
Rimrook16 years ago2008-04-23 19:50:16 UTC 6 comments
I entered the competition.

Rimrook16 years ago2008-04-09 02:42:01 UTC 0 comments
Holy crap, awesome bit of info.

The hardest jobs to get because there is an over-abundance of people for them are:

Modellers (damn)
Concept Artist (crap)
Level Designer (sad... sorry guys)
Illustrator (bah.)

Jobs that need to be filled because of lack of capable people:

Programmer/Scripter (big money but not for me, maybe for Daubster)
Character Riggers (ok.)
Animator (i suck at it)
Lighting Specialist (I have a basic understanding)
Shader Artist (BINGO! Texturer all the way!)

Straight from Doug "Jolly" Rogers himself.
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Higher resolution compared to the HL constraints I'm accustomed to. Its for class, the second part of the class with the same teacher that failed me for the "Purple Box of Doom" animation. I hope this satisfies, wish me luck.
Rimrook16 years ago2008-04-07 19:17:37 UTC 4 comments
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Accidently said Snarks instead of Snakes when talking about the movie. Thus I did this.
Rimrook16 years ago2008-04-04 05:06:22 UTC 3 comments
Unbreakable has the right idea. Althought the issue with my professional career doesn't hold much hope as far as my concept sketches go. Its not as pretty as the calibre you normally see. I'm hardly a painter as is, its mostly photoshop tricks I know.
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It was fun however, and I'll likely do it again. Just keep practicing and stuff.
Rimrook16 years ago2008-03-31 16:51:40 UTC 12 comments
I screwed up my career i think.

Yeah, I probably should've spent more time actually mapping rather than other things. I talked to my adviser and he said I wasn't a good modeller nor level designer, nor a good illustrator, but a "phenominal texture artist beyond the levels of professional".

I feel good and bad and all of the above. He also said to work on my level designing. It supports my star talent.

Well.... no shit.
Rimrook16 years ago2008-03-18 12:23:54 UTC 2 comments
Rimrook17 years ago2008-03-05 16:30:27 UTC 3 comments
Yesterday was my last day at my job. My notice ran up and I'm done. Which means I gain time, and a LOT of time. 35-40 extra hours so I can catch up on homework and... that other thing... it starts with a '6' and ends with 'D' ..............
Rimrook17 years ago2008-02-27 14:41:36 UTC 0 comments
Rimrook17 years ago2008-02-23 06:22:20 UTC 0 comments
It smells like paint here.
Rimrook17 years ago2008-02-14 14:49:43 UTC 0 comments
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Yugioh is gay as hell but this was minutes of fun.
Rimrook17 years ago2008-01-30 06:26:04 UTC 0 comments
Brushed death last night. It sucked... don't want to really talk about it... and yes I made an update on the 6D thread before this...

Dedication Bitches.

Anyway, I had a crazy headache and didn't get any medication, it was later at night and the store was closed. I could sleep so I stayed up all night working on homework, the next day I had class then I was at work all afternoon, and then put in an additional 2.5 hours 'cuz the guy that covers the next shift was late as hell. Near the end, a friend gave me some Ibuprofen, which normally does weird things with my chemistry for some reason, maybe allergic i dunno. Whatever I took it because I was little desperate at this point. I got home feeling only tired, my killer headache was gone, but I found out I had a ruptured vein... After a while i felt weird and weird went into some cliche as hell life flash before my eyes type mind lapse. Wasn't sure after that, all I knew was that I was going to die alone in my room.
Rimrook17 years ago2008-01-15 15:54:02 UTC 0 comments
i FAILED my homework! The fuckin teacher gave me an F grade on it!

Here's the assignment.

Everyone was given a max file consisting of a character named "Bob" with a stool and a box. Storyboards show that he opens the box and retrieves a pair of boxers. This is easy first week stuff. So I did my take on the subject and failed immediately upon review!!!

This is what I did.
Rimrook17 years ago2008-01-08 18:46:07 UTC 0 comments
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Rimrook17 years ago2008-01-02 08:50:51 UTC 0 comments
Don't let 2007 hit your ass on the way out. I certainly didn't, in my vacation time (roughly 8 days) I managed to pull 6D into demo ready status. However, I do have some setbacks i need to investigate.

For Christmas i didn't get much, but it was the happiest Christmas ever because so. I wasn't disappointed with anything that i got, unlike the multitudes of depressing commercials on the radio and TV. Also everyone loved the gifts I gave, even though they weren't expensive or anything... except for Jon. I got a buddy of mine a PS3 with Assassin's Creed for Christmas. He deserves it, with a Fiance and a baby to take care, plus college, and a crappy job... he has no money to spend and he's been bitchin about the PS3 all year which made his Christmas friggin epic.

Of course, the best gift of all is money. A large sum of it fell into my hands before december, and it was grant and scholarship surplus money from school... and it was a lot. Thats how I afforded the PS3 and the remainder of my PC parts as well as everyone else's gift. But you have to pay back loans so I wrote a check to my mother who takes care of the financial crap. So I broke even and they can use that money to make payments instead of paying out of their pockets. Which they can bounce back from Christmas and recent expenses.

So the last 1/12 of 2007 wasn't so bad, and I got so much done for me and everyone I know and for one, I feel good about doing good.
Rimrook17 years ago2007-12-21 08:18:27 UTC 0 comments
New Pc For Me!

I saved up all year long to piece together a monster capable of running source... Well this pc still can't because NewEgg shipped me a bad 8600gt graphics card, so for the moment I'm working with a 7300 gts with 512 ram. Which runs amazingly.

I even got an old won-hl cd with an authentic key. So I have a new HL install fresh and clean without a load of minor tweaks and 60 mod folders and a mass clutter of stuff from maps.

Its by far the most powerful pc I've ever owned and I quite proud to have built it myself. Just need to return the bad card and get a new one and I'm set for life.

Yet, over the years i've gained a superstition of the internet, so my new pc is going to have minimal internet contact. So keep away from spyware, adware, viruses, and all the crap that bogs down my processes, because mostly, I need this PC for school. Its the only thing I've got that can handle the burden of my homework, besides me. :)