
Rimrook15 years ago2009-04-02 21:50:08 UTC 5 comments
I've been friggin busy trying to get life to work for me in the last couple of weeks. Daubster had invited me to help rate MotM maps, but I haven't gotten to it. I'm more concerned with trying to pay rent, rather that school, rather than work, rather than internship... the list goes on before the MotM thing is on listed.

Also mentioned that I would do some source mapping... no. But I have found that has all of the mapping/modding needs for Super Mario World rom hacking, like all the videos on YouTube of custom levels. Its all there if you have some 8bit blood left in ya, or not afraid to have a challenge. I picked it up for an hour while waiting at uni... its addicting because of its simplicity. Certainly worth a look.

Don't even mention 6D. I'm already in a bad mood.
Rimrook15 years ago2009-03-23 09:34:31 UTC 5 comments
My second take on the special effects world, done for class.

Watch: The Teleporting Joe
Rimrook15 years ago2009-03-12 15:31:25 UTC 16 comments
ANY self respecting mapper will love this short.

Watch World Builder by Bruce Branit.

I think it deserves its own journal. When I saw this, I was deeply inspired as a mapper... and its funny how the experience is so relative. If only we had that kind of technology, I don't think I'd ever leave my room.
Rimrook15 years ago2009-02-26 14:56:43 UTC 26 comments
This has turned into a Fun Journal. Enjoy!

As a serious Journal note:

Recently I thought of a simple and possibly fun experimental mini-mini mod idea. Believe it or not, HL can have up to 16 levelchanges in a single map. I've seen no more than 4 in HL and most mods are rather linear in path. What if a gridular setup was done? Like a 4x4 (16 total maps) layout of a part of a world. The paths would be many and exploration and discovery would be greatly promoted as the player would have to decide where to go and look around. Also, randomized events could vary the gameplay in a variety of ways on each map, making things renew as you go. The player would have to perform tasks and solve puzzles to unlock new areas of the 'world'.

A simple idea is to make something like the Xen world with teleportals that take you to the next square over based on which one you go in.

A more elaborate idea is a really hardcore 'escape from Black Mesa' where the player has to figure something out on their own.

Now, back to you regularly scheduled crap:

Random Paragraph Generator is fun... turns out some awesomeness with some tweaking. Enjoy!

The vagina creams Captain Terror. Captain Terror damages the era. The certificate drags the suffering dawn. The vagina frightens the blame. The numb policeman opens Captain Terror under the propaganda. An evolutionary screw sustains Captain Terror. Captain Terror overwhelms the vagina after the pretend anguish. Beneath the folding leadership runs the bizarre spectacular. Captain Terror sandwiches the current confidence. Captain Terror staggers over the vagina. The vagina smiles! The idiot sugars Captain Terror beside the husband. A bacterium rails. The shoe ministers to Captain Terror across a switch wealth. The knife truncates the vagina. When will the cuckoo stop? The computer separates the party professor against our apparatus. The vagina harms Captain Terror over its ancient wizard. Should the chancellor overlap beside Captain Terror?

Ant's cock consumes the boiled missile inside the defeated. The interior clears Ant's cock over an atheist. Will Ant's cock conform around a wish? A naughty photo recovers next to the acceptable contributor. Penguinboy launches the historic constituent. Penguinboy persists past the recognizable sentient. Ant's cock spins into the lunchtime. The scholar bobs outside Ant's cock. The widespread connector scores on top of every crisp. Penguinboy boils above Ant's cock. Penguinboy rests outside each country tongue. Penguinboy bypasses the obsolete pencil across the causal piano. The concert steams? Penguinboy rates the approving warm on top of this fellow. Penguinboy entertains a pressure inside the punishing reactor. Should Penguinboy celebrate Ant's cock? A customary tunnel dominates Penguinboy. A dialect encodes the profound algebra.

Your newsletter racks the maker. The must individual secures Habboi outside the laser. The sperm cashes the instinct. The sperm fools an analogue reminder. Habboi punches the sperm over another nicest force. Habboi credits the sperm. An arm rules against the sperm. A toast swears on top of a maze! The sperm prosecutes. Habboi recalls the lesser body. Habboi expects the keeper with the invisible dummy. Why can't Habboi caution over the paper meal? How does the crunched diameter push this ram? A developing socket moans on top of the atmosphere. Across the sperm stretches the landlord. Over the sperm cheats Habboi!

TheGrimReafer dines throughout the intimate risk. When can the sad timer fudge its elephant? An erection loses below TheGrimReafer. A hot corridor mends TheGrimReafer. The edge wonder volunteers inside the north. Opposite a pedantry waits the guest whole. A stupid console reserves TheGrimReafer past the dish. An erection exceeds the kindly back. Past the disturbed timer cries the pro pupil. How can its corresponding piano cause TheGrimReafer? TheGrimReafer ascends inside an erection. Why does TheGrimReafer misplace the tactless apathy? A timetable oppresses TheGrimReafer. Why can't a festival mutter within TheGrimReafer? An erection teaches an irrelevant chapel under the muddle. Does any lunch trip around TheGrimReafer? Her island twists below the convincing average. Can TheGrimReafer skip throughout the technology? Does the worldwide fairy withdraw against an erection? Will an erection mount TheGrimReafer?
Rimrook15 years ago2009-02-02 11:23:38 UTC 17 comments
Vista blows! >:[
Rimrook15 years ago2009-01-28 00:02:58 UTC 25 comments
Good things DO happen to good people.

