
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-23 07:10:04 UTC in vault item: aim_triple_headshot Comment #15411
22 Jul 07 21:35
21 Jul 07 21:17
19 Jul 07 22:24
12 Jul 07 01:15
08 Jul 07 19:20
08 Jul 07 02:06
07 Jul 07 23:12

by now you have to start getting the message although im a begginer i can atleast notice that by the amount of maps youve made you should learn now that you should b spending more time on the maps, fixing the textures/ using differnt ones and beggining the strive for better things then just aim maps with single rooms, oh and stop posting your name in the massive letters on the wall aswell ehhe thats it so just take it easy,spend that lil bit more time on the map.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-22 05:37:32 UTC in vault item: aim_snipe-it Comment #15404
thank you very much srry that has helped me much more than your previous post , i also had known that the button texture was way stretched but not sure on how to scale it down although the texture it self does change it is jsut very very very hard to tell but thank you very much (i have now gotten a MASSIVE texture pack which i have had help from in how to assemble it in so that it doesnt take up very much room thank you once again , luke
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-11 22:48:49 UTC in vault item: aim_snipe-it Comment #15336
thanks for all your guys comments , yes mabye some ppl do not post there first maps but i like to hear whats wrong with my map and how i can fix it so the next map i make can be better so thank you.