
Tetsu014 years ago2010-05-31 01:01:28 UTC 8 comments
I know soup miner just posted a journal about why people post when they're drunk, but i have to throw this out there:

My girl and i were spending the night drinking, and were getting tired of playing the card game: war, so tonight i decided to invent my own game for 2 players.
It's almost like a DnD + war mash-up
I call it: "Castles"

Each number card holds its value. All face cards are 10 (jack thru king)
Aces are 11

Player 1 shuffles the deck and deals 2 cards to player 2. Player 2 takes the average of those 2 cards [rounding up to nearest integer] and that number becomes attack strength. This gets written down on a score sheet.

Player 1 re-shuffles, and deals 2 more cards to player 2. Those are averaged and the number becomes defense.

Player 2 does the same to player 1, and after the attack and defense attributes are set per person, the 8 cards are re-inserted into the deck, and each person is dealt 26 cards, war style.

So each person has a castle with 100hp and player 1 and 2 alternate attacking and defending. [we did a coin-flip but who gives a shit who goes first, really] You play war style - meaning each person flips a card at the same time, but the attackers ATT and the defenders DEF are added to the card they flip.

If the attacker outweighs the defense, the difference of the 2 are subtracted from the total HP of the defender. If the defender outweighs, HALF the difference(rounded DOWN) is subtracted from the Attackers HP. if it's a tie, it goes to the defense, and nothing happens.

Anyway. The game is played until one person has 0 HP

[ if you're drinking, every time you lose HP, you drink! :) ]

if you run out of cards, the Attack and defense attributes need to be re calculated as in the beginning, but your castle health points stay the same!

We played 3 rounds, and after altering the original rules to the ones i just typed, it's a pretty fun game. After you're drinking you need a calculator to do simple maths, but at least it's not at monotonous as regular war..

What do you guys think about the rules and the game?
Skals14 years ago2010-05-30 08:03:01 UTC 0 comments
So I have this new game called alpha protocol. It's alright. It's got the kinda of communication system heavy rain uses. In games like fallout3 and mass effect, the flaw with the communication system was the you could simply skip through it or take ages in thinking what to do, yet in this game, you have four buttons to choose from on the controller, each one represents a different approach. You have to listen carefully and then choose the best approach to manipulating your subject, which is pretty awesome.

Oh, and I managed to customise my character to look like one of those militia guys with the red beret, a beard and black sunglasses (which is not like totally the reason why I like the game so much) :).

Edit: I don't think the game is good enough to be worth buying guys, but If you can rent it or borrow it some how then give it a shot.
Notewell14 years ago2010-05-30 07:09:55 UTC 4 comments
It's been days since my father left the safety of Vault 101. Days since I left the vault to find him. Before, I had never laid a hand on anyone, except Butch and his gang. But now people are dropping like flies around me. I've had Radiation sickness, explored a raider filled store, and defused a nuclear bomb. But where is my father? Where is James?

Yeah, so JeffMOD has Fallout 3. It's good so far- I actually managed to get the GoTY version, so I have all the DLC content on a second disk. Can't wait to actually get deep into the game.
My only complaint is that my character doesn't really look like me. I was never good at creating my own face from memory... And it doesn't help that the game doesn't have my hairstyle.

Anyway, I'm happy. I have a game I've wanted for about a year now. Finally got off my arse, did some research, and went out and bought it.
Habboi14 years ago2010-05-28 17:50:00 UTC 2 comments
I'm entering that Polycount TF2 competition which can be seen here:

and if you want to see my progress then go here:
Tetsu014 years ago2010-05-28 13:27:17 UTC 5 comments
So as of 8:00 PM EST Last night (Thursday, May 27)
I have my associates degree in Electronic Engineering!
I have another Summer internship with the State power Company, and then I'm going onto University of New Haven to further my education, and strive towards a Bachelors.

Then [hopefully] I'll be working full time with the power company who has a 100% paid for masters degree program ON SITE!

These were most of the kids i was in the scholarship program with. I'm second from the left.
User posted image
The two rightmost kids were offered full time positions before they even graduated.
brendanmint14 years ago2010-05-28 05:48:19 UTC 8 comments
I just got "promoted" to ninth grade yesterday, ill miss middle school, some of my friends are going to different schools. I was to nervous to tell the girl i like i like her. and at school i felt happy, but now i feel sad and depressed, i feel as though i left a part of me behind, and i think high school is going to be scary and I'm going to get beat up. so yea, how you guys doin?
Striker14 years ago2010-05-27 16:13:43 UTC 2 comments
Made a mini-project for school today that I also posted on youtube.

It's with the beautiful landscapes from my village(ok it's part from the village but maybe 2-3 km away from the center of it).

Here it is: LINK

I know, the text is in romanian, but the ideea is that you should skip those parts and just see some of the landscapes from my area :).
srry14 years ago2010-05-24 03:09:59 UTC 18 comments
User posted image
DiscoStu14 years ago2010-05-24 01:53:11 UTC 12 comments

It's the 3rd confession of lesbianism I get in the past 12 months. Is this a joke or what? It's not like I'm a regular in those lesbian bars with no emergency exit Homer wound up in in one episode. Why me?

