
Carpocolypse30017 years ago2007-06-06 12:51:25 UTC 0 comments
Im just going to give up the idea of the mod Half-Life Gordons Freetime, I was going to make that, but I just have to make Half-Life Funny Force, and so far, the first room where you get your HEV suit looks really good. NOTE: I wont post any pictures of how its looking because I want this to be a secret in how it looks.
ToiletRoll17 years ago2007-06-06 08:32:23 UTC 0 comments
'Sup all ;)
Well, I've finally got the problem sorted - my RAM is bsaically dying so I need new sticks to get Hammer up and runnning again.... Im gonna get 2 or maybe 3gig - we shall see.

Atm, Im installing Steam on my laptop to see if I can use Hammer on here.

So now I have a change in things. Carentan is going to have to wait Im afraid. It's too bigger project to do on this little machine so instead I'm going to produce a mini map on the slums of Mexico City... if Hammer runs :o

Hooah!! :thefinger:
The Mad Carrot17 years ago2007-06-06 07:55:55 UTC 0 comments
RAM upgrade ftw. :)
Added an additional 2048 to my 512.
Nice! :)

Edit Sept. 6th, 2008:
One 1024 module died.
So its 2048 + 512 - 1024 = 1.5 GB
Immediately ordered and replacement.
38_9817 years ago2007-06-06 07:15:41 UTC 0 comments
I'm feeling a bit stupid at the moment. I've played TTD more then my 360, I'm hardly using it now. Feels like it was a waste of money because of that.

Anyway, it's a nice warm day today, just like any other day. Apparently, this is the hotest spring we've had so far, which is being taken as yet another sign of global warming.

I watched one documentary on global warming not too long ago, when i was flicking through the sky channels at random. Even if we didn't have all this pollution that we're generating, we could still be going through global warming since much more sharper rises in temperature then ours have happened in the past before humans were even around. Makes you wonder if this problem is solely us, or natural and we're just aiding it.

The only i thing i can think to write of now is the channel 4 issue over Diana's death. If you don't know, channel 4 are planning to release a documentary that uses images of the late princess at the crash scene. And, rather typically, everyone is crying over nothing.

It'd odd how everyone doesn't mind seeing people die in the news and images of death of whomever. But when it comes to someone famous, rich or important, everyone has to through up a fuss. Besides, it's not like Diana has done anything special. Sure, a little charity work but who hasn't done that right? The only thing the royal family is good for now is being a tourist attraction. One that we blow millions on to keep around.

But hey, The world isn't supposed to be fair, is it?
srry17 years ago2007-06-05 20:59:52 UTC 0 comments
At the moment I'm too busy playing San Andreas again to spend any time on TWHL. Shame on me. :o
kc8kjp17 years ago2007-06-05 13:41:52 UTC 0 comments
Like i said, ive been mostly hl2 lately, ive done a little Silent running but ive mainly been focused on hl2, and OMG i figured out the facemaker! GOOD FOR ME! HA HA (no1 else is laughing)
Skals17 years ago2007-06-05 03:42:26 UTC 0 comments
Braking News.

The wii a killing machine,
A new prime minister
And bush shootout.

The Wii killing machine:

Yesterday two kids were playing wii when one of them was found dead, the police is investigating this crime but the other boy that survive isnt talking.
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A new prime minister

The Votings for the new prime minister at england now are almost finished and we can all see a great new president who with his vodka campains has won the heart of the voters with a 100% votes to 1% votes in his side (note that the 1% votes is a fault in our system)
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Bush Shootout

In the most shocking news, president bush was found guilty of pervertism in western america, the police will investigate his crime further.
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Habboi17 years ago2007-06-05 03:06:01 UTC 0 comments
Roughly a year ago The Hunter and I would play JKA a lot and one night I joked I would film us playing and show everyone that I'd pwn him. But it happened the other way around...I got owned...He filmed me and made a joke of me...

A year later and I re-challenged him. This video shows the battle and the erm...mistakes that happened.

Did I pwn him? Watch the whole video to find out...;) - You can just click it and it'll load in your browser for those that don't know.

The Youtube link: is here but the quality is shit and our writing is hard to read. So I suggest downloading the MP4.

Thanks Hunter for a good time last night ;)
monster_urby17 years ago2007-06-05 01:24:01 UTC 0 comments
I seem to be jumping from Avatar to Avatar but now I finally have settled. I figured I love my desktop image so much, why not make it my theme. It kinda fits the name Urbanebula in that it looks like nothing else. I think its a mega microscopic image of human blood. I turned it green to suit my XPTheme (now blue) and now I love it.
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Habboi17 years ago2007-06-03 09:25:24 UTC 0 comments
Gman Porn:
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ok u looked. shame on u. ping!

Skals17 years ago2007-06-03 03:03:10 UTC 0 comments
Head crab porn :D :biggrin:
check this bit out. need to see :D
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Ok. Ur reading this because ur intrested in headcrab porn. How sick can u be! headcrab porn? ... what will ur mother say of this? :lol: :lol:
Noughty boy/girl. Be ashamed!!!! :D :D
38_9817 years ago2007-06-02 08:56:37 UTC 0 comments
Well, its been a good half term holiday. Half of it was spent going round Oxford and London.

The next day will be the last day and i still have some work to do.

Not much else happening.
conduct0r17 years ago2007-06-02 07:46:28 UTC 0 comments
Everybody is back?! :D
Daubster17 years ago2007-06-02 07:02:23 UTC 0 comments
Sam & Max Ep. 4 was the funnest staurday afternoon evar! ^^
I got to nuke Antarctica and Abraham Lincoln in one game! How fun is that? :nuke:
kc8kjp17 years ago2007-06-02 06:40:07 UTC 0 comments