
AJ17 years ago2006-10-16 05:04:46 UTC 0 comments
So. News.

For one, my newly designed website will be up and running soon. Comments toward the beta version of it have been mixed, but I quite like the look of it, so I doubt I'll be changing it anytime soon.

Venetia marches on, albeit at a crippled pace. I'm finding it hard to believe that I've been working on this bloody map for almost a year now and I still haven't released it. Ah well, good things take time as they say (which makes me wonder why my map is taking so much time). A heads-up: there will be another beta test soon to test out some minor changes in the map. Stay tuned on IRC for details.

Now for Uni: four assignments due in 2-3 weeks. Am I screwed? You betcha.
Rimrook17 years ago2006-10-16 03:40:04 UTC 0 comments
Forgive me TWHL, i've been holding secrets. I've been mapping for the past 4 weeks on the same map. I'm about half-way and I have much to do... :cry:

Please don't beg for screens.
Exos17 years ago2006-10-15 17:56:00 UTC 0 comments
Yes! I finally finished UV mapping my model for Steam Castle! All I need to do now is Skin it! And Export it!
38_9817 years ago2006-10-15 02:07:24 UTC 0 comments
Woo! 500 days old!
gordonfreeman17 years ago2006-10-15 01:19:47 UTC 0 comments
entered newest competition, let's see if anything happens :)
Xyos21217 years ago2006-10-14 11:25:47 UTC 0 comments
Still working on models for my steamcastle map. Im also going to start learning animations and exporting characters into source.

As for school, Im working on my first C++ program. It takes the time in/out from work inputted by the user, their hourly wage, and % taken out from tax. Then it gives either daily hours/minutes worked, total made for the day, and total after taxes. It also displays weekly.

Ive got the input/output/main modules done, and 1/4 of the calculation code done. Its nothing special since its my first time coding, but It will be fun :) Ill post it here when its done. (Its a console application)

oh, and on a totally unrelated note, almost all custom maps in CSS (on servers) are TOTAL CRAP!
Exos17 years ago2006-10-14 07:38:14 UTC 0 comments
I just started to UV map my next model for Steam Castle. And Ohh my god!! It is goingto take AWHIL! It took me an hour and a half to do one part. There are like 20 parts to it. But it is worth it. I can't wait until it is finished! :nuts:
Daubster17 years ago2006-10-13 08:22:39 UTC 0 comments
Hello Daubster! This is your 2222nd login.
Sweet. :glad:
Tosse17 years ago2006-10-12 23:24:43 UTC 0 comments
Omg Im so happy! :heart:
NineTnine17 years ago2006-10-12 19:30:30 UTC 0 comments
COMP! WHOOHOO! i know ill loose but its still fun. fun.........funnnnnn whatever :|
Raz1r17 years ago2006-10-12 14:26:13 UTC 0 comments
Making my first map. it's gonna be an aim map with dust textures, but idk what i should call it.
Strider17 years ago2006-10-11 08:03:52 UTC 5 comments
I can now legally get trashed at pubs! I just turned 18!...

Gimme some presents. :sarcastic:

WOOO PARTEH - Random mod
The Mad Carrot17 years ago2006-10-10 11:05:24 UTC 0 comments
Half-Life: Uplink Extended Project Status:

uplink_ext1.bsp: 95% completed
uplink_ext2.bsp: 99% completed
uplink_ext3.bsp: 99% completed

Main architecture has been completed. All that is left is finetuning, bug fixing and final compile. Omglolwtfsplosion! :P
Taylor17 years ago2006-10-10 10:32:12 UTC 0 comments
Hello Masta Killa! This is your 200th login. Whoa! :)

Hmmm...pretty boring journal :