
Andy17 years ago2006-11-08 22:13:09 UTC 0 comments
I haven't opened Steam for about 3 months... sad isn't it :)
have about half a DoD:S map done, but since some recent changes I really don't feel like finishing it. By the look of the gaming community, DoD:S hasn't really taken off and a lot of Aussie clans have reverted back to DoD: original... weird really since it was so buggy and hackable that it wasn't funny anymore.

lesson to get from this...
Graphics are all well and good but if the majority of your customers can't play the game, then it just becomes a novelty.

Xyos21217 years ago2006-11-07 14:59:43 UTC 0 comments
Inspired by Gears of War, Ive started a character model of a soldier who is based on the theme in Gears of War, but not related or based on anything in particular. Ive started the chest, and will be modeling everything, leaving the face/head for last.

Ill still be working on steamcastle, but also working on many other things as well. Im determined to get that finished.

For those who have not seen, here is a pic of my finished and skinned face:

I just bought Gears of war today too :) During my break from class, instead of study I went to EB games. There was like 20 people in line all there go get Gears of War. I was forced to buy the 75 dollar version (limited edition) because everyone else pre-ordered the regular version. Still I got it, and will be on it in like 3 hours!
Habboi17 years ago2006-11-07 14:46:53 UTC 0 comments
I was bored so I wanted to recreate the Temple of Time from Zelda Ocarina of Time...

I got a bit bored of working on it but I'll finish it sometime and get a better wall texture...
conduct0r17 years ago2006-11-06 06:44:13 UTC 0 comments
I made a little elevator hall map :P it has a cool disaster in elevator hall etc. :)
I m not interrested of Gordon's Day. I made some scripted_sequence's but not interrested. Freezed for now.
and i have about 10-15 private maps so i am NOT dead :)
Sry if TYPO's. Made with hurry
Habboi17 years ago2006-11-06 04:07:12 UTC 0 comments
Gotta love Mondays...:

Hoozah Sadamn to be hanged? I'm gonna buy his head on Ebay!
AJ17 years ago2006-11-05 23:25:13 UTC 0 comments

This post is in no way related to the fate of Saddamn Hussein.
The Mad Carrot17 years ago2006-11-05 14:26:40 UTC 0 comments
I still feel like crap. And im not the only one who catched a cold, ain't that right, srry? :P
  • For now: MuzzleFlash.Sleep()
szymas17 years ago2006-11-05 06:42:50 UTC 0 comments
I am waiting for Worldcraft dude to get a PM back to me.. I am interested in expanding his cs_nightmare_assualt map and fix the few issues we have found with it.. Vents, textures and de_vegas.wad not being added to the bsp file. Great map but until these things can get fixed.. it won't be as good as it could be..

Asking for a .map file, since I won't decompile.
srry17 years ago2006-11-04 17:22:07 UTC 0 comments
I just got a cold yesterday, and now I'm feeling miserable as ever. It made me think of my grandma, who lives out in the boonies, and still thinks that you get colds from being outside in the cold. :nuts: That was a bit off-topic.

Once I get over the cold, I may be able to finish enough of FUBAR to be able to post some screnshots of it. That's right, it's back from the dead, for about the third time now. I'll finish it, if it takes 5 years (although, I may actually pick up on Source mapping by then.) From here on, don't take it seriously when I say it's dead.
The Mad Carrot17 years ago2006-11-04 06:18:12 UTC 0 comments
Bah. I woke up this morning with a sore throat and a headache. Bah.
But thank God there is... Simcity 3000, the game i play a lot these days (Im getting Simcity 4 Deluxe Edition later this week so yayment).
Daubster17 years ago2006-11-04 02:15:58 UTC 0 comments
Early snowfall here..
Nov. 4th and it's already -5c..
shrug :zonked:

Anywho - only 8 days left till' the end of the compo, hope I manage to finish my entry on time.
FresheD17 years ago2006-11-03 07:27:54 UTC 0 comments
The impossible is possible. I got proof:
User posted image
Duffm@n17 years ago2006-11-03 07:10:00 UTC 0 comments
Twhl is not what it used to be. I mean, yeah the website does a great job in tutorials and competions etc, but the PEOPLE seem to have changed.

I dont like it. Not at all.

Where are the days where you would post a map and people would be so kind and helpful with feedback and positive things to say- even if the map was pile of turd. Nowadays you will be lucky to get a 'err, n00b mapper, learn to map' comment. Reading with your eyes closed is more informative and helpful.

But seriously people, of course there are the exeptions, i know of the long term mapping gods of this website are still around, keeping a watchful eye on events. But the sheer volume of jeb ends who are now plaguing this community. Why cant we all just get along?

Wey, thats my opinion.

Should've seen it back when I joined the site. ;) - Ant
Orpheus17 years ago2006-11-02 20:53:01 UTC 0 comments
Step #1 achieved. I have broadband again. Step #2, buy parts to build new PC.

I will be around this weekend if anyone wants to frag some HL1 maps. I have enough PC to do that much. :/
gordonfreeman17 years ago2006-11-02 09:36:43 UTC 0 comments
I've got 2 HLDM maps 5% done yay :)