
Striker15 years ago2009-06-13 13:45:20 UTC 9 comments
Photos !

I was gifted with a Nokia 6500 Slide, Carl Zeiss optics , 3.2 Mp and Auto-Focus.
This baby is a jewelery. The lens actually mechanically move like in a real photo camera ! That means I can take ( even though not excellent quality ) macro pics. I also have a 2GB card on it :D. Oh, and it has ultra-bright leds for night pics.
Here they are ( I posted a gallery on my blog, it's easier for me) :
Click me !

As you can see, most of them may need a bit of color correction, I think they lack warm colors.

[EDIT]I'm searching for guys from twhl that play Garry's Mod. If you play and would like to play together ( and maybe playtest my wip gmod map ), check my profile for the steam ID.
Striker15 years ago2009-06-07 15:22:29 UTC 7 comments
Member since:November 21, 2007
Steam Rating:10
Playing time:110.5 hrs past 2 weeks
Half-Life 2 43.1 hrs
Source SDK 42.2 hrs
Garry's Mod 22.1 hrs

I think I went insane @_@. I didn't see these till' now.
Striker15 years ago2009-06-01 13:40:07 UTC 15 comments
PC Upgrade !

New memories arrived at my door today !
4x1GB DDR2 1066 mhz , Kingston HyperX !!

Here they are, I already installed them in the pc ( you can see the metallic things near the CPU cooler) :
User posted image
Here are the old rams :
User posted image
Those were 2x1 GB Corsair Twin DDR2 800 mhz, Enhaced Performance Profile.

I think I'm going to keep them for now, in the current month I'll run my pc with the new memories to see if I get BSODs ( with the corsair ones I never had) . But after that, over the summer I'll sell them ( I only used them half a year) , add some money and get a new motherboard with an E8400 or E8500. Or maybe keep the money for the next 2-3 years and build a Nehalem platform :D

[EDIT] Who tells me the correct total numbers of cooling fans from my computer wins the Eagle Eye Award :P
Striker15 years ago2009-05-20 15:22:25 UTC 4 comments
My exploration in the electic Universe is on-going.
But I dislike theory, I only learn it when it helps me do practical things, because I love DIY and practice.

I made a speaker, and it turned out I put too few wires in the coil, so this is a prototype. Also, the magnets were kinda weak, so if I find somewhere some neodymium magnets I'll buy some and use those, they're very strong.

Here's the link :
Striker15 years ago2009-05-17 06:38:03 UTC 5 comments

I was totally bored so I modded my case. I had to make some circuitry for the fading light effect to be present.

Anyway here's the link to my blog, it's the last article posted :
You may need to refresh the link, sometimes when you first access the link it will say it doesn't find the page ... or at least that's what Firefox is doing with most of the sites on my PC.
Striker15 years ago2009-05-09 14:34:50 UTC 22 comments

Well, I was somewhat bored so I decided to make a twhl logo, my tribute for twhl. I used Rimrook's map "cs_twhl" for a part of the video.
The "TWHL" metal plate is done in blender. The rest of the video in afx and sony vegas.

Because youtube sucks, they had to detect that I'm using the rockefeller song( how the hell they are doing this ? ... fuck technology, it's too advanced).
So I uploaded it in the map vault.
But sure, you can watch the video on youtube ... audioswapped X( :

[EDIT] Here's a vimeo link for it, in original state.

Also, check the map vault for download.
Striker15 years ago2009-04-22 14:09:51 UTC 13 comments
I recently received a "steam" email. Don't trust these things.
User posted image
Also, notice how it addresses me : "dear users" . That's not my steam name.
Striker15 years ago2009-04-18 07:02:18 UTC 9 comments
I just bought myself a new Hard-Drive !
It's a caviar blue, 16 mb cache, 500 gb !

I'm just so happy, no more space related problems now :D .
For a lot more info, visit
Striker15 years ago2009-04-10 19:35:53 UTC 4 comments
CamSpace, The ultimate experience in game controllers

Kiss your keyboard, mouse and
joystick goodbye, and start playing
games with your webcam!
CamSpace is Super Easy & Super Fun

I tried this software and it's really something new and very cool. I played a game much like pinball or something like that, using a marker. I then made a profile config for GRID ( you can make game profiles), and I should say, you can configure it for a lot of movements( it detects almost any kind of movement).
The result was literally a disaster( my webcam is under MP and it isn't that good ...). The car was driving by itself almost :))
You have to get used to stand with your hands in air with an object. The object must be something contrasting with the ambient light.

Download it from HERE and also type "CamSpace" on youtube to see what I'm talking about.

Try it out yourself, it's quite cool and it provides some minigames that are already configured, for a "warm-up" with the program ;)
Striker15 years ago2009-03-16 15:17:24 UTC 30 comments
FurRendering Benchmark Results :

This program is crazy ! My computer has gone MAD during benching.
Striker16 years ago2009-02-18 17:34:42 UTC 11 comments
User posted image
The old TV (see captain terror's journal)
User posted image
And also showing my family some videos. But look ! TWHL on TV ! teee-veeeee :)
Striker16 years ago2009-02-08 08:44:49 UTC 1 comment

My new car suspension in gmod.

I'm looking for some guys to play gmod 10 with :) .
Striker16 years ago2009-02-01 20:01:20 UTC 4 comments
Well, I finished the second video with gta4 ( it's actualy the third, but the first one is just too lame).
Now , I know most of you won't like you, but I tried to make this a little funnier than the last one I posted here.

Don't even try to watch it in normal quality. Only high-quality please ...

*boo striker, asshole,gtfo, this is bullshit ! *

[EDIT] Added a vimeo video :
Striker16 years ago2009-01-28 18:03:26 UTC 15 comments
Hey ! I made a video with gta4 and I uploaded it on youtube.

Here's the link :

Please excuese me for the bad quality of the video.
The video is intended to be funny altough it may contain violent scenes.
I hope you enjoy it !
Striker16 years ago2009-01-13 16:10:10 UTC 4 comments
My source map will come pretty soon I guess.(the coop room project)

But in the mean time I want to show you something I saw while searching for something else :