PC Upgrade !
New memories arrived at my door today !
4x1GB DDR2 1066 mhz , Kingston HyperX !!
Here they are, I already installed them in the pc ( you can see the metallic things near the CPU cooler) :
Here are the old rams :
Those were 2x1 GB Corsair Twin DDR2 800 mhz, Enhaced Performance Profile.
I think I'm going to keep them for now, in the current month I'll run my pc with the new memories to see if I get BSODs ( with the corsair ones I never had) . But after that, over the summer I'll sell them ( I only used them half a year) , add some money and get a new motherboard with an E8400 or E8500. Or maybe keep the money for the next 2-3 years and build a Nehalem platform

[EDIT] Who tells me the correct total numbers of cooling fans from my computer wins the Eagle Eye Award