
Commented 6 years ago2017-08-29 07:23:36 UTC in journal: #8857 Comment #61579
Happy birthday!
Commented 6 years ago2017-08-24 22:05:30 UTC in journal: #8852 Comment #67922
Ghost Master is quite different - it's isometric, you are a master of ghosts that controls several other wraiths to scare people off or do tasks for summoners. You're not a lone ghost bound to place or object - you move through entire city in that game.

A game where you're flying in first person perspective around some place, scaring anyone daring to enter it would be more interesting. Especially with Thief-like well implemented AI that reacts to noises and environment changes (The DarkMod has such AI on id Tech 4 engine, and I'm going to port it to SE2 and mess with it anyway - it won't be too hard since they share base Tech 4 AI). You could grab and throw objects all around - try to scare or maybe even kill people. DarkMod has "grabber" code as well, it even was in Doom 3 RoE, though in different form - Tech 4 has in-built physics engine as well.

I think that it won't be hard to do on Tech 4 at all - you give player ability to fly via simple edits and build levels out of monsterclips (making outern-most walls normal brushes or models), so you could still pass through walls and floor but not escape the place. Port AI and grabber code from Darkmod, then create assets. You could make some more advanced stuff like ragdolls to control mannequins or creepy dolls with in-built tools and modelling software (model in Blender, AF Editor for ragdolls, can't remember where to make additional collision meshes), then add script allowing you to better pose models.

Or you could do the same on UE4, but you'll have to blueprint/code whole game logic while you have all of it GPL on Tech 4, and it's forks are decent enough for developing something more advanced than HL mod.

I think that isometric evil vs evil is the best one there. You can try, if it comes out great then I'd play the hell out of it.
Commented 6 years ago2017-08-23 20:52:44 UTC in journal: #8852 Comment #67921
Kinda like Ghost Master, but in different perspective and with different goal. Still sounds like an interesting game.
Commented 6 years ago2017-08-21 19:01:47 UTC in journal: #8852 Comment #67920
Added one that I forgot to mention...
Commented 6 years ago2017-08-10 10:26:26 UTC in journal: #8851 Comment #62958
My condolences, hope you're alright.

My grandfather died when I was only 2, he had a heart attack and I only know him from stories about him. He didn't really cared about his health from what I know. This, and the fact that most of my family live really long is a huge motivating factor to keep a healthy lifestyle.

About that mildly relatd thingy: Strangely, it is true. Even more so than weddings. Lost my aunt last year, I travelled across whole country to attend to funeral and met a lot of relatives I never even heard about.
Commented 6 years ago2017-08-04 09:01:44 UTC in journal: #8848 Comment #42440
Now, that was a lot of work. Congrats on getting things done!
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-23 16:58:10 UTC in journal: #8838 Comment #51123
01001000 01100001 01110000 01110000 01111001 00100000 01000010 01101001 01110010 01110100 01101000 01100100 01100001 01111001 00100001
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-19 22:36:45 UTC in journal: #8831 Comment #61558
As a programmer you still can post snippets of code showing how you implemented a feature or post a general idea how to do it. While such proof of concepts or just code may get more to other coders, it gives rooks something to copy-paste (as a start for tinkering with coding), or give a base for experimenting (like, you posted the variable method for making a shield in response to Abbadon's thread. I assumed that it was made as a toggle-able secondary attack that sets boolean variable to true and an if...else that activates damage nullifying code when the variable gives true - something I'd want to check once I'll be working with hl coding, or implement in any other project in similat manner).

Also, if you need assets you may ask around TWHL or some other site if anyone is willing to lend you a hand, with reward being satisfaction and practise. A real enthusiast, rook, or someone with too much time on his/her's hands will sooner or later help.
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-19 05:25:56 UTC in journal: #8831 Comment #61557
I have the same problem, just like probably most of TWHL. It's been a few months since I last worked on my project before making the switch. And once in a while I'm making marginal progress. What helps me is posting my WIPs and getting constructive critique, that's why I post them a lot when working on something.
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-15 19:23:32 UTC in journal: #8830 Comment #52207
Happy 73-47 birthday!