And this last one was a DECENT one. One that would have been well worth her weight in gold (looks aside :P). There are truly few like this one. But of course, I can't tell her that. Not even being bestfriends. It just makes me feel weird... :(

Oh well.

monster_urby14 years ago2010-05-23 05:32:17 UTC 16 comments
So, my SexBox Three-Shitsty is bricked. Surprise surprise. It's down to the E74 error which is apparently related to the console overheating. This in turn is down to the thing lacking a heat sink, simply containing a low power fan and poor ventilation. Well done Microsoft.

I've learned that since this started popping up more regularly MS have extended the warranty from 1 year to 3 years. That's really great considering after my 1 year was up I slung the box and documents required to send the damn thing to get fixed.

Fortunately though, there are plenty of fixes online and I have tried a few of them to no avail. However, I think I've got the best possible solution right here.

Check it out. :)

Chalk up another shoddy product Microsoft. Not surprising that I don't know a single person who has paid for one of your operating systems. :|
Rimrook14 years ago2010-05-21 09:40:58 UTC 8 comments
Grandma has cancer!

Copied email from my brother.

"I just wanted to update you with what I know. Grandma has three spots of cancer in her lungs and another in her hip. This type of cancer is very aggressive where one may only have about a year with treatment or six months without. We figure that she might not make it through July. She has not been taking good care of herself and she has not been easy to get along with She has been crabby and angry at the whole family. Whatever she has said to Ben, he should not take it personally."
Striker14 years ago2010-05-21 07:57:50 UTC 5 comments
Things are getting worse in my country. It's so bad that even us, pupils, risk to not finish the school year.
We only have 3 weeks of school left, but starting from 1 june nobody will put marks in the catalog(you know, that massive book that holds the pupils's marks- idk the name in english).
This situation is unclear, most of us(including me) already have enough marks to have their averages(again, idk the name in english, but it's basically... the "average" at each subject) closed. The problem is- will they close our averages before 1 june or let them not closed?

All this is happening after the government borrowed a large amount of money from IMF and now they have to put drastic measures in application.
One of these measures is reducing the by 25% the professors salaries and by 15% the pensions.
Well, I guess professors just couldn't stand this started revolts.

Oh, but the situation in Greece is much worse...

You know, when Ceausescu was at power, through his ideas and powerful industrialization, our country reached the point where it had no debts.
I know, conditions were much worse then, but I think this was only until Romania could be a true independent country. After that, living conditions could rise. But oh well, he was killed in 89'. The so-called democracy(I have to say I'm in a neutral position about these regimes, none of them are perfect) succeeded to bring Romania to its knees. From a strong exporter, we now import almost all of the products. Industries have fell, and everything that's left from them is stolen. And I strongly believe the politicians are a bunch of wealth hunters( big salaries for sleeping in the Parliament ?)

The most painful thing is that us, normal people, can change nothing. It's all driven by leaders- and most of them are corrupt.

tldr: Long Story Short
Tetsu014 years ago2010-05-17 21:24:51 UTC 14 comments
Went paintballing yesterday for the first time in about 3 years. My Gun hasn't been used since then.
I have a Tippmann 98 Custom (like most people) But i bought it off a friend of mine way back and it had a few modifications.

Response trigger (Excess gas pushes a piston forward which resets the trigger - essentially allows for full auto)
Expansion Chamber - Allows the Liquid CO2 to expand into a gas before entering the gas chamber. Allows for tighter ball grouping.
Bolt cover - so leaves and grime dont clog up the inner workings.

Anyway since i havent used it in a WHILE, i completely forgot that there was a huge problem with the firing system - until i got there and chrono'd in and my gun went spastic and chopped about 8 balls in 1 second.. needless to say i couldnt use my gun... well i found out why:

The rear bolt and sear (thing that catches the rear bolt and holds it in position until you pull the trigger) were chipped and rounded off. the combination of both those being so crappy made it almost impossible for the gun to function reliably.

Long story short, i put some detail pictures up and i spent about $42 in replacement parts - a whole new back end bolt-system.

Hopefully this is the only thing wrong and i can finally have a working gun again!
satchmo14 years ago2010-05-15 23:47:12 UTC 16 comments
A neighborhood cat has been coming to our front yard and using it as its private toilet.

After spending weeks researching online about the best way to deter the cat (and be very humane about it), we came to the conclusion that trapping it and send it to animal control is the most ideal solution to our problem.

So we ordered a metal cage from Amazon, and set up the trap.

On the first night, we just baited the trap with chicken. Nothing happened.

Last night, my wife brought out canned salmon. In less than ten minutes after setting the bait, the cat was in the bag.

We put the cat in the side yard, because it kept hissing at us. Animal control called back this morning, and they're going to pick up the cat today. They're still not here yet.

The cat is just chilling on the side yard. I think it has given up trying to get out. It peed on the side yard though, so the whole area smells like a homeless shelter.
monster_urby14 years ago2010-05-15 18:09:16 UTC 6 comments
So, I have decided expand my modding horizons. I've played around with GTA4 which is temperamental at best. Also Fallout 3, which is less so.
User posted image
This is the first step on what will hopefully lead to additional quests and locations. A replacement for Jericho, one of the evil companions who you can employ to follow you around.

Incidentally, if anybody wants a copy of me to follow them around the wasteland, I'll send you the file. It's a whole 1KB. :D