
Habboi14 years ago2010-07-07 06:57:27 UTC 12 comments
So I finished university two months ago and I got my results this morning. I am now the proud owner of:

Bachelor of Arts Honours Computer Games Design (Story Development) - First Class.

To those that don't know that's the highest mark available. :D
satchmo14 years ago2010-07-07 00:12:50 UTC 2 comments
A little early for Halloween, but here comes Darth Vader.
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Captain Terror14 years ago2010-07-06 23:44:44 UTC 5 comments
Ha hammer 4 finally added Quick-Hide, Quick-Hide-Unselected, and Restore-hidden buttons, which were so very useful from hammer 3.x:
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So much easier to hide/and restore stuff without the stupid visgroup window
popping up everytime i need to get something out of view..

It is about time they added this... I'm just noticing it now, but anyone know when the update actually took place?


brendanmint14 years ago2010-07-06 18:57:42 UTC 4 comments
Ok, so a couple of month back i started writing a book, but only got 3 chapters in, and so now I'm making it just a short story, well, i was able to get it published to this place, go over and read it! Tell me what you think!
It is based of WWII Paratroopers, because they are my favorite soldiers.

(yes, i also put this in the shoutbox)
Alabastor_Twob14 years ago2010-07-06 15:06:16 UTC 9 comments
It's my eighteenth birthday tomorrow. Also, I won't be around to celebrate it, as tommorrow I'm leaving for a holiday to Mauritius, in Africa. I'll be gone for two or three weeks.
DiscoStu14 years ago2010-07-05 16:24:08 UTC 6 comments
I had a dream last night in which I was Kevin Costner and I was sent back in time to 1997 with a time machine put together by a sound engineer. I was supposed to figure out why was I specifically thrown into 1997 and then find a way to return "home". I found myself bouncing between different years, solving ancient riddles (or even creating them in prehistoric ages for me to find and solve in a future year) and hiding my own instructions from the Nazis. But I couldn't figure it out because I woke up.

It's a shame, because it was very cinematic and I was thinking it would be an awesome movie.
Captain Terror14 years ago2010-07-05 06:08:37 UTC 6 comments
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mood: = )

And why is my mood happy you may ask? it's because if found a fix to a major problem i was having with my nvidia 9800gts gfx card.

My gpu would heat up to over 100?C when playing L4d on the LOWEST settings, regardless of resolution size. My vid card can more than handle the game, but fsr it would jack up immediately to untenable temperature minutes after stargint the game. Then i found an article about Underclocking your video card

Underclocking to these settings(in () are the original clock speeds):

Core Clock - 400 Mhz (600)
Memory Clock - 300Mhz (900)
Shader Clock - 800 Mhz (1500)

Now, i can run L4D at highest settings at a much more acceptable, breezy-cool 72?C with no noticeable decrease in performance!

Yay! = )
DiscoStu14 years ago2010-07-04 21:00:09 UTC 8 comments
I made a tiny scratch on the (now almost) perfect body surface of my new camera, right on the card door. I can't stand it. I die a little inside every time things like this happen. I want to apologise to my beloved camera but its wound will be there forever, an eternal reminder that I'm never careful enough.

Why do these things happen to me? :(
brendanmint14 years ago2010-07-04 04:50:58 UTC 45 comments
I'm curios to know, how many people here are in Highschool. Or, for the un american bastards that roam this place, the equivlent to American Highschool.
Taylor14 years ago2010-07-03 11:39:26 UTC 3 comments
Just bought Saints Row 2 and Audiosurf (finally). Epic deals on Steam nowadays.
Oskar Potatis14 years ago2010-07-03 08:40:13 UTC 12 comments
It's my eighteenth cakeday today. My first present was a bike, not a super fancy one but as long as it works I'm happy.
Striker14 years ago2010-07-01 20:07:33 UTC 6 comments
[EDIT] Just saw 28 days later. One of the few films that first blows from the chair and then keeps you pumped.
Well, I'm tired.
It's 3AM and I just finished my last article on my blog about global warming...
It's about Scientists Solutions to Global Warming

I know a lot of you disagree with the theory of Global Warming. I have my doubts too, especially that climate change is not something really provoked by humans. But pollution is, and that's affecting air quality and other environment related things. That's why there's this "green" revolution.
Besides that, it's a trend, and I think it's cool :P and funny to be a part of it :D.
satchmo14 years ago2010-06-30 22:25:59 UTC 12 comments
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This is the initial planning stage for my 2011 rig.

It'll have an SSD drive too, perhaps around 200 GB, and hopefully for less than $200.

The whole thing should cost less than $1,000 by 2011.
hlife_hotdog14 years ago2010-06-28 06:46:25 UTC 4 comments
Just got back from a weekend away. It was my and my fiancee's one year anniversary, so we went up to Perth (the capital for our state) to a pop culture expo and also the zoo.

It was totally the best weekend ever. Not only was the zoo awesome, but at the expo, I got to meet and get autographs from

Summer Gleu (from Terminator: Sarah Conner Chronicles and Serenity)
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Lou Ferrigno (The original TV series Hulk)
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My fiancee also got to meet and get a signed book from Vic Mignogna (voice actor in over 100 anime and games)
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I didn't get photographs because you had to pay for them and you weren't allowed to take your own, which sucks, but at least I got autographs!! ^^
Andy14 years ago2010-06-27 04:39:51 UTC 20 comments
Ok, so I stumbled over here due to a forum link from a very old site. Both TWHL and RUST were linked in my signature block.
RUST seems to have died or gone Wiki with no contributors.
TWHL seems to have expanded exponentially... well done all.

So the first thing that caught my eye was the Verc Archive. Long before Source Tool Kit there was Hammer, before Hammer there was Worldcraft and what a right royal pain that thing was. I still remember making my first room and banging a crowbar against a steel shelf.. How cool was that :)

Anyway since I am on a nostalgia trip, I had the great honour of speaking to a lot of the people listed on the Verc tutorials. A few of them work for Valve these days, others have (like me) dissappeared into mapping and design obscurity. The one thing common to all of them was their love of Half Life design and their ability to push the engine to it's limits.

Take Care all.
