-02-09 12:33:33 UTC in journal: #4612 Comment #55467
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-09 11:49:07 UTC in journal: #6382 Comment #44495
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-08 08:03:59 UTC in journal: #6380 Comment #48983
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-03 17:48:22 UTC in journal: #6369 Comment #47778
Your body is full of chemicals even if you don't take vaccines.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-02 18:06:16 UTC in journal: #6365 Comment #59800
"omg if they send 'nauts to mars without any form of entertainment (ps3, xbox, whatever)"
They'll play Space Invaders.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-01 05:25:21 UTC in journal: #945 Comment #44190
Unless they start nowhere.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-01 05:23:16 UTC in journal: #8 Comment #33717
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-01 05:21:38 UTC in journal: #12 Comment #33914
Sweden, fuck yeah!
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-01 05:21:26 UTC in journal: #11 Comment #33869
No thx.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-01 05:21:16 UTC in journal: #10 Comment #33815
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-01 05:21:06 UTC in journal: #9 Comment #33761
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-01 05:20:32 UTC in journal: #7 Comment #33665
Addicted to potatoes
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-01 05:20:16 UTC in journal: #6 Comment #33602
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-01 05:20:06 UTC in journal: #5 Comment #33528
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-01 05:19:53 UTC in journal: #4 Comment #33449
I asked first.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-01 05:19:22 UTC in journal: #3 Comment #33360
I bet this person will never be heard of again.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-01 05:19:07 UTC in journal: #2 Comment #33208
Hello #2.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-01 05:17:02 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #33026
oh hai u liek pankeyx?
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-30 16:55:12 UTC in journal: #6360 Comment #50410
What are you talking about? Most bbcode tags work in journals.
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-30 13:53:54 UTC in journal: #4175 Comment #52342
The link is broken! FIX IT NOW!!
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-30 13:52:08 UTC in journal: #1305 Comment #45014
"i can't open it, it said can't open cstraining"
"hunter fucking put the wads in the map"
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-29 18:51:24 UTC in journal: #6358 Comment #54104
Congratulations on reaching alcohol age (it's 18 in the UK, right?). I'll be 18 this summer.
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-29 16:29:44 UTC in journal: #6357 Comment #61812
"header statements cannot have any other statements (including if) before them."
That's a common myth. You can for example write
if(rand(0, 1)) {
header("Location: a.php");

You can't however, make changes to the header after you have output data (for example using echo or imagepng), because then it'll already have been sent to the client.

"So how do you think I should use die()?"
I don't think he's talking about the language construct (which by the way is equivalent to exit)...
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-29 03:36:39 UTC in journal: #6357 Comment #61811
header("Location: a.php");

Redirecting isn't beautiful though, you might want to re-think your desgin.

You don't have to use MVC. MVC is very popular and for good reason, but there are other ways to code. You'll do just as well without it if you're making a really small website.
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-27 08:43:26 UTC in journal: #6352 Comment #61801
A fixed positioned element "follows" you while an absolute positioned element stays at the same position, when you scroll your web page. Do what the penguin suggested, but also upload a crappy MS Paint image showing what you want it to look like.

Learning CSS is really rewarding, you can sometimes reduce your (X)HTML or XML code to just a few lines (especially with XHTML5) and it allows you to make your website a lot more friendly to robots (for example search engine bots) and people with eye or reading problems, while increasing the sexiness of your website. Don't hesitate to ask more questions about CSS on TWHL, I know at least I will be happy to answer as many as I can and so will probably a couple of the other members as well.
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-26 10:11:31 UTC in journal: #6347 Comment #63081

From 3RD505TH.txt:
Machine used : Pentium 166-MMX (that's all!)
		  64MB SDRAM
		  Voodoo 1 & a mere Trident-2M card!
If he tested his map on a computer that old it can't have much detail. That's enough to keep me away.
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-23 19:44:23 UTC in journal: #6343 Comment #56796
There is nothing wrong with porn.
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-22 19:19:48 UTC in journal: #6339 Comment #59776
He was democratically elected so obviously his people support him. Killing him could start a war.
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-22 18:04:27 UTC in journal: #6339 Comment #59775
Assassinated? Woah, you're really sick Tito. Ch?vez is a the president of a (somewhat) democratic country, so if you want him dead you might as well kill half Venezuela because if he dies someone else will just take his place, and probably not be too happy about what USA did.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-12 18:03:41 UTC in journal: #6323 Comment #59762
I'm not a fan of the Spiderman movies, so I don't care. But I don't like what they did with Sherlock Holmes.
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-11 21:45:27 UTC in journal: #6319 Comment #44476
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Commented 14 years ago2010-01-11 17:49:54 UTC in journal: #6319 Comment #44475
A Duke Nukem Game? That's what I've heard they're working on.
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Commented 14 years ago2010-01-11 04:30:41 UTC in vault item: Equip Zones Comment #17804
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-10 01:19:25 UTC in vault item: Equip Zones Comment #17792
I don't see how this is something new, player_weaponstrip and game_player_equip have been in Half-Life since the beginning and have been used in lots of maps?
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-09 19:06:14 UTC in journal: #6316 Comment #51280
Happy cakeday!
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-09 16:46:00 UTC in journal: #6314 Comment #47767
I don't see the point in parental control in video games. When you kill someone there's blood (unless you drug or drown the person or do some other weird shit...), why try to hide that? It's like they're trying to make killing more acceptable.
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-09 03:50:34 UTC in journal: #6314 Comment #47766
I dreamt I was in the garden outside the house where I used to live, and there was a huge stone door to a cave, and hobbits and Gandalf were there, opening the stone door, and I shouted "Nooo! Don't open it!". There was a ten-meter troll in the cave, I got on a bicycle and it chased me for like two hours but I was all calm, biking around town with a smile on my face with the troll running after me.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-08 01:03:44 UTC in news: Ho Ho Ho Comment #99513