
kc8kjp17 years ago2007-04-05 15:29:01 UTC 0 comments
Wow, im super bored right now AND SPRING BREAK JUST STARTED! :furious:
Habboi17 years ago2007-04-05 14:30:30 UTC 0 comments
Well my PC is back to normal...At least good enough to last until I finish my A Levels and then I'm going to get a sexy new machine.

Then I can play games without worrying about lag :D HL2:Ep2 should be a blast to record once I get the new machine. I was thinking of getting the Dell XPS 710 with Duel Core. (Is it worth me getting Quad core?) with Duel GFX and Physics card.

Anyway apart from that this Easter isn't going so well...I really need to finish my work and time's a flyin.

Going paintball next Thursday which should be fun cause they got Tanks down there ^_^ Oh and I'll be 18 then so yeah wish me a Happy Cyber Birthday.

Enjoy your Easter.
Rimrook17 years ago2007-04-05 08:37:32 UTC 0 comments
Ok, everything is on hold until my new schedule sets in.

Also, i'm exploring the basics and elements of level design again. Just trying to improve. More than likely, a map will come out of no where from what I'll learn.
srry17 years ago2007-04-03 19:14:46 UTC 0 comments
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ToiletRoll17 years ago2007-04-03 14:14:03 UTC 0 comments
Crappy HDD! Died on me 3 days ago along with my Carentan map!! So p*ssed off right about now... gotta start Carentan all over again but I suppose it's ok as I now know exactly what to build and what not to build - kind of like trial and error?
But anyway, at the moment I'm downloading HL2, HL2DM, DoD:S and CS:S then I can get Source SDK again and start mapping.

New 320gig SATA II HDD :cool:

Up yours everyone! :thefinger:
Carpocolypse30017 years ago2007-04-03 14:04:07 UTC 0 comments
I hate the way VHE compiles, cause it made me give up my mod Half-Life Funny Force, reason why is because I just fucking hate the (to many direct light styles on face ?, ?, ?) so im probably gonna take some time in thinking how im going to remake my mod, but I will name it somthing differnt. Note: Any mapers that alowed me to use thier maps in my mod, yes, I will still include them in the next funny mod.
Habboi17 years ago2007-04-03 11:47:52 UTC 0 comments
Urgh before you read this I am about to rant about Microsoft so if you're not interested then leave.

It seems their recent update has caused a few unlucky people problems regarding SVCHOST.exe. I was able to fix it using this fix:

But my PC started freezing and I believe a driver update somehow fixed it...Or at least I believe has fixed it.

Now this blog seems to think the update messed up System Restore:

Now I tried going back and it said it couldn't so that shows you something...

Anyway after spending 4 days updating SP2 and re-installing programs and updates I think I have fixed my PC to a functioning state. It seems my Mcafee is acting up also and I'm not the only one so I am waiting for an answer here:

Wish me luck >_> Thanks MS for updating my PC to Hell.

Edit Oh and feel free to laugh at me for using Dell + Mcafee...(They're good enough for me.)

Edit 2

Note to self this is a great colour combination site for designing websites or choosing colours for a level.

Edit 3

I forgot to mention but I took part in the Monoply Pub Crawl:

Twas fun but I didn't finish it cause I started 2 hours late.
Jahzel17 years ago2007-04-03 07:57:18 UTC 0 comments
It was a windy 3:00 in the afternoon. The wind was strong and enthusiastic, and I wasn?t. I zigzagged down the street on the way to the Dole office, avoiding pavement cracks and invisible dog shit. My stride seemed peculiar, even to myself. Passers-by stared at me with a hint of mild amusement ? as if I was some type of ?white? giraffe stuck in a typhoon. I reached a set of traffic lights about half-way through in this dreadful trek through ?urbania?, and the wind began to whisper in my ear. It said;
?Slow down.?
And I did for a brief moment, realising I might be a little early.
?Yes?, I replied.
?But on one condition.?
?What would that be?, the wind answered.
?That you take this fucking smell of Ralgex away from me.?
It didn?t respond, but I knew the answer already.
I walked into the shitty place, card in hand.
?Take a seat?, said a woman.
I stood over by some column, not wanting to sit in case the terrible deodorant-laced mouthwash aroma interfered with the others. Walking into this place is like walking into a saloon full of mad people. They all stared, as if I was treading on their collective foot. Being in this place is like having no blood.
A man stood from the row of seats. There was an empty seat at the end of the row. I walked passed to others and sat down. I felt my eyes crossing, and my back was burning from all these chemicals.
I was finally called, and I just wanted to get it over and done with, but it wasn?t over and done with until the guy could find a bunch of papers and slowly type at his console. He turned the computer screen around so I could see. It looked like bullshit, I hardly noticed a word. I knew the stench was probably noticed at this point. A women near by began to react by sniffing repeatedly.
?It?s next week you got to come in, mate look see??
?Oh, right, yeah, yeah. But I was told it was today at 3:00, I?m sure of it.?
The man didn?t seem to understand, or care. I wouldn?t either.
?So, can we get this finished so I can leave here?, I thought.
As soon as I signed the papers, I left quickly. Not wanting to linger around too much. The twisted giraffe left the building. The street was harsh once more. People waiting in cars gawked at me as I passed, but I took no noticed and carried on.
Habboi17 years ago2007-04-02 03:21:36 UTC 0 comments
Oh boy...I am...well puzzled it seems...

After Microsoft released that update that screwed peoples computers with the SVCHOST.exe error I decided to fix it...Their patch didn't work so I found a fix in some guy?s blog. It seemed to fix the error but my PC started freezing in a sense that I could move the mouse and bring up 'Ctrl, Alt, and Delete? but clicking would not respond.

So I tried re-installing SP2 and it turns out by removing it, it screws up a lot of stuff such as my Internet...So I was stuck in a horrible mess until I realised I could use System Restore to bring me back and I thought I could take it back to before the Microsoft error but for some reason it couldn't do it and then after one last try but only 'one' day back it somehow worked and my PC was stable again...It complained that Mcafee was broken and needed reinstalling so I decided to do that tomorrow which is today. I log-on now to find my PC is fine and Mcafee is fine...I'm going to see if it freezes now as it happened when I went on MSN or watched a video (streamed)...

At least now I can get on with my work...
ZombieLoffe17 years ago2007-04-02 00:37:25 UTC 0 comments
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Kurosaki Ichigo17 years ago2007-04-02 00:28:59 UTC 0 comments
Typical "day" at TWHL. Flamed in the forums mainly by srry but it doesn't really matter coz the stuff he says aint as bad unlike others. :lol: Anyway continuing the first part of Trapt, the bedroom, which is almost complete except for the architecture coz I'm just putting the layout. :D Want to contribute or beta test this? PM me!
ScArEiOuS17 years ago2007-04-01 23:09:53 UTC 0 comments
Yea my first model :D . A lightswitch. Take a look:
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kol17 years ago2007-03-31 12:40:16 UTC 0 comments
The Volume of the Red Ball Yep - that's exactly how you find the volume. :biggrin:
AJ17 years ago2007-03-31 00:12:59 UTC 0 comments
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Thanks to Strider. :D
I shall own that hat in a few days!