I went to an internship interview today. I have only went to two interview previously and this one was high stakes. Armed only with basic tips and a flatbook of 25 of my absolute best works in it (Riverpool included, lol). I wear my best with a suit and tie, dress shoes, belt, shaved, combed hair and a light dab of my expensive cologne (not too much, people hate it when you smell like a flower). I arrive at his office after scrambling around for a moment looking for some business building. Turns out its the guy's house and the "shop" is a million-dollar house on lake-front property surrounded by more million-dollar properties. The Vice-President of Operations answers the door... he was in a shirt and shorts (boxers?) and invited me in. The place is stupendously royal with Hawaiian art and posters of Jimmi Hendrix, with a CD collection to boot.

The interview took place on his patio facing the lake. He told me about his company and where they are going and what they are about. After his intro, I hand him my flatbook and he takes a gander at it. He gets half-way, silence so far, and exclaims "Your work is bad-ass!" One of the other workers there give him his pen back, I met him aswell, and he showed the employee my flatbook, he too was very impressed and recommends I work with them on the new project they have undertook. We traded experience and tools-we-know stuff and there he has no problem with the way I do things, in fact, he is allowing me to choose my tools to get things done, either bring them in or he will get them to me somehow.

The rest of the time was meeting the rest of the staff who worked like friends around the guy's home casually. They were all impressed and were eager to see what I could bring to the table. At the end I mentioned transportation was an issue because I have not a car, but only a bike. The guy offered a carpool scenario, and if I wanted to come later and stay later, I could (likely won't though). I exit his "shop" and text my ride who had run off to do errands. The vice-pres comes around in his SUV and asks "You need a ride, buddy?" I declined and said my ride is on the way.

I got a place in a very prestigous group and he plans to keep me there and turn it into a career for me. I'm totally cool with that.

This day has been epic and win.
Rimrook15 years ago2009-01-21 02:49:44 UTC 9 comments
Yeah, moving to Source.

Starting with the Room Compo for source.
Rimrook15 years ago2009-01-19 16:53:37 UTC 11 comments
HEY! I got a spotlight for Riverpool over at Podcast17!

Have a listen!

Its at roughly 32 minutes in, its worth the wait. I was so happy to hear it, considering the comments from the vault have been rather lacking. I poured my heart and soul into that little room.

I guess people around here expect that I will do good work all the time. I want to do better. I really do want to improve far beyond what I can do now, and continue to impress TWHL with good work, but its a little disconcerting when people do the zombious 'oooh aaah' and all that. Yes, I like the HOLYSHITFUCK kinda comments, they at least let me know I have made someone happy, but if you sit there and complain about the minor details of negative points, how can you enjoy it for what it is? Nothing will ever be perfect, but practice pays off.

Aside from that, they mention about TWHL which brings a bit of recognition to the site. They may check back because of the Rooms compo. Keep up the good work.
Rimrook15 years ago2009-01-12 21:45:17 UTC 2 comments
You foolish man.

I am a Jitorio master.

Grim kindly provided the soundclip. I had a load of fun with this :D Thanks Grimmeh!
Rimrook15 years ago2009-01-11 04:57:15 UTC 6 comments
Finished the Blitz Rifle 2.

View model
World model
Player model
Ammo model
Grenade fired model
Grenade world model


User posted image
User posted image
Rimrook15 years ago2008-12-15 12:25:05 UTC 34 comments

Remember to F5.
Rimrook15 years ago2008-12-13 02:56:34 UTC 11 comments
I lost.

I entered my third tournament and lost on the first match for the third time. But not was all lost, I went to the Camotion film festival and ACTUALLY WON AN AWARD! I wasn't expecting SHIT!

I don't know which entries won, but these are the ones I entered.

Applied Science
The Navenger
Ring Teleporter

Also, I'm finishing up the Blitz Rifle. Might as well make it nice before I post anything.

EDIT: Here ya be.
User posted image
...still haven't painted the clip yet.
Rimrook15 years ago2008-12-08 10:05:39 UTC 9 comments
Got this partially done this weekend.
User posted image
It is coming along nicely. I now need to finish it. Slowly, the whole set will be remade. I plan to spend some time on it over the Christmas break. No promises on completion though.
Rimrook15 years ago2008-11-30 12:19:52 UTC 5 comments
I'm home (besides TWHL) at my mom's place. They have cable so I've watched a whole crapton of Mythbusters, a whole lot of the history channel, and also caught that special show "Life after Humans" about how nature would take back all that we had urbanized and stuff. Talk about a Gyradellgasm. There was so many cool concepts that could be taken to heart when constructing a map in an overgrown style. I would suggest seeing it if you haven't already. I lol'd at the flying cats concept :3
Rimrook15 years ago2008-11-24 09:58:24 UTC 10 comments


Check it out!

I opened up Hammer and randomly placed some blocks until it melded together into a nice DM level. I kept everything simple, which in turn made a very nice map with minimal poly count. As the title may suggest, I wasn't drunk when I made it.

I dunno why, but mapping a simple and clean map like that was rather refreshing. I've been trying to complicate things with models and a slew of textures and little trims. I am very proud of this map and I would very much like feedback. I also overcome some nasty errors that would have otherwise stopped me from completing the map outright due to the brushwork.

I know I should move to source, but I feel my experience with Goldz0rz isn't over yet. I have a lot to learn.

Try it out please. Remember to run it with Deathmatch 1.

As far as my future endeavors, I think I will keep things limited to the defaults for a while. It has a sort of crete feel to it, only with 83% less crete.