
Rimrook12 years ago2011-09-11 15:40:54 UTC 15 comments
User posted image
never forget.
Rimrook12 years ago2011-09-02 00:21:53 UTC 113 comments
Rimrook's Emergency Surgery :(

Hey Guys, Lyssa here again,
Rimrook JUST got home form having emergency surgery to remove the Kidney stone. As you recall 3 weeks ago we rushed him to the ER and found that he had a 6mm Kidney stone. Well the condition got to the point where it got stuck in the base of the Ureter (the tube that connects the Kidney to the bladder) and was NOT moving, so the Dr told us this afternoon (around 12:30-1:00) to go to the ER Immediately and that he would have surgery this evening.

The surgery itself went VERY well but Rim is in a LOT of pain. They had to go in with camera and this apparatus to remove the stone up through his urethra. The surgery only took about 30 min. and after he was woken up we were allowed to take him home. He is NOT feeling very good tonight at all.

I have a requested if you would like to do a nice get well for him to get a nice high rez pic of a Bazooka and sign it so that when he can come to the computer again there will be a nice little get well card from you all. I KNOW how close you guys are to Rim, and he would REALLY appreciate it.

If you need to get in contact with him for any reason just leave a comment on here I will be checking this often for him. Thanks guys

Rimrook12 years ago2011-08-16 19:11:52 UTC 16 comments
Rimrook's in the Hospital

Hey Guys, this is Lyssa Rimrook's Fiance.
He is currently in the Hospital attempting to pass a kidney stone.
He called me this morning in a lot of pain, so I took him to the ER and after much poking and Prodding and a lovely CT scan, they told us he has a 6mm Kidney stone (1 MM more and he would have had to have surgery)
They have given him pain meds and hooked him up to an IV, they are hoping he will pass it sometime today or tomorrow with no issues. So when he gets home I am SURE he will write to you about his adventure (aka the male equivalent of childbirth) If you want me to send him any well wishes or kind words I will check this later on before I go back over.

Thanks Guys!
Rimrook12 years ago2011-08-06 21:03:04 UTC 10 comments

Does anyone have this?

If you do, upload it too Mediafire and post me a link.


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|   Going to work. BBL  ' |
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Rimrook12 years ago2011-07-13 17:54:03 UTC 4 comments
Lappytop computer is dead.

A moment of silence please...

Thank you.

Now today I traveled 9 miles looking for the parts necessary to restore the data by adapting the HDD to an external enclosure. Turns out all I bought was some mud soap, which was $35 but I talked him down to $10, then had lunch and went home without my parts. I need a car, its too hot for this.
Rimrook12 years ago2011-06-10 12:43:09 UTC 23 comments
Addicted to Minecraft, bbl.
Rimrook13 years ago2011-05-29 22:06:19 UTC 6 comments
Made this.
Rimrook13 years ago2011-05-23 20:05:52 UTC 5 comments
Lyssa is doing well. She decided to dance again after her surgery. It was a hard road to travel. This is her comeback performance, her head is in a vail because of the surgery-ness.

Come Back Performance

She also did this too

Rimrook13 years ago2011-04-24 23:53:11 UTC 5 comments
Store was broken into, brb.
Rimrook13 years ago2011-03-22 00:10:02 UTC 4 comments
I used to play this game all the time when I was a youngin' on the SNES. I would get funny answers. BUT NOT THIS FUNNY!

I laughed to tears after the first two.
Rimrook13 years ago2011-03-11 12:10:17 UTC 9 comments
Going to the doctor because I have a Flu/Cold combo with hearing loss. Fluid filled my ears so it always sounds like I'm under water.

Rimrook13 years ago2011-02-22 22:59:09 UTC 15 comments
Treadmillasaurus Rex

Highscores? Mine so far is 29,230
Rimrook13 years ago2011-01-25 18:36:08 UTC 10 comments
User posted image
Rimrook13 years ago2011-01-13 04:10:47 UTC 15 comments
I just quit that thing I did that wasted 40 hours a week doing whatever it was I did.
Rimrook13 years ago2010-12-26 01:04:33 UTC 9 comments
Finally popped the question properly to Lyssa! It was at a family gathering today at one of her uncle's mother-in-law's place. It was hectic trying to get everyone together discretely and not spoil the surprise, including giving the camera to the camera man and not telling him why he needs it. When everyone was in one spot and quiet, I gave my little speech. Sorry I kinda made it up out of love on the spot and I dont really remember it. But it was along the lines since we've been through SOOOO much over that last year together, we have pretty much become inseparable and I wouldn't want it any other way. She was completely blown away by the ring and how large it is.

User posted image
So she's mine! MAH!