Nice for a change

Posted 6 years ago2018-12-05 22:49:10 UTC
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
(no TL;DR for the lazy readers, I even put pictures for you)

The day started off as usual. It was an early Wednesday morning and I arrived to the Southern Camp in Mostar. We basically have classrooms on 3 separate locations, and each is specialised for some kinds of classes, e.g. Practical class. Nothing was really special on Practical class today, as my classmate and I were testing out the new prototyping boards and soldering some capacitors on them. We completed all the lessons, so the professor decided to give us something to do, that's why we were soldering instead of assembling a circuit.

Note: my class is split in 2 groups only for Practical class. 10 people from 7:30 to 9:00 and the rest from 10:40 to 12:40 or so.

And then that class ended. We were about to have History class. But then, someone launched Mario Forever on the professor's laptop:
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(video clips will be included in my 3rd school moments compilation)

It was fun. I was the only one who reached Bowser's castle, except our professor entered the classroom when I was trying to defeat Bowser.
Nice for a change. My classmates (precisely, one of the girls) called it the most interesting class ever. We don't usually play any games while the professor is absent. :P

We had a lesson about Bosnia and Herzegovina in World War I, and I forgot to look at my watch. It was 10:40 and my bus left the station at 10:25. Woops~
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But I didn't really care. I spent 15 minutes waiting for the bus which would leave at 11:30, but then I remembered hundreds of thoughts from my past. "Change yourself for once.", they said. So instead of spending the rest of the time outside on the cold and windy weather, I walked back to the building.
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(this is an older photo, ignore the stuff on the floor)

The 2nd half of my class was having Practical class there. They were a class behind my group, so I already knew everything and I decided to help them out and explain some things.
Nice for a change. These guys didn't know a thing about ICs. Imagine what would've happened if I hadn't gone back and stayed where I waited for my bus.

And then a professor from the neighbouring classroom came in, and asked someone to set up the projector. Something wasn't working.
Her entire class was unable to solve the problem. And there were really only 2 things to do: having to use the Intel GMA properties window and enable duplicate displays, and inserting the VGA out into the VGA port, not the Super VGA port. :P
Nice for a change. A presentation could've failed if I hadn't been there.

So, I realised one thing today. I definitely should change in some aspects. I wonder how many things I've missed out by standing still on the spot, or saying "no" when somebody asked me to go somewhere with them.
Change is good. As a Bosniak, I perceived change as one of the worst things that can happen to me, but honestly, now I don't think it's so bad. (and yes, Bosniaks in general hate change - it's a fact that we're one of the biggest haters of change)

And don't worry, I didn't miss the bus in 11:30. xD


Commented 6 years ago2018-12-06 14:30:41 UTC Comment #101670
From my personal experience: you can only "change" yourself if you do things you normally wouldn't.
Commented 6 years ago2018-12-06 14:39:34 UTC Comment #101671
That is what essentially happened to me yesterday, and it's the point of the journal. I'd normally just stand on one place and wait for the bus for an hour or two, but I came back instead. :3
Commented 6 years ago2018-12-07 21:27:47 UTC Comment #101673
Sounds like a fun day.
Commented 6 years ago2018-12-08 10:18:31 UTC Comment #101674
It is. Every day in my high school is like this.
Commented 6 years ago2018-12-08 10:18:31 UTC Comment #101675
It is. Every day in my high school is like this.
Edit: double posts, they're back. :0

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