
Tetsu013 years ago2010-11-07 18:43:45 UTC 4 comments
If anyone lives in the northeast of the united states and needs a car, i'm selling mine. (i live in Connecticut)

Craigslist linky

[ i'm gonna miss that car.

Notewell13 years ago2010-11-07 09:44:58 UTC 10 comments
EDIT: Looks like it sorted itself out. Thanks to all who gave advice.

Well, shit.
It looks like New Vegas has actually killed my computer. So, it crashed, looped the computer like Fallout 3 keeps doing when I'm in tranquility lane. No big deal, right? Just kill the power and reboot. Well, that didn't work too well, because it would just start up in the same state, never getting to bios. So, I left it alone for the night, hoping it would be better this morning. And it was. For a minute. I was listening to music, to try and make sure it wasn't going to crash before I started playing, and as the song was nearing the end, guess what? It blue-screened. Reboot, go the to C:\ drive to locate the files the error report was going to reference, because god forbid Microsoft design it so users can read the actual error reports they're sending out from the error reporting window, and as soon as I clicked on the drive, it crashed.
I reboot, as soon as windows starts up, it bluescreens.
Finally, it froze on bios.
Any ideas? Because I don't know what's causing this, and I doubt I can afford to replace it if it can't be fixed.

Oh yeah, and the current version of Colony 42 is on that computer, too. Crap.
Striker13 years ago2010-11-05 16:22:56 UTC 13 comments
I made a video for my english project.
The project is about making a product advertisement advertise to a product, and I thought I could make it a bit funny :D.
Unfortunately, the sound is a bit distorted. There were strong winds blowing.
2muchvideogames13 years ago2010-11-04 01:02:41 UTC 1 comment
I just played a strange mod of half-life. Well, actually 2 strange mods. The first one is just a code change where all the barneys conspire to join up with soldiers and barney shoots your ass down as soon as you step out of sector C tram, so that was no fun.

The second one was more interesting; it was called Lv426. Available from filefront. In this mod you are part of the US Colonial Marines, sent to investigate a remote science station because the personnel there failed to respond for 24 hours. The story sounds cliche because I just made it up on the fly. There is no readme in the mod so I just made up the back story.

Anyway you and your idiot fellow marines venture foolishly into the temple. All of you are armed with m41a's, which I'm sure you've seen in plenty of other mods (azure sheep being the best example). Unfortunately your fellow soldiers have their m41a's on single shot mode, while you were smart enough to set yours on fully auto. And your fellow soldiers drop a sig handgun when they die, and their m41a's disappear for no explicit reason. (Read: no code changes in this mod.)

This is you and your marine squad regrouping in an ominous and dark space installation.
User posted image

Moments later.
User posted image

The entrance to the facility is now locked, and you are stuck in it with a bunch of Aliens. Watch out, because upon seeing you they will run up to you like a player model and attempt to sock you in the face. Keep running, but you will soon lose your way in this poorly lit facility. The aliens usually appear out of nowhere (monstermakers in front of you), in all directions and try to punch your lights out.

So what do you do? Well I really don't know. Scattered throughout the facility are buttons with unknown functions. Really. You have to wander all over this dim place pressing random buttons that you have no idea does what, and every once in a while aliens will ambush you a la monstermaker. It is kinda creepy at first though, but once you get bored and hopelessly lost, the novelty factor will drop dead quick. And when you run out of ammo, you too will drop dead quick.

This mod features two other maps that I didn't get to. One is tunnel, where you start out with ONLY EXPLOSIVES and traverse a dungeon filled with Aliens. You have ONLY EXPLOSIVES. So I ran around to avoid then and WOW at the end of the corridor there is an RPG. So I ran towards it and suddenly the floor collapsed and I got a face full of black abyss.

The other, names stadium2, should immediately ring bells for you. Take a look below.

User posted image

I'm not even kidding, this map is called "stadium2". Can anyone guess where you've seen this before? Here's a hint, there's a map called "stadium3" in sven coop. So what shady past connections exist between this mod (Lv426) and the popular Sven Coop? More on this after the commercial.
Habboi13 years ago2010-11-02 09:01:40 UTC 6 comments
A week later and my PC is fix0red.

Nice chap came and Dell basically gave him a new motherboard and graphics card to install. All seems well for now but I have to go through that painful process of removing the free shit, mcafee and updating to SP2.

I originally had a Nvidia GTX 8800 but they gave me a GTX 285 as a replacement.

So I bought a Dell 710 and it has now been upgraded to a 720. Woo XD
Rimrook13 years ago2010-10-30 22:05:52 UTC 10 comments
Surgery results:
User posted image
Just in time for Halloween?
satchmo13 years ago2010-10-30 17:41:35 UTC 4 comments
I don't know what exactly he's doing as Darth Vader, but I think it may be a gun reloading sequence.
monster_urby13 years ago2010-10-30 10:34:59 UTC 1 comment
Hardcore, you know the score! Ah, Scooter. How brainless your "Music" is.

