Commented 14 years ago2010-09-01 13:35:40 UTC
in journal: #6749Comment #36054
Good feeling aint it. I still had my old PC when EP2 came out and had to lower the graphics a little but when I got a new PC and played through it again, it was a whole new experience.
Commented 14 years ago2010-08-28 09:51:17 UTC
in journal: #6736Comment #44562
I would like a wired mouse that suits long extended use and reduces pain in the wrist / finger area. Really I mainly use it for gaming / modelling / photoshop and level design.
SO based on that it sounds like I want a mouse that fits snug in my hand, works well as a gaming mouse and allows extended use.
Commented 14 years ago2010-08-13 05:21:39 UTC
in journal: #6706Comment #61987
My old website. I randomly went on it yesterday by using the website archive website and saw a message from a "discostu" saying surely this doesn't work in the archive version.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 14 years ago2010-08-12 16:11:25 UTC
in journal: #6707Comment #44558
Doubtful since my site is fine and I use the same host. Unless by some mere chance a virus did get into the host and only target my clients website @_@
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-29 06:40:53 UTC
in journal: #6679Comment #49072
I'm having a hard time understanding the popularity over this game. I never played the first one, nor even heard of it and I'm not a huge fan of RTS games except for AOE2.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-20 19:14:53 UTC
in journal: #6660Comment #63667
My cat sucked at catching birds for the last year but then this month she suddenly got much better and brings them to us as gifts like once a day. I'm talking small birds, not huge as pheasants which we get a lot.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-12 06:07:05 UTC
in journal: #6647Comment #47902
I didn't even realise those Nano guys were my enemies at first. I think it glitched or something cause I walked up to them and they stared for a bit before ripping me with bullets.
Oh and avoid the second game. Shorter than HL2EP1.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-08 07:57:59 UTC
in journal: #6641Comment #44533
No jobs as of yet but I'm just trying to build up my portfolio for now. A guy in my class got a job at EA as soon as we finished. It's a small role where he puts props into levels and so on.
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-22 16:25:34 UTC
in journal: #6594Comment #44528
Oh and Soup, I think you'll like it. I just felt they could have made the ending more epic. It just ends with the usual Radiohead song like it was just another episode.
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-14 15:22:43 UTC
in journal: #6598Comment #63595
TF2 or L4D.
If it's TF2 try...snow themed.
If L4D then airport where you get to go inside an actual plane like in cs_747 and the finale is something like fighting in the air like in this vid:
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-29 18:11:31 UTC
in journal: #6581Comment #44523
Thanks. I would like to win but I've seen what others have done and I'm a little confused. A lot of people are just doing re-designs of current weapons so for example the engine sentry. Most of the time people are just doing different shapes and I don't think that's what Valve want, they want a theme with a story. But a part of me wonders if they'll still like some of this high "artsy" stuff that people are generating...Oh well.
Did the hat today. I was actually afraid of it because I wasn't confident in my skills but hey it was piss easy. I'm not happy with the colour mainly because the Scout is red / blue and not black like my references so not sure what to do yet. I'll add a badge and see what to do from there.
Commented 14 years ago2010-04-21 06:46:25 UTC
in journal: #6517Comment #41401
Yeah mine is a godsend after reading this XD
Honestly mate you're a grown man now and clearly your gran hasn't grown up and sounds a lot like those religious mothers who dictate what they want their kids to hear and do.
It's good that you didn't say fuck you as you showed you are the better person. Just ignore her or state that you aren't budging and are living life how you want and that's final and hang up if she says BUT or I don't care.
Good luck.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 14 years ago2010-04-20 08:25:47 UTC
in journal: #6514Comment #47803
I have a load of gold fish in my pond but they kept dying from some nasty fungus. And then others vanished which made me think it was a heron so I put a net over the pond.
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-30 15:52:21 UTC
in vault item: TowerComment #18062
Ah good thing I spotted this. I randomly went on your site today and saw this map so that's how I recognised it in the Map Vault. You should post on the main forums more man.
I'd give it a go except I don't have L4D 2 :< Only 1.
Naserve: My old teacher had one of these and when I first used it I actually said wow out loud and that's rare coming from me.
SO based on that it sounds like I want a mouse that fits snug in my hand, works well as a gaming mouse and allows extended use.
Oh and avoid the second game. Shorter than HL2EP1.
Come on, every anime ends with a different song.
If it's TF2 try...snow themed.
If L4D then airport where you get to go inside an actual plane like in cs_747 and the finale is something like fighting in the air like in this vid:
Only thing I would post is final pictures for my Scout competition entry but I already posted the link so it's just a waste of space.
Did the hat today. I was actually afraid of it because I wasn't confident in my skills but hey it was piss easy. I'm not happy with the colour mainly because the Scout is red / blue and not black like my references so not sure what to do yet. I'll add a badge and see what to do from there.
Here's what I mean about the re-designs:
In the end we got a catapult and fired scare shots that freaked it out. Eventually it got the message and hasn't come back since.
Still jokes aside, hurting a cat is a horrible thing to do so don't do it.
1 1.5TB, 2 320's and also pretty bad filing system.
Honestly mate you're a grown man now and clearly your gran hasn't grown up and sounds a lot like those religious mothers who dictate what they want their kids to hear and do.
It's good that you didn't say fuck you as you showed you are the better person. Just ignore her or state that you aren't budging and are living life how you want and that's final and hang up if she says BUT or I don't care.
Good luck.
They're tricky bastards to keep alive.
Something about coke...I can almost taste the tooth decay in it D:
Can't breathe.
I'd give it a go except I don't have L4D 2 :< Only 1.
Well either way if it plays well then good but seriously this stereotype of you porting SP maps to MP and vice versa is getting SILLY