Copy it into graphics editing software into colour code, or just paste that into Google. It's about last values.
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-25 18:58:48 UTC in journal: #8823 Comment #67887
Well, IQM is (a bit buggily) supported by ioquake3, but there's no animation blending so you'd still have to make 3 separate models and connect them with tags like md3 models.

What improvements were made in your project's version of it?
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-25 15:50:36 UTC in journal: #8823 Comment #67886
Started working with UE4, following starting tutorials. It is indeed a really sweet and neat toolset!

I'm not going to drop working with older engines away, you still can learn some basics on them, make successful projects or experiment (many thanks to Solokiller for reference and explanations on an idea I have).

Maybe I'll add Source to the pool of engines I worked with one day...
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-25 07:38:53 UTC in journal: #8824 Comment #68372
Nope, things never get serious...
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-24 20:42:40 UTC in journal: #8823 Comment #67885
Yeah, id Tech 3 is a really solid and great engine, though it'd be much more beneficial to use iqm models than md3. But still, I want to mess with UE4 and see how it goes.
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-23 17:11:30 UTC in journal: #8823 Comment #67884

I meant stock GPL releases. Usually one does not choose a game engine to rewrite half of it and then gets started with projects.

You need to be a good enough coder to change the code, compile engine and get it running without bugs. While I'm good enough to code my own programmes, coding game engines still is kinda like black magic. And also, I want to choose an engine that'd allow me to focus mainly on scripting game logic and making assets, not having to change renderer or audio, input or output.

Both Tech 3 and 4 are heavily outdated, and getting them to UE4 level would take so much time that Epic will release several UE4 updates and work on UE5 before Tech based engines would be halfway done.
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-23 13:06:47 UTC in journal: #8823 Comment #67883
Do you literally take all jokes seriously?

Jokes aside, I'll let Urby do the killing first.
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-23 06:10:23 UTC in journal: #8823 Comment #67882
Take it easy Admer, no one's going to nuke you (you hear it Windawz? Tell uncle Rasputin you don't need those missiles anymore) for now...
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-22 18:39:03 UTC in journal: #8823 Comment #67881
Nuke is only viable option. Cause when you blow Admer off the planet, you need those additional 456 loads of plutonium.
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-22 15:45:20 UTC in journal: #8823 Comment #67880
You should've nuked him when you had the chance...

Anyways, it's been three days already and I still got to download 1.8GB of UE4 then install it to do anything.
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-21 18:54:36 UTC in journal: #8823 Comment #67879
For the most part, it's nostalgia that keeps people mapping for GoldSource. I have to say that I've had a lot of fun playing on hldm servers (Half-Life on deathmatch and team deathmatch was the only game I played for really long time), and this encouraged me to start mapping. Working with GoldSrc is extremely fun and easy to get to, and you can still get some good looking stuff on it.

UE4 might be just as easy to get to, with blueprints and such. Just follow starting tutorials and when you'll learn enough, experiment. For GoldSrc or Source you have to code in C++, and most people would probably find visual blueprints easier to get to than learning programming language.


You make C++ seem as if it was extremely hard to get started. You don't learn basics of coding by trying to make an operating system, game engine or half-life mod. Getting started with simple tutorials is much easier. Take this for example:

#include <iostream> //this way you include libraries and stuff
using namespace std; *This way you specify that you're going to use namespace, so you won't have to type std:: when trying to use it's functions*

int main() //initialisation
string name; // you declare a string variable called name

cout << "What is your name?" << endl; //this will be written in console
cin >> name; //std::cin allows you to write to name variable
cout << "Your name is:" << name << endl; //this outputs text you typed

return 0;

It's not that hard as you make it.
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-20 16:26:23 UTC in journal: #8823 Comment #67878
Modelling an asset pack generally would work better than making a map with brushes. Would improve my modelling skills a lot too. Kinda reminds me of TES Creation Kit - to make interiors or outdoor objects you had to snap models together, and it generally gave good results (though I worked only with TES III kit).
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-20 09:39:23 UTC in journal: #8823 Comment #67877
I'm not really into Unity and it's free and pro versions model. Epic did it better by simply giving out their whole engine with tools, even though there's 5% royalty from money you earn on game made using it.

