
2muchvideogames13 years ago2010-12-15 00:24:34 UTC 5 comments
Happy holidays! Be sure to play at least 10 mods over winter break.

So I ran into this thread and I think we need medics over here right now. I have xen assault but in a zip it is over 100 mega and as c-striker may or may not know, filefront recently had a major site overhaul not unlike facebook's and all files are rearranged so that any current links die. Anyway I put a link on moddb so if you want to play this you can.

Okay that was the news. Anyway this week we have some czech mods to discuss. First up is red mesa, a fullbright mod of 16 maps. I think the quality of the mappack is guessable based on keyword in the previous sentence. Then we have its sequel, Red Mesa 2. Nothing much here.

The final czech mod we are talking about is Half life: The Real. The title is bit misleading, as I though the mod was quite surreal. I swear, at one point you are thrown into a catacombs as the Diablo II title music plays in your headphones. That was pretty random, lol.

Anyway in this mod you assume the identity of Trinity. You know, that woman from the Matrix movies. Well, not really, but that is your player model so you can't complain.

Like residual point, this mod features two full-length scenarios separately, one as the "new game" and one as the "training". Unfortunately I still have not even finished the "training" campaign yet, since there is one VERY VERY ANNOYING thing about this mod.

This mod has a ridiculous excuse for a skill.cfg. In case you didn't know that is the file that sets the damage for all the attacks and health for monsters and players. Anyway in this crazy skill, headcrabs can kill you in 2 hits at FULL HEALTH AND ARMOUR. They can easily GIB you in 2 hits without armour. No seriously, I even got my ass chewed by LEECHES, WITH ARMOUR. So, "Easy" might as well be "Deadly". Luckily for you, though only I alone need to suffer such pain. Go here and look for the fixed skill.cfg courtesy of phillip's community.

Of course even with that you will be in for a hard time. The first map of the "training" campaign has you on a train running like a mofo as a jet prepares to bomb your ass until you are dead. I dunno if the "new game" campaign is better, though it is a fact that the "training" campaign predates the "new" campaign so that is a possibility.

I want to say more about this mod but I am not making much progress because of the over 9000 skill level. If you want to try this (59 maps total, I think) PLEASE get the skill.cfg fix or other wise you will die atleast 10 times by headcrabs alone.
Tetsu013 years ago2010-12-13 16:26:32 UTC 9 comments
Got a new toy in the mail today:
At work we do a secret santa. I bought one for the IT guy, and i couldn't resist getting one for myself.
Unbreakable13 years ago2010-12-13 16:11:55 UTC 11 comments

Its the only great birthday milestone. lol

Next one is 50 :(
Rimrook13 years ago2010-12-13 15:35:40 UTC 16 comments
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I love my job sometimes.
hlife_hotdog13 years ago2010-12-13 05:09:22 UTC 3 comments
Hey, unfortunately my laptop's graphics card blew up, so I'll be without a computer for some time (about a month or two) while I save up for the desktop I've always wanted. So, i'm back to using the internet at the library or the cafe's.
AJ13 years ago2010-12-10 23:11:20 UTC 22 comments
TWHL! I need your help!

My girlfriend, Lesley, has entered a contest for her portfolio where the prize is a 3 month stay with 3rd Ward, an art and design centre in New York.

As much as I don't want to send her overseas AGAIN (we recently successfully got through a year in a long distance relationship), this prize is far too awesome to pass up.

So, what do you have to do? Simple: just check out this site and rate it five stars! There's no signing up or anything, but there is a time delay on subsequent ratings.

If you do vote, then you are truly awesome.
Striker13 years ago2010-12-09 15:07:27 UTC 7 comments
I've collected a few videos from the internet with DIY launches into space. Well, near space, but it's still amazing!

The Mighty Atom will love these :).

This really just makes me want to build one of those things. Unfortunately idk where you can get helium balloons like those around here...
satchmo13 years ago2010-12-09 14:46:23 UTC 3 comments
My dwarf hamsters getting ready for bed.
2muchvideogames13 years ago2010-12-08 07:27:35 UTC 4 comments
Gonna keep this real short and simple: I just played a German mod called "SHORTCUT".

When you start a new game, it pans a camera view of the room you start in, which is a creepy corridor with glass windows on both sides, and you can see slaves patrolling on each side. Opening messages go "A short half life mod"

You go down the hallway and pick up your suit and weapons. You go down a hallway and bash some aliens. You go down another hallway and fight some slaves. You go down a third hallway and the message says "I said that is a short mod!" Game over.

