
Posted 1 year ago2023-04-22 09:19:46 UTC
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
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Zinc - This thing that powers our remotes and keeps us away from the flu

In 1746, an inquisitive alchemist called Andreas Marggraf found an elusive metal deep in the heart of the German highlands. He was looking for the famous Philosopher's Stone when he discovered a silvery-blue element he christened "Zinc." Andreas, enchanted by its malleability and corrosion resistance, rapidly understood that zinc has its own distinct magical characteristics. People from all around the world began to harness the potential of zinc as word of his discovery spread. They used it to galvanize iron and steel, preserving their ships and towns from rust, and farmers utilized it to provide crucial nutrients to crops.

The alchemists of the modern age, known as chemists, experimented with Zinc to create innovative batteries that powered the dreams of a new generation. And so, Zinc, the marvelous discovery born of a quest for the Philosopher's Stone, continued to weave its enchanting tale of transformation throughout the world.

From a metallurgical perspective, as a moderately reactive metal, Zinc prefers to avoid solitude, seeking companionship with other elements in compounds and alloys

I think that about describes how I feel after this milestone. Although I always preferred my solitude for reading and satisfying my curiosities, I'm starting to understand better and better the importance of spending time with others. As with anything else in life, it's a balance.

If I am observing enough, there are quite some distinct changes between me from 10 years ago and today. For one, I don't have that lust I used to have - this is a bit ridiculous but it's a notable change. Or perhaps it's a consequence of unrequited love, idk. And on that note, most of my anxiety and panic attacks are gone, probably restored to a more healthy level (I've had serious issues with anxiety during my college years) Maybe this is what growing old means. Less reactivity. There's also some understanding of the world I'm living in and long term plans.

I am more fascinated than ever with the progress of AI, and disturbed equally by how small progress has been in other areas of humanity (political, peace etc.). We are living in interesting times.

Otherwise I'm in good shape and probably healthy for my age. I noted a decrease in the performance of my eyesight, but that was triggered during the pandemic. I really should make an appointment to the optometrist/ophthalmologist for a complete eye exam as this worries me.

In other ways I feel about life in general, I've replayed some Talos Principle recently and had a pleasant surprise. This message sums it up:
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Onwards, dear friends!


Commented 1 year ago2023-04-22 18:05:21 UTC Comment #105219
Happy birthday, Oliver 🎈
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-22 20:22:54 UTC Comment #105220
Happy birthday!!!
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-22 22:43:20 UTC Comment #105221
A truly lovely man; happy birthday, my friend!
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-26 01:17:23 UTC Comment #105225
Happy birthday!
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-02 12:15:47 UTC Comment #105229
Happy Birthday!
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-02 16:56:00 UTC Comment #105230
Happy thirtieth.
Commented 11 months ago2023-05-08 11:55:58 UTC Comment #105252
Thank you guys! Appreciate the comments :heart: :D

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