The problem is, I've got the launcher running and configured, download started - but it won't download. It just stopped at "Please wait" right after I clicked download button. My connection is really slow, but it should've started long ago. Checking windows task manager, there's 0% internet usage from the launcher...

EDIT: Download started. Initialisation was just damn long. 5,4GB with my connection should be 2 - 3 days of download if they don't renew transfer for my mobile internet.
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-20 07:03:58 UTC in journal: #8823 Comment #67876
I might give UE4 a shot, only hoping that this time their launcher won't crash on me every time I run it or halfway through download. This was the problem that stopped me from getting it a few months ago...
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-19 11:45:09 UTC in journal: #8822 Comment #51108
Sorry to hear it, and good luck.
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-16 15:47:32 UTC in journal: #8821 Comment #68350
Lemme just spill some of Duke's BLOOD
User posted image
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-14 05:57:56 UTC in journal: #8817 Comment #67861
It gets only harder the more you know about it... And that's without polish characters, because those can't be used in console applications.

Text doesn't really matter, you can change it to anything you want and it still would ask your for typing into variables then write it to file.

Here's a translation for those text bits:

ForestR - forest renewal software.

Rozpocznij projekt - start project
Wyjście - quit

Kraina przyrodniczo-leśna: Poland is split into 8 regions in which there are differences in DNA of plants, according to conditions in each of regions.

RDLP - regional management of states forest

TSL - forest habitat type

GDT - what you'd like to plant on the area. Written like this: 7So3Sw means that 70% of area would be taken by pine, 30% by spruce

Powierzchnia - area

Rębnia - the way tree cutting is planned. Like, Ia is a full clear cut, and it's used only during ecological disasters. There are much more categories of these.

Podaj means give, can be used as type in as well. Zapisywanie means saving
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-11 21:37:37 UTC in journal: #8816 Comment #67858
I'm considering it as an option mainly because I like to have many plans and opportunities. It doesn't necessarily have to be UK. And the are a few good universities in Poland as well.

I'm kinda afraid of moving to another city, and moving abroad is full of even bigger potential dangers.

Here costs of life are kinda high, especially medicine, taxes and education. And any construction is a literal money sink - just recently cast a drive-in to my house with concrete, and paid well over 4000PLN. For me it was a cosmic amount, since I don't work, parents are ill and don't work as well, and money from government lasts for really short time...
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-11 18:32:50 UTC in journal: #8816 Comment #67857
For a pole, studying anywhere abroad is expensive. 1 Pound/ 1 USD is almost 5 PLN, 1 Euro is about 4 PLN.

I like calm places, so I might check it. Though all the brexit bullshit and latest events discourage from moving anywhere...
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-11 11:58:27 UTC in journal: #8816 Comment #67856
I was thinking about continuing forestry, or going for anything biology related rather than game design. Thanks for the tip, though.
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-08 08:32:06 UTC in journal: #8815 Comment #49764
Congrats! Good luck and have fun with your new job!
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-06 05:30:54 UTC in journal: #8813 Comment #67411
I do a similar thing to Windawz - imagine the structure first and then build it up with texturing and lighting. I don't draw any layouts, somehow I just can't work with them when mapping or with any reference images when modelling. I do everything off the top of my head.
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-04 16:29:05 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68249
Happy birthday for your brother!

I'm waiting for 1336 comments in this journal, mine would be 1337
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-03 18:17:01 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68248
Until last October I was in the same situation - Intel GMA 950 GPU, Pentium Dual CPU, 2GB RAM memory. It was hard to work with anything more demanding, but worked quite well for what I needed.

Now I have a laptop with Nvidia Geforce 920M, which is considered to be entry-level GPU for 2015, and only 4GB RAM, yet still managed to play Witcher 3 on low-med without much stutter and Dark Souls 3 on high settings with slight stuttering. Quad core i5 CPU is quite good. I feel that this laptop is much more than I actually need, but it's good to have a bit more power.
Commented 6 years ago2017-06-02 19:22:16 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68247
Eh, outta my dev and gaming mood again. And my car just broke - nothing that quick part exchange won't fix, but still it kinda bothers me. Good thing parts are cheap and widespread for this model...
Commented 6 years ago2017-05-30 12:11:55 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68246
There are no wrong MBTI test, just that the one you've taken is one of the better. These tests don't show who you really are, but they can be right in some places. Or like in my case, literally nail it. My MBTI is INTJ-A...

