
Tetsu018 years ago2006-03-12 20:37:17 UTC 0 comments
I Just got accepted into Embry Riddle Aeronautical University!!! :biggrin:

For all you who never heard of this College, its in Daytona Beach, Florida. Right on the coast and a 90 minute drive away from Disney land :)

Im so excited to be able to get out of this town. And im getting a new computer too. Hopefully one of those new Dell XPS laptops. Ill stick every upgrade i can in there also. SO i can finaally be able to map effeciently for HL2 and CS:S

Im currently making another map. I'm putting the re-vamp of 'de_space' and 'Choice' aside in order for some recent inspiration to spark some ideas for 'ancient'. (thats the level name as of right now. it may change later. <I have a video of it from's video feature> very simple except for the doors. There's no storyline yet, it just stared out with some sketches in my notebook. I started with a main room floorplan, then i did some perspective drawings and such. Looks Really close to what it actually looks like.

(myspace name is 'tetsuosho' btw) ;)
Tetsu018 years ago2006-03-01 11:30:58 UTC 0 comments
Hello Tetsu0! This is your 200th login. Whoa!

it only took me a year :biggrin:
Tetsu018 years ago2006-02-21 18:53:59 UTC 0 comments
Jeez i never had to complete a map on a deadline before, but here it is. my first compo map. done and done. i cant say its premium quality but im satisfied with it :biggrin:
hopefully i can take home a bronze at least!
Tetsu019 years ago2006-01-26 21:02:06 UTC 0 comments
I see all these really cool looking maps for source. And there are even really cool ones for regular counterstrike. The skill these people have is amazing. Their worst put my best to shame. The detail, the scale of the level itself, the comments, the imput. Everything seems to go so well for them. And im stuck with 8 levels that i just plain give up on.
I have no inspiration, and when i get inspiration, my limits or those of my machine or the engine hold it back. :cry:
Am i just a pre-disposed failure?
Tetsu019 years ago2006-01-25 19:53:58 UTC 0 comments
Damn... I never knew how incredibly bad the half life engine really is.
Or is it me? Just SUCKING at making maps? I can model and detail quite well, i think. But the layout lacks functionality, and the r-speeds are quite bad.
I cant really devote enough time to this as i originally wanted to. Between Work, School (its exam week), and Robotics (Team 1071, MAX),
It leaves like.. 3 hours a day free time, and with that im probably playing guitar or going to taco bell with my band. :| sigh :|
This map is coming out great. Astecially that is. I need more time to mess with hints and such, i should probably split up my Func_walls too... After reading that Hint tutorial, it SHOULD help the r-speeds a bit. probably like.. 4
Tetsu019 years ago2005-05-19 10:38:31 UTC 0 comments
OMG new map! Im sticking it in the completed section.. Because it IS complete.. It only needs more detail. Its called.....
de_rock for cs:s!!
Its so cool i pumped it out in 13 hours! W00t for me..
Tetsu019 years ago2005-05-14 17:56:32 UTC 0 comments
OMFG i hate my mind. Seriously i hate it. I just do. I have all these ideas right.. and i create them.. and they're cool but they go NOWHERE!! So i end up getting new ideas, that are also REALLY cool, and those also go NOWHERE!! I need someone to help me make a mod, im REALLY good at making simple 1 floor levels that are quite challenging. SO Whoever reads this.. GOOD FOR YOU! WOOT! :P
Tetsu019 years ago2005-04-01 21:35:10 UTC 0 comments
It... just sucks..
too many entities, and ladders dont work. PLUS my dell sucks and isnt upgradeable so im stuck in the mud.
I can't wait til i get my Alienware..
BAH anyway its nto fair nobody is helping with my mod that im making. Im about to give up but i dont want to. It has Great potential. If only someone will help..
Tetsu020 years ago2005-01-26 09:16:46 UTC 0 comments
Finally got my hands on The hammer for HL2
Im confused as all hell.
I cant get the lights to work, it takes me like 8 minutes to compile a box becasue my computer sucks.. and i lag when im choosing textures.
I'm thinking of just sticking with the old hammer...
Tetsu020 years ago2004-11-09 12:37:49 UTC 0 comments
ARGH!! im so frustrated.. Im seeking help as it is but i cant seem to fix the problem!... Stupid hammer.. cant wait til i get the source mapmaker :-). Anyway.. my window in de_space is giving you the ability to look through walls.... not cool and i have no idea how to fix it. People have told me but i still dont get it.. : Am i missing something here?
=Besides that, i started making bomb site b on de_space.=
Tetsu020 years ago2004-11-04 15:18:19 UTC 0 comments
I can't beleive how far de_space is coming in just 2 days i already have the bomb sites done and the lighting is phat. I have only been mapping (total time) for about 60 hours. Give or take, and i think im beginning to get better. a lot better, in fact. :badass: (<-- the shiz)
Im going to use texture lighting, not now, but later. Just because im in a groove now and i dont feel like hinting for the file i need to edit. :P
And a special thanks to ZombieLoffe, for giving me the ideas from the "Detailing textures" map. Kudos go out to thee, my friend.
Tetsu020 years ago2004-11-03 19:07:18 UTC 0 comments
Yup. I knew it. I think i'm going to have to scrap cs_skool. My first time consuming failure. Ill give it another week or so.. see if anyone can really give it the boost it needs. As soon as i think its ready, my friend has a server and ill send it to her. I will let all you know what the IP is. Get some publicity (can i do that?) for her server as well. Yea. The Unreal tournament level is on hold for now as of the giant brainstorm i recieved due to my current meditations. (I beleive strongly in the Psychic ultimate knowledge.) and de_space is the resuly of that.
As for de_time.. well.. maybe later since someone already has it out. I havent checked it out yet, but im sure its not worth the time if someone already made it. :D So, out with the old, in with the new. Pe@ce out time, Hello space.. w00t the 2 frontiers we humans are not even close to fully exploring. Yes. i WILL shutup now. :badass:
Tetsu020 years ago2004-11-02 18:08:38 UTC 0 comments
Heh, another map in progress i just got some inspiration for, Facing worlds, an Unreal Tournament CTF level. Only mine is for CS (the only game i map for) and it's going to be an aim map. For everyone who is familiar with the level, here are my ideas:
#1 Same spawn points. (behind and to the left/right of the tower)
#2 Shortened middle passage with 1, not 2 walkways.
#3 Place an AWP where the Redeemer was
#4 Low Gravity
#5 Free Kevlar where damage amplifiers were (above the main entrance corridor on the fence-like platform) for both sides.
#6 You cant fall off. (reduce EVERYTHING[such as r_speed, and wpoly counts])
#7 It's Going to be a scout aim map.
Its going to be challenging because i need to re-install UT to get the textures and the scale right. -=In other words: A hell of a lot of Print Screens, pasting, and well.. should be time consuming.
Tetsu020 years ago2004-11-01 18:48:45 UTC 2 comments
Map in progress(CS): de_time Temple of time from Legend of zelda ocarina of time. Basically, terrorists have to bomb the door seperating the master sword from the main hallway/room. This is going to be fun i basically have freedom on the outside. :cool: er. i have func_illusionary light beams and everything.. ahhahah.. its truley gonna suck because i suck. oh well.