[ Fake 2D Skyboxes as Studio Models for All Goldsrc Games! ]
Models were created in
Blender. Maps and Prefabs were created in
Valve Hammer Editor 3.5 using the
Advanced Half-Life FGD.
[>>] General Descriptions:
With 2D Skybox models, high quality skies can be added up to
1024x1024 resolution texture quality and can be manipulated by the mapper using entities.
Alternative types such as "
No Down" and "
Top Half" are available. You can change the textures of the 2D Skybox model that comes with the archive with any model viewer program.
[>>] Important Notes:
- When dividing 1024x1024 resolution textures for 1024x1024 skyboxes, create a 512x512 selection area and move it 1 pixel diagonally from the edge of the main image. (The move direction should be towards the center of the main image.) Repeat this process for all 4 pieces. (Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right) Applying this method will ensure that the seams caused by
texture filtering
don't occur at the intersections of the textures of each face.
- Used the env_sprite_model entity from Advanced Half-Life FGD in prefab. Advanced Half-Life FGD is required at this point.
- Requires VHLT compiler tools, won't work on ZHLT.
- For those using Valve Hammer Editor 3.5, load the registry file included in the archive to enable viewing the Skybox models in 3D viewport.
[ /!\ Please carefully follow the important information contained in the images, the "Read Me" file and the Prefab structure. /!\ ]
[>>] Archive Content:
[ Fake 2D Skybox Model ]
( It is
highly recommended to read before using the Prefab. )
- Render and Submission images.
- [ EXTRA ] Hammer Much More Extended Clipping Plane.reg
( Modifiable registry file. )
- Fake 2D Skybox Preview Map (Recommended to Play)
( The required models are in the "
Models" folder. )
( Prefab File used by
Valve Hammer Editor. )
( A RMF file so that the prefab can be used in other level editing programs. )
( Also the requirements for the preview map. )
- Skybox Model Source Files (Compressed)
( Compilable source files. )
[>>] Softwares Used:
Softwares that have been used to create the models and other resource files:
[ Creating both
1024x1024 and
512x512 2D Skybox Models.
[ Creating template textures for "
2DSkyBox" model.
[ Creating the Preview map and Prefab.
I hope this prefab will be very useful.
One of your best preview map ever
Very useful for multiple skyboxes, like in source engine