Journal #5110

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-01 13:59:30 UTC
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Hey People. To Those of you who dont know yet: A New Aliens game called Aliens: Colonial marines is coming out at the end of this year on xbox 360 and other consoles. i dont know about you but, im getting it asap!

here are some screenshots:
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Looks good huh?
Im at the last act of quake 4 where you visit the big marines ship as a strog.
I quite like the game, its quite fun. the only thing i didnt like it the part with the tanks and the robot. i personally think that the robot and the tank looked awfull, and where just too strong. + the tank had no sound lol.

I also taught that there werent enough achievements.

Besides all that i like the game.


Commented 16 years ago2008-06-01 15:10:32 UTC Comment #54860
Dude, you've made 10 (!) journal posts in May. Seriously, CUT IT DOWN!
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-01 15:19:39 UTC Comment #54862
Skals is like aids, it spreads all over the place. No seriously, every thread, every map, every journal.. TWHL is skalsified. waits for Strider to whine; 'pfft freshed, stop being such an arse, be nice and friendly... SKALS IS TRYING!!'

Now, on-journal.... Alien vs Predator (with arny) was a enjoyable movie, other than that, I have yet to see a good Aliens movie OR play a good Aliens game. I saw the latest movie with Alien, man... I want my money back.
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-01 16:20:51 UTC Comment #54865
freshed thats a bit too much... and im more like cancer.

Muzz: One journal per 2 days isnt that bad is it. plus, im contributing.

All: hey. striger told me to contribute into stuff not just post random shit. that's what im doing. plus i havent really got anything to do in my free time.
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-01 17:20:24 UTC Comment #54861
"plus i havent really got anything to do in my free time."

You map right?
Commented 15 years ago2008-06-01 21:08:53 UTC Comment #54864
what engine will it use?
Commented 15 years ago2008-06-01 23:41:10 UTC Comment #54863
"freshed thats a bit too much... and im more like cancer."

Cancer isn't transmittable. And you don't seem to be dying, either (unfortunately.) No, you're actually more like herpes: Everywhere, and really annoying, but ultimately not fatal and its existence has no real effect on anything.

But regarding your journal post... Well, all I can say is, I'm not sure anybody on here cares as much about this Alien stuff as you do. I have to admit, the original Alien, and Predator especially were quite good, but all the others I've seen have been lame and uninspired. It's just turned into another typical mass-produced Hollywood action series, and it's drawn on way too long. I can't even figure out how the film studios justify its existence, unless it's raking in more money than I thought. I really don't understand how anybody could be a fan of it, yet I'm sure there's whole forums dedicated to this stuff (hint hint.)

Also, I'm not really sure if it looks good or not. The graphics look decent, but all I've got to go on are a couple of screens that remind me of Quake 4 and the knowledge that most of these games received pretty mediocre reviews.
Commented 15 years ago2008-06-10 03:57:10 UTC Comment #54866
Lol the screenshots are too good .

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