
Saribous17 years ago2007-04-26 08:42:01 UTC 0 comments
I got my new Corsair memory today, so now I've got 2gb RAM ^^
Strider17 years ago2007-04-26 04:31:08 UTC 0 comments
Assuming all the paperwork clears in the next week, me and my brother now own our first house. It's small, but neat and recently renovated... the perfect first home. Exciting. :glad:
Dead Meat17 years ago2007-04-25 13:36:16 UTC 0 comments
Hello Dead Meat! This is your 400th login.

And you need to start posting maps now... I know :P

I'm currently working on a Hl2:sp map which is coming out ather nicely IMO.

In other news I might be doing a minimod together with a couple of friends. My mate is writing a storyline, som I'm definately looking forward to working on that :)
Rimrook17 years ago2007-04-24 07:35:09 UTC 0 comments
Its quite possible I won't be mapping for HL after Alpestrine. I got a nice and friendly email from Acclaim saying that I would be a great addition to their team. I would post the entire email here but its got some confidential info involving the project, which means I need to start immediately.

I'll still hang around TWHL though, its for the win! So I've decided to offer the community a surprise like no other...

With Love :glad: :heart:
Carpocolypse30017 years ago2007-04-23 20:41:54 UTC 0 comments
I know this is like literly nothing, but this is so far of what I have of the building that is majorly going to be blown up, so this is only the... rough draft so far. Note: I've desided not to use the Opossing Force Wad (Random people cheer) because I want anyone to play this, not just the people with Opposing Force.
User posted image
FresheD17 years ago2007-04-23 06:36:39 UTC 0 comments
?I laugh, I love, I hope, I try, I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry. And I know you do the same things too, so we're really not that different, me and you.?

So simple said, yet, so true. :)
Laddie17 years ago2007-04-23 05:41:50 UTC 0 comments
Well this place looks good, and i look forward to entering the next source compo. :D :D
satchmo17 years ago2007-04-22 07:55:50 UTC 0 comments
Final version of dm_detritus released.

I made this map in less than five days.
AJ17 years ago2007-04-22 01:26:38 UTC 0 comments
Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you, the odds will betray you, and I will replace you
You can't deny the prize, it may never fulfill you, it longs to kill you, are you willing to die? The coldest blood that runs through my veins, you know my name

From You Know My Name, by Chris Cornell

In other news: <- My first thing ever in Flash!
Carpocolypse30017 years ago2007-04-22 00:11:41 UTC 0 comments
Since most of the maps I have made so far have... things that are destroyed, but you dont see them get destroyed, so im makeing a really short level... again, but it will be 3 Plungers, 1 is the right one, and the others will do somthing strang. When you push the right plunger, a building thats in front of you that is either 3 or 4 stories high will explode, im going to have pieces of it fall off and objects fall out of it, cause I want this took look sweet. Problem is, if I post it when im done, you would need the Opposing Force Wad file to make it work because I use that in everything and I dont want to include it because either 1.People would complain about a big file for a small map, and 2.File Front takes to damn long to upload a folder, so im makeing it short by only posting the map. (Carpocolypse300 or known as VJ300, takes a breather) I type to much, why are you still reading this, dont you have somthing better to do... guess not, your life is great, about just as great as mine, TYPE TYPE DUCK, yeah I dont know, but really... why are you still reading this?
Livewire17 years ago2007-04-21 13:47:42 UTC 0 comments
This weekend has been crazy, I woke up on Friday with a soar throat and feeling like shit, then just as I was about to go to school I threw up 5 times in my bin.

So I've been drugged up to my eyeballs on stuff which "apparently" helps you but actually does shit all, the most I got was a numb mouth from some losengers. (Thanks Hunter : )

No mapping, just me lying in bed watching some Family Guy DVD's. :)
38_9817 years ago2007-04-21 08:26:41 UTC 0 comments
Back to school and already i've missed a deadline for some maths work. Thats what you get when you stay away from school for too long. Become fat and lazy.

I got Crackdown a week or so back, and it is immense. The sheer freedom of the game as well as massive co-op capabilities provides limitless amounts of fun. Not yesterday i loaded a truck full of explosive barrels and sent a friend i was playing with miles when i detonated it right next to him.

The achievements are fun but challenging. For example, climbing the tallest building in the game, body juggling, do some vechile stunts, popping car tires etc..

Anyway, thats all from me for now.
Kurosaki Ichigo17 years ago2007-04-21 03:33:14 UTC 0 comments
Haven't done an entry in a while.... I think. School is still easy but exams are coming soon. :( It'll be my first time having them too. :( :( Anyway working on my map "tv" (tell you more about some other time), also starting to improve the Frag Fence map which hasn't been touched since Feb 19, mucking around in Hammer, running the old Half-Life in D3D which looks REALLY weird especially since my comp is OLD and my "graphics card" is an ATI 3D RAGE PRO which is really a 2D-ish card (poor me) and finally playing Abe's Exodus which is really fun even if it's old :). Well I think that covers some of the stuff I've been doing.
Strider17 years ago2007-04-21 01:05:51 UTC 0 comments
Ant's spamming the journals. BAN PLZ.

Journal spams YOU
AJ17 years ago2007-04-20 23:56:14 UTC 0 comments
I shouldn't wonder what it was, made him step out of my life of course
After such a performance, dear, what did you come across?

From Walk Alone, by Ebba Forsberg