I think I got trolled or something.
Livewire13 years ago2010-12-06 18:36:17 UTC 6 comments
38_9813 years ago2010-12-06 17:10:53 UTC 6 comments
Here's some news that might surprise you. My aunt, who has been dating for awhile, met this one guy called Brian two nights ago. Turns out they both became instant lovebirds and are now planning to get married.

I'll be honest, I lol'd when I heard the news.
X-LAyer213 years ago2010-12-04 01:02:21 UTC 17 comments
Lots of random stuff on my mind.

So it hasn't even been a week and I'm growing restless knowing there's a perfectly good competition going on and I can't map for it. Only a few more weeks then I'll get my new laptop. I'm also kinda missing paying HL deathmatch and OP4 Deathmatch with my friends and clan. This sucks I've resorted to playing though The Orange Box on my Xbox again. I HATE the strider battle at White Forest, if the stupid rebels would concentrate less on shooting the striders and more on the hunters that would make it so much easier, although when you finally do beat it you feel more accomplished I guess. So while on the topic of bosses, Why is the Nihilanth so easy to kill? Going on how much health I have at the end of his battle the Gonarch should have been the final boss as I had the least Health after fighting it.
What other bosses are in Half-Life, The Power Up Garg? The Blast Pit Tentacle? I can't think of any others.
One last thing, who would win in a creepy stare contest G-man or Weegee?
Oskar Potatis13 years ago2010-12-03 20:37:51 UTC 14 comments
Today, my friend Ant and I successfully took control of TWHL. News post coming soon. Say goodbye to Penguinboy.
Skals13 years ago2010-12-03 11:36:24 UTC 14 comments
I just realized howbig my pussycat has grown! Just a month ago he was so small!

2muchvideogames13 years ago2010-12-02 18:51:25 UTC 8 comments
I just played Kasperg's Idol Hunt and a nameless czech mod, Worst Holiday. What happened was that over at planetphillip, Kasperg and a hamster posing as a HL mod reviewer were having a row because the hamster wanted storytelling in the gameplay which he felt Kasperg didn't do well at in the mod. I'm not going to go into detail because I'm a gamer, not some debate mediator. Whatever.

Anyway if you want to find idol hunt on twhl, it's been deleted sadly, for reasons that I wasn't here to know of. What I do know is that the mapping in Idol hunt is really good.

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That's only a taster. The detail is astounding, the rope you see in the pic actually sways back and forth a bit. I also found the fact that in the beginning, every light pole was linked to the generator was impressive. The puzzles were also pretty impressive, mostly because the architecture involved in them were very well made. But you know there were some parts where I died unfairly. Take a look at this.

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Guess what's behind the door? So what happens you have to go IN the door and retrieve a paper-thin artifact so you can unlock a door. But to get the thing means you have to rush into the room and get singed, which isn't healthy. You prolly don't have enough ammo to destroy it because another one appears near the beginning too, so what can you do.

At one point in the mod I died like 10 times screaming because of a broken bridge. You had to jump across like a maniac but obviously it isn't easy to do. I hope the jumping skills you built up while on Xen are still polished.

Anyway that's Idol Hunt. On the other hand, the czech mod has you going on the worst holiday of your life. In the beginning you start in a pyramid where the door is about to close locking you in forever. Now I don't know about you but that is a horrible way to start a mod. Locked in forever. Why!?

Anyway you can go and wander the pyramid unarmed, getting attacked by zombies and scary crabs (scarabs) and having to take damage and all that. Until you happen across a big ball of teleportation. It then takes you to a snowy facility, and the words "Canada" appears on-screen.

Now Jeff who lives in Canada was complaining about how it only just started snowing, and lo and behold in this mod it's so freaking cold that I'm taking cold damage just walking outside. Not only that, I found PENGUINS in the freaking field. Penguins in Canada I have never heard of that. Oh, you mappers and your silly imagination.

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So you noclip into this facility and fight American Marines for some reason or another. It some kind of combined science facility-military training camp in Canada, is all I can say.

Notice the strategic enemy placement, lol.
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So in the final area there were like 10 soldiers and piles of snow on the ground. I walked into them and guess what, they were snow mines. Boom. Game over. Good mod.

Alright, stop comparing desktops, go check these out.