
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-29 13:17:51 UTC in vault item: FacingWorlds Comment #14520
because it is a low-grav map... anyway downloading...
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-26 14:20:11 UTC in vault item: Building won't appear after compile (project_show_them) Comment #14494
Try saving the map as somthing else and then compile again...
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-25 05:32:30 UTC in vault item: shotgun_warehouse_km Comment #14482
I'ts OK to experiment with gameplay, but you should try to add some more feel and realistic features to your map before posting it. Try to make it actually look like a warehouse insteawd of just a massive room with boxes in it.

But for a first map... It wasn't all that bad, but keep in mind all the response people give you, perhaps go to the mapvault and download some of the maps there that have resieved high ratings and then have a look at how they have achieved this.

And finally.... don't be disheartened by people flamming your maps.... remember everyone here started off as a novis.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-09 13:03:28 UTC in vault item: surf_nuke Comment #14362
I found that there were a lot of surf ramps in random locations that made no sence at all... I know this might just be because you on purpose made the map realy hard so the player had to be realy pro, but still you should at least make it clear where the player should go next, instead of leaving him with a choice of three or more ramps to jump to where none of them realy leads any where...

place weapons at the top otherwise what is the point of getting there? :P
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-24 09:11:38 UTC in vault item: aim_simulator Comment #14284
Download dosn't work.... and plz do upload a screenshot :P
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-28 13:19:35 UTC in vault item: aim_ak_colt_pro Comment #13572
the reason you're saying "the majority of cs players are retards" is cuz they play maps from a non-mapper perspective.... not something that make them retards.... just cuz they don't map :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-08 11:06:58 UTC in vault item: Train Yards Comment #13440
At least he's honest and says it ;D

but anyway the map: It was okay... but do try to make your own prefabs and buildings in stead of copying others... I wont rate since this map is far from finnished. try and work more on smaler areas, perhaps make a dm map and the focus on the detail.... I can see you've gotten some basics: trains, combines, props ect.... but still you should get experience with making dm maps before you move on to such challanging things as a sp map....
Commented 17 years ago2006-09-26 08:29:09 UTC in vault item: dm_trainyard Comment #13037
very nice map ;)

I realy like the bit where you get the magnum and people can shoot the explosive barrels. an also realy like the hall with the red containers and the weapon placement there is realy nice.... can't wait to play it on your sever. (went on it but it was playing ravenholm)

And good thing you put those doorknobs on the doors ;D
Commented 17 years ago2006-09-01 08:58:34 UTC in vault item: dod_spire Comment #12932
I play dod source too^^
Commented 17 years ago2006-08-30 13:49:12 UTC in vault item: Infiltration Comment #12928
right just a couple more thing... I don't know if this happened to anyone else, but I often met combines that were facing the other way, making it too easy to snipe them down. I think perhaps the strider battles should have been in a more open area, with more hiding spots... I couldn't quite figure the change from lvl2 to 3 out, but i liked the white out effect and those vortigaunts gave me the biggest shock ever ;)
Commented 17 years ago2006-08-29 12:32:56 UTC in vault item: Infiltration Comment #12922
hey nice... had alot of fun playing through that... a few things though, most of them which have been stated above:

*a bit of shotgun ammo after the sewer zombie battle... I ended up having to run past the zombies in order to have enough ammo for the combine's

*the striders would look much more impressive if they mooved around

that's realy it.... I had alot of fun with it so I'd give it a 4 for gameplay, It looked realy nice in places such as the warehouse, but then a bit boring in places so that'll be a 3 for the looks.

It's just on the border between 3 and 4 and don't get mad at me for giving it a 3 ;)
Commented 17 years ago2006-07-10 19:06:27 UTC in vault item: scoutzknivez_2006 Comment #12506
hahaha Exos.... you see the thing is you CAN walk on the walkway... you may not know, but scoutzknivez is one of those maps where you gotta have low grav to play (about 150 if its 1.6) I can understand why you hate this map if your not eaven using gravity ^^ suddenly loads of new areas become approachable...

any way I'm gonna download the map tomorow...
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-26 18:49:53 UTC in vault item: scoutzknivez_2006 Comment #12398
Yea, It's a real office feeling with ladders that goes trough the roof and when peoples are running around with snipers =)
must be some insane office you work in for you to say that snipers and ladders going through the roof gives an office fieling ;)

about the map...well... I for one, realy like scoutzknivez, I think it's a realy fun map.... and I see no reason why you would wanna change it...
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-13 18:02:46 UTC in vault item: cs_chaos Comment #11827
hmmmm.... nice exploding truck, although the button only seamed to work once.

the rocks could do with a bit of displacement....

I liked the roof.... good for surfing on... try it :)