Time passes and we get old. And we set up plans which we often never imagined having set up.
I'm happy to have released 3 maps for Counter-Strike at the end of the previous decade. What will be next ones?
I bought a Sony hi-fi equipment, a digital audio clock, which I never imagined having so fast. What else am I going to buy next?
Everything needs to be organized to have a well-paved and peaceful path.
Don't give up on your dreams and plans if you have one. I already have mine.
Release new Counter-Strike maps
Organize some unfinished works and projects on another hobbies, like vintage hi-fi and art, for example
Study a lot
Buy more old Sony and Aiwa audio equipments for my collection
Check some unfinished Half-Life mod projects
Move to another home
Take care of my mental and physical health and keeping them okay