On a completely different subject, me being a tit:

2muchvideogames13 years ago2010-10-29 20:32:08 UTC 2 comments
So one day I was at some French modsite and I found this on the Dark Side of the Force. It's a star wars mod for half life. At this point, some people who didn't even look at the link will complain saying, "I know that mod, it's the one with the crappy maps with huge rspeeds and poorly skinned grunts as stormtroopers! What a piece of crap." And then they proceed on with their worthless lives only to miss out on one of the Frenchiest mods of Goldsource.

Suffice to say this mod is NOT that crappy one with the poorly skinned stormtroopers and the large r-speeds desert town. No, this one actually only has 4 maps. And, unfortunately, the four maps are none too impressive expect the last part, which captain terror said had "nice terrain". CT also said everything was "wicked" except the mapping. Can you trust him?

So I got this and in the first map I'm armed with bare hands, surrounded by enemies. At this point you are told nothing by the game. So you just wander around and find a pistol, at which point the lifeforms around you open fire, and you die. Game.

I had to guess how to play this mod. So basically, you do NOT pick up anything in the first map. Ignore that huge concussion launcher DO NOT WANT IT. After you get past the first map, then everything should be okay.

Anyway, so what about this mod other than mapping is so crazy? It's the code, weapons, models, sounds, pretty much. You will be fighting the Galactic Empire and some exotic wildlife, and using all new weapons such as laser pistols, laser rifles, your bare hands, and my favourite, the lightsaber. Using this weapon made me feel like a nearly invincible Jedi Master. Because you see, this weapon not only kills in one hit, a skilled Jedi Master such as myself can also use it to deflect bullets and easily dispatch the stormtroopers/imperial officers/bounty hunters that dare shoot crap at me. Being a Jedi kicks ass.

If the above paragraph failed to get you to get this mod, your head might need to be checked. But like I said the mapping is definitely very bad. Usually you will in nondescript large rooms or large outdoor yards fighting enemy infantry, or AT's. If you are open-minded enough to overlook the crap mapping, then an entirely new arsenal and foes await you in this apparently dead French Testmod, which in your steam/WON game list will be known as 'Testmod'. Nevertheless, despite being only a test mod it is much better than alot of finished mods I've played, and CT says that if you are a star wars fan, you better get this now.
Tetsu013 years ago2010-10-28 19:38:43 UTC 8 comments
Got myself a new Guitar - I've had my eye on this one for YEARS. Even before i got my blue Schecter.

The PRS 513 - 25th Anniversary Edition. Charcoal Burst with Nickel Hardware.

How much did i pay? - Too much..
But it's worth every penny.
Moaby13 years ago2010-10-28 10:40:09 UTC 3 comments
Oww, my half-HD (1080i), 32", LCD TV just decided to be VERY dark even with the brightness and contrast on full settings. To me personally, it seems like the TV is not getting enough power to show a 'full bright image'.

I don't know if i'll be getting it fixed or just buying a new one. Would it be cheaper just to buy a new one rather than getting it looked at?

Anyone got any suggestions? TIA.

TV Model: JVC LT32DY8
Habboi13 years ago2010-10-25 08:13:43 UTC 7 comments

Dell techy is coming tomorrow and i am 100% certain my 8800 gtx is nuked.

Currently using PS3 to surf but hopefully i will get a better gfx card.

P.S. i opened it up and to my surprise there wasn't much dust.
Notewell13 years ago2010-10-25 07:24:09 UTC 11 comments
Today's my Birthday. Now, last year, I kinda promised Soup Miner that I'd reveal my age. So, allow me to savor the anonymity for just a while longer... I'm sixteen now. cue dramatic music
So, I didn't get too much this year, but what I did get was great. My friends pitched in and got me New Vegas, which is the first time I've had a game within a week of it's release. My brother and parents used his connections and their money to buy me a 23-inch monitor, meaning that it's now possible for me to run even New Vegas in its max resolution. (If I thought I could do that without my cooling system dying.)
So, small haul, but great quality.
brendanmint13 years ago2010-10-25 04:26:26 UTC 3 comments
Hey Guys, I don't know/care if you noticed/care that I'm not on anymore, I've been busy with highschool and trying to make myself not steep into a depression like state. I just wanted to say hi to the website that pretty much got me into mapping. I'm still on steam a lot, I play L4D2 all the time when I can, so yea, add me if you want, I'm not that hard to find. See you all around!
DiscoStu13 years ago2010-10-24 19:55:55 UTC 5 comments
I got some sort of virus or trojan this week. I don't know where I got it from, since I always visit the same 10-12 sites which were always safe. Now I was getting continuous popup windows in sites that never had them before and it was annoying the shit out of me. After googling without success (filtered?) I found a forum where someone suggested to run Spybot Search & Destroy. OK, fair enough I think, could give it a try.

But the S&D page didn't load. This couldn't be casual. So I started to think of possible reasons why that particular page wouldn't load, and figured it might have messed up my network settings somehow. It turns out it had changed the DNS server and all my requests were being proxied through some obscure IP. I can only suppose it got many of my passwords too, which I suppose I'll have to change.

I changed it back and I just finished downloading that S&D software. I hope it helps. At least I'm not getting those annoying popups anymore.