Commented 1 year ago2023-07-23 02:09:35 UTC
in vault item: GoldSrc Map2PropComment #105436
Wow, nice tool! thanks for sharing.
Months ago I had the desire to create a script/tool that would allow me to do that, but I abandoned it. It's good that you made it possible.
The idea i had in mind was basically converting the brush in an entity called "brush_model" with some keyvalues. Then during the compiling process (before zhlt tools process) the script/tool would convert the "brush_model" entity to mdl (using external tools) and then automatically inserting it into the map as a cycler_sprite. I never got around to implementing it, i just coded a few lines to parse the .map file in a basic way.
Here concept map of the idea:
I was planning to use many external tools as possible to make the code easier and avoid having to code complex tasks like extracting wad textures or converting to smd, since my knowledge of programming is very basic.
Commented 2 years ago2022-09-06 13:42:25 UTC
in wiki page: func_conveyorComment #104749
With func_convenyor can simulate (not accurate) a "high gravity" (>800), it only works when you jump on top of brush
if yaw = down then: -265< convenyor speed <-180
if yaw = up then: 180< convenyor speed < 265
-265/265 is almost normal "gravity" if approaches to -180/180 it's like "disable" +jump.
With some triggers and multimanager can toggle on/off +jump of players, useful for gamesmode like deathrun or kz maps. I have tested it on cs 1.6, i guess on hl it will work too
Also can be used as:
push for bhops, like axn mode. map example:
carpets are func_conveyor
other maps examples (can download them from 17buddies): NOSLOW_TILES_BETA, NOSLOW_REPTILE, NOSLOW_BKZ_GOLDBHOP
Have you already opened the repo?
I like that smart idea of using 'contentwater' for mirror faces
What entities (and keyvalues) do you have in mind for the fgd?. I made a small mock-up in case you haven't thought of one yet, maybe this can help:
Months ago I had the desire to create a script/tool that would allow me to do that, but I abandoned it. It's good that you made it possible.
The idea i had in mind was basically converting the brush in an entity called "brush_model" with some keyvalues. Then during the compiling process (before zhlt tools process) the script/tool would convert the "brush_model" entity to mdl (using external tools) and then automatically inserting it into the map as a cycler_sprite. I never got around to implementing it, i just coded a few lines to parse the .map file in a basic way.
Here concept map of the idea:
Very useful for multiple skyboxes, like in source engine
Valve's hlsdk repository halflife/engine/progdefs.h line 110
Valve's hlsdk repository halflife/dlls/triggers.cpp line 2072
apparently the only useful attribute is Gravity
- With func_convenyor can simulate (not accurate) a "high gravity" (>800), it only works when you jump on top of brush
ifyaw = down
convenyor speed
yaw = up
convenyor speed
< 265-265/265 is almost normal "gravity"
if approaches to -180/180 it's like "disable"
.With some triggers and multimanager can toggle on/off
of players, useful for gamesmode like deathrun or kz maps.I have tested it on cs 1.6, i guess on hl it will work too
- Also can be used as:
push for bhops, like axn example: