Journal #7827

Posted 12 years ago2012-06-03 23:05:55 UTC
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Well I tried smoking. I felt really bad, psychologically speaking, as if I violated on one of my principles... but to be honest, I knew that someday I'd have to satisfy this curiosity.

I concluded that it's nothing really special, other than having the traditional effects of a first-time smoker like feeling a bit high. I've read that nicotine actually has some of the caffeine effects, like making you feel more focused and aware(although I don't understand how that works when you're actually also inhaling carbon monoxide, which basically disrupts the hemoglobin's ability to carry oxygen).
It's more of a social thing in my perception...

I still have some questions though. How do you actually inhale the smoke? I'm confused on this apparently simple part. Do I suck the smoke in my mouth, get out the cigarette, and then inhale air? Or do I directly inhale the smoke in my lungs?

I also tried cigarettes with no filter(those that look like a cigar). Holy crap, those blasted me.

And another issue, what's so wrong with cigars(it's easy in English to confuse cigars for cigarettes, at least for me) that you must not inhale the smoke into your lungs? What's the point of smoking a cigar then?

What are the best type of cigarettes when you want something more special? I've heard about vanilla or menthol aroma ones... what about brands?

I feel weird...
[EDIT] Ah, almost forgot about this! What about effective methods of getting rid of cigarette smoke, especially on the fingers?


Commented 12 years ago2012-06-03 23:42:55 UTC Comment #58053
Try washing them with soap and water.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-03 23:54:34 UTC Comment #58050
You're supposed to inhale the smoke into your lungs, I think, but you don't have to, and in fact, it's healthier if you don't. (My dad smokes them "incorrectly" and a few years ago the family doctor thought he had quit because his lungs/airways were still in somewhat decent shape all things considered)

I think cigars are much more concentrated and high volume, so the smoke would be much worse for you (However, considering the shit they put in cigarettes for filler, I can't imagine how you could get worse, assuming cigars are 100% tobacco)

Personally, I would never smoke a cigarette. Fairly sure I would keel over and die from all the second hand smoke I've gotten over the last 17 years if I did.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 00:24:54 UTC Comment #58030
Good cigars are about taste. Their nicotine content is actually pretty poor. You're supposed to puff on one, where you only inhale slightly. You aren't supposed to inhale much of it at all.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 00:42:34 UTC Comment #58038
I love cigars though i'm a complete noobie... I want to go across the border(us/canada) and try some cubans right now..(though you can't smoke in the bars in canada anymore, which i totally don't get)

To inhale
1. suck smoke in.
2. close your mouth and hold it for a sec.
3. then open your mouth slightly and breathe in normally.
4. profit(especially if it's the herbal kind)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 01:02:11 UTC Comment #58033
"Ah, almost forgot about this! What about effective methods of getting rid of cigarette smoke, especially on the fingers?"

If you mean the scent left on your fingers after smoking, stroke your dog. The fur soaks up the smell like nothing else for some reason. I know it sounds dodgy, but it works.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 01:24:50 UTC Comment #58039
Anything to make that smell go away is worth it, it's the worst.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 02:05:40 UTC Comment #58021
Cigarrettes are probably one of the worst things on the planet.
They smell terrible, they taste terrible, and they make YOU smell terrible. The buzz you get from them is also very minimal.

If you're going to smoke tobacco I'd really suggest just using a hookah--even if they're waaaay overhyped in the States now. As far as tobacco goes, hookah shisha is generally "healthier" than cigarette tobacco (no preservatives, etc.). The sheer volume of smoke you take in sort of offsets that, though. Regardless, it tastes great, gets you a nice buzz, is easy to breathe in, and doesn't leave anything smelling like shit.

Not that I really encourage smoking, but if you're going to do it you shouldn't waste your time with cigarettes.

Edit: Cigars and cigarettes are totally different, actually. As others have already said, cigars are all about flavor. You smoke a cigar for the taste--you actually don't even breathe the smoke into your lungs with cigars. Cigarettes, on the other hand, are all about the buzz--no flavor(generally speaking).
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 02:56:47 UTC Comment #58040
agree on all points crafter-dude, although i will STILL smoke a pack at a party.. ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 02:57:19 UTC Comment #58028
Ocassionally I smoke wine flavored wood tipped black and milds. To not breathe in too much cmoke just sort of suck the smoke into your mouth/ lungs and then inhale air after removing the cig from your mouth. It will mix air with smoke making it less hot and potent. Don't just suck in a ton of smoke, that's horrible.

I personally think hooka is the worst thing on the planet because it's very hard to tell how much you are inhaling and when I smoke it I inhale a butt ton of smoke. And days after I feel short breathed.

If your wearing an over shirt or coat just take it off before you smoke and then put it back on. Just brush your hands across eachother to get rid of the scent and wash them.

Weed is the same for me, doesn't seem to work for me. Makes me a zombie, I never personally liked it. It has helped me creatively a few times but I pretty much stay away from it. It seems to work with everyone differently.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 03:10:36 UTC Comment #58041
I find that's true fore me too--about the weed--if i do too much, and what kind of weed(strain) it is.

Also, if you're just sitting around and smoke, don't expect any great ambitions about doing stuff, but smoke when your about to do something, e.g., map, work out, go for a walk, it always seems enhanced to me. (again, don't smoke a whole bowl, just a few teasers ;))
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 06:10:45 UTC Comment #58049
"They smell terrible, they taste terrible, and they make YOU smell terrible. The buzz you get from them is also very minimal."
I smoke a few a year mostly when im drunk to get even more drunk. But i cant understand how ppl smoke them everyday its like you are inhaling metal fumes that irritate lungs.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 06:14:27 UTC Comment #58054
Its an fake addiction. You dont need em.
I never tried smoking, and never will.

I did once ask for the last Sobrania from my friends just to chew it and spit it out, they were so pissed off :>
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 09:46:36 UTC Comment #58046
I can't feel anything neither from cigarettes nor cigars nor weed, the only time I felt something was when I tried parachute, I almost fell off the balcony...
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 11:09:49 UTC Comment #58055
Swallowing toilet paper sounds quite retarded Bruce.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 11:35:40 UTC Comment #58043
I had no idea what that means until I read on the internet. That sounds not entirely safe... what did you 'parachute' exactly?
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 13:03:26 UTC Comment #58031
"(though you can't smoke in the bars in canada anymore, which i totally don't get)"

Same in the UK. Win law. Smoking indoors is terrible for the rest of us.
I went through a few months of smoking in high school, but I'd never go back to it.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 13:32:06 UTC Comment #58047
No idea... Marijuana, what else... But that felt like drinking a bottle of wine in a single swallow.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 15:28:39 UTC Comment #58027
I quit smoking cigarettes habitually almost two years ago. Feels good man. I can smell things properly now!

Weed on the other hand tends to provoke creativity for me if I'm focused intensely on a specific task. It also doesn't fuck with my lungs as much as cigarettes did...perhaps this is due to methods of filtering the smoke though :)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 15:54:25 UTC Comment #58051
Don't smoke. Period.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 16:31:27 UTC Comment #58052
"The first modern attempt at restricting smoking was imposed by the then German government in every university, post office, military hospital, and Nazi Party office, under the auspices of Karl Astel's Institute for Tobacco Hazards Research, created in 1941 under orders from Adolf Hitler."

Feel free to smoke all you want.
(Not really, it's not a good idea)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 16:39:22 UTC Comment #58048
Nowadays, when the world is so full of bull-fucking-shit, sometimes you just need to get away from it... One way or another, whether it's mapping, boxing or weed...
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 21:45:36 UTC Comment #58032
I like weed when i dont over-do my throat inhaling too much.
Honestly, the best way ive smoked weed is with a hooka filled with kool-aid.
It tastes like watermelon and the smoke is cool so it doesnt hurt your lungs a lot.

What i do recommend - regardless of what avenue you're taking for the weed, let your lungs rest in between hits.
If you don't, you're more likely to focus on how bad your body feels instead of how relaxed your mind is.

TLDR - Hookas and bongs > blunts and bowls
Don't let it control your life and i dont see any issues.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-05 19:29:52 UTC Comment #58024
I actually just stopped smoking two days ago. It's a stupid habit.

I like it for stress, though. Plus I'll probably always smoke when drinking. I just kinda have to.

FUCK now I want a cigarette.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-06 01:25:16 UTC Comment #58029
I took a good hit of pot once. I hated feeling numb. I feel blah often enough as is, I like my consciousness too much.

I drink so sparingly now. Even then, same principle. I'm just not into drugs because they make me feel bad.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-06 20:35:43 UTC Comment #58056
What attracted you to try it?
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-06 20:47:31 UTC Comment #58044
The social medium, I guess...
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-06 21:17:22 UTC Comment #58057
I ask because doing drugs is the maximum level of retardedness a person can reach in my book.

I have an uncle who destroyed my family because of drugs.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-07 02:54:00 UTC Comment #58035
As has been pointed out a few times, cigarettes are about the buzz, and cigars are about the flavour. I have tried cigarettes, but I personally don't like them. Everyone I've talked to about it has mentioned that they love the feeling, but it just made me feel sick tbh.
Cigars however, I do like. There's a brand of cigars (or perhaps they're cigarello's?) they have here that leave a nice spicy taste on your tongue, and they seem to modify the taste of food and drink. For example, drinking a mouthful of Coke after a puff gives the taste of berries.
I have however learned to smoke cigars with caution. About a year ago I smoked a massive Cuban cigar in the space of a few minutes on a night out. I didn't inhale any of the smoke, but the nicotine must have absorbed through the inside of my mouth. As soon as we left the bar and went into the fresh air(I was technically outside in the smoking area, but the air wasn't very fresh), the feeling hit me like a freight train. I felt extremely dizzy, and for the next ten minutes I was fighting the urge to throw up. Since then I have smoked cigars somewhat sparingly.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-07 03:17:39 UTC Comment #58025
Big cigars have pushed me over the edge when drinking before. feelsbadman.jpg
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-07 03:19:42 UTC Comment #58026
Also I'm high as balls right now, and every sentence I read has a different voice associated with it. It's silly.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-07 03:53:42 UTC Comment #58034
take control of your own life. some people let cigs control their routeen/life. kinda sad really.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-07 15:51:02 UTC Comment #58058
Best cigars/cigarettes = No cigars/cigarettes
At least in my opinion they give you only problems:
2.Not enough oxygen=impossibility to run/do something,requiring lots of oxygen
3.More cigarettes/cigars = more nicotine = more money to spend(!)
4.Very high chances of catching the worst ill
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-07 20:43:07 UTC Comment #58042
Luke: me too, all the letters seem to be "3ding" to the lower left of my screen and i'm actually tilting my head to compensate. i have to quit parachuting it's deadly zomg ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-07 20:46:01 UTC Comment #58036
Why smoke? Stupidest thing you could do.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-08 03:34:15 UTC Comment #58022
"I ask because doing drugs is the maximum level of retardedness a person can reach in my book."
Using vs. abusing.
I used to think people hate "drugs" because there's something inherently morally wrong with feeling high. Then I actually thought about it. There isn't.
The umbrella term "drugs" is really far, far too vague.

"Why smoke? Stupidest thing you could do."
Edit: No, jumping off a cliff is much more stupid.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-08 09:40:15 UTC Comment #58045
This journal surely has spawned a lot of opinions. Thanks for your comments guys!
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-08 17:20:52 UTC Comment #58037
"No, jumping off a cliff is much more stupid."
Depends how tall the cliff, and the reason, and the factor of whether you have safety equipment like bungee jumping rope or parachute :P
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-08 20:35:53 UTC Comment #58023
Did you mean for that to be an analogy to smoking? It sounds like an analogy.

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