
Pixie20 years ago2003-12-23 15:08:53 UTC 1 comment
Been programming alot lately. Working on a new commercial sprite engine with Scaling, Rotation, Alpha, Palette Swaps and more. Should be called the SMSL, or Super - Multipurpose - Sprite - Library. I recall that about this time last year, I was unable to do some of the things I needed to do, and so I started this sprite library.
Cpl.1nsane20 years ago2003-12-23 11:59:57 UTC 0 comments
Marlborometal20 years ago2003-12-22 17:27:56 UTC 0 comments
Just wanted to let know that my map in the uncompleted vault gone nuts :P. If anyone was playing it or wanting to see it again or wanting to play more levels of it... Well, you?ll have to wait ?till I update it again with new content (I?m a level and a little from the total completion :D).
Quaver20 years ago2003-12-22 15:41:13 UTC 0 comments
At mid night should i really go to bed. nah. Who invented the slepping crap. i shall not ZzZ sleep ZzZzZz ever ZzZzZzZz agaZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZ
AJ20 years ago2003-12-21 23:31:34 UTC 0 comments
Ah another day. Another day in which I acomplished absolutely nothing :)
esmajor20 years ago2003-12-21 20:19:22 UTC 0 comments
Just d/l DoD today - thought it was single player.... oh well. :P :badass:
high_voltage20 years ago2003-12-21 03:30:43 UTC 0 comments
Today: difficulty with train (please help). ate pie
AJ20 years ago2003-12-20 23:19:52 UTC 3 comments
YAY a journel entry!! WOOT!! Hehe very cool :P
StupendousMan20 years ago2003-12-20 13:39:41 UTC 0 comments
hey look, my journal works! :) yay.
kol20 years ago2003-12-20 04:06:14 UTC 0 comments
Another Lazy Saturday, I was hoping to get my website up, but i've had no luck :(
Power Parka20 years ago2003-12-19 15:29:24 UTC 0 comments
Hmm... this new fangled Journal thingy is quite interesting...yes interesting indeed
DieH@rd20 years ago2003-12-19 15:16:19 UTC 2 comments
today i've reached my 100th login... nice number
nothing else happened today. :|
Loque20 years ago2003-12-19 15:08:47 UTC 1 comment
Very Bad ideas;

1) Lets make a bigger even badder Deathstar
2) Lets introduce a new cartoon canine, let call him Scrappy Doo
3) Lets Invite that nice, quiet mr Poirot to our Gun club in our somewhat remote house in the Countryside
The_6th_Monkey20 years ago2003-12-19 14:38:12 UTC 0 comments
cheese strings don't eat peanuts :
kol20 years ago2003-12-19 14:27:33 UTC 1 comment
Decided to start using this thing for once...

My site's still dead... and well... i don't know when it'll be back

On a lighter side,
I can't Wait to start work on the TWHL mod !