Tutorial bucket list

Posted 3 months ago2024-09-10 16:29:58 UTC
List of tutorials that I want to write/have written, and the key points.
Tutorial: Zooming in to the subunit world of GoldSource mapping
  • Describe power of 2, usage of resizer blocks, methods:
    1. do work at power-of-2 scale of the final object
    2. move/scale at po2 fractions
Tutorial: The packing (and non-packing) of bodygroups and skin groups in GoldSource models
  • Describe how bodygroups are packed and how to calculate them for use as body kv
  • Describe how skins are NOT packed (only uses first one) and how to manually pack skin groups into the first texture group
  • Example model: scientist?
Tutorial: Fake corpses
  • A way to have dead props of monsters without _dead variant (their models don't have death poses), and without messing with QC/SMD/CPP
  • env_sprite
    • pros: can freeze animation at end of dying sequence
    • cons: cannot set body/skin
  • monster_furniture
    • pros: can set body/skin
    • cons: sequences reset and needs scripted_sequence, needs to play death seq. in full plain just doesn't work without seq. events in the dying act-sequence
  • explore other options
  • explore a way to have gibbable corpses (func_breakable is too goofy tho)
Tutorial: Divide And Conquer Method
  • How to narrow down on sources of problems in a map
  • touch on prelims: map > check for problems... [& also entity report?]
  • examples: allocblock, entities causing crashes on load
Tutorial: Jerry-rigging props into GoldSource
  • Finding the best entities to have models. criteria and use cases:-
    • props: can set body and skin
    • corpses: can set body, skin, sequence, frame
Tutorial: Entity cryptids ☑️ Tutorial: Finding center of rotation from initial and final positions
  • Basic geometrical construction method to find center of rotation for any object-image (or initial/final) pair

1 Comment

Commented 3 months ago2024-09-10 19:47:29 UTC Comment #106386
Very good list, especially looking forward to #2 there (body/skin groups one)!

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