This may change for you with age yet.
Commented 6 years ago2017-05-30 09:02:28 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68245
Language classes start from 0 at high schools, or students write an exam that determines it. Four years ago when I started technical I had both English and German from 0, even though I had like 100% score from English junior high finals.

Your music tastes shouldn't be a concern of your ex-teacher or anyone. Congrats on graduating!

Ever considered an MBTI personality test? You can find some of them free in the web. Just curious what personality type may have...
Commented 6 years ago2017-05-29 14:36:11 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68244
Speaking of cleansing, who's gonna scrub my back?
That's privilege of journal's OP.
I think that there's a glaring lack of The Core references in this shoutbox, so have at you: THE CORE!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 6 years ago2017-05-29 12:20:08 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68243
I treat Facebook like a necessary evil and provide only the basic info on there, like name, last name, updated profile picture, education and means of contact. Nothing more or less.

I highly prefer emails or Skype over Facebook and it's messenger.
Commented 6 years ago2017-05-27 10:42:27 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68242
Not the worst of proms, could've been better though. Congrats anyways.
Commented 6 years ago2017-05-27 05:49:14 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68241
I claim 80th post in AdmShout losers.

How was your prom Admer? Recovering from a hangover?
Commented 6 years ago2017-05-26 08:40:49 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68240
This journal should reach 100 in no time. Admer's shoutbox.

Today some girl just outside a supermarket asked me to help her with her shopping, which she could barely lift. I helped her without hesitation - packed all of the shopping to a basket in her bike. +10 helpful bonus?
Commented 6 years ago2017-05-26 05:19:46 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68239
Morning post to keep the fire burning.
Commented 6 years ago2017-05-25 11:30:54 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68238
Haven't been at elementary school prom, but I attended technical graduation one. It was neutral... too neutral, as I met my partner just one day before it...
Commented 6 years ago2017-05-23 09:50:07 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68237
Here lies a post. May it rest in pieces.
Commented 6 years ago2017-05-20 11:40:04 UTC in journal: #8809 Comment #58563
Congrats, it was a good choice.

I've got a Volkswagen Golf 3 1994. Don't plan on switching it yet, it's great for me, but when I'll have to, I'll look into mazda models (though land rovers are more on my mind).
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-14 07:30:12 UTC in journal: #8807 Comment #68150
A few advices on moving to high school (if you won't like to find it out on your own).

Take technical - technician looks better in CV and allows you to take on better jobs.

If you can keep up your grades, go for some scholarship. It's a nice financial boost.

Early morning bus sucks, but you can spend the time on bus stops and in the bus socialising, if social life is your concern. Get a car and drivers license once you can. Check if the school rents rooms in a flat for students it you don't want to take bus every morning.

School can't really tell you that you can't carry your own food with you, sitting hungry for several hours is counter productive and leads to several gastric problems, so if they do disallow, that have to provide you with a school shop at least.

Check it you really need a bank account - I'm about to go to college yet I still don't have one...
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-10 07:32:15 UTC in journal: #8803 Comment #67848
No rush, and thanks!

Slavic languages are somewhat similar to each other, and some words might even be identical, though I never really learnt other slavic languages. Only learning cyryllic could take me some time, I've got a knack for learning languages and do it fast.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-10 07:28:08 UTC in journal: #8804 Comment #39692
I've been through that too. On several occasions had to bury my pets that died hit by a car, I'm a bit used to it, but damn it still can hurt. Hope all that shitty stuff settles down and turns out for the better for you.

My condolences.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-28 14:31:48 UTC in journal: #8803 Comment #67847
Thanks! Also, my diplomma (it's in polish, so you may not understand a thing):
User posted image
User posted image
Just rocked through, with grade from maths being the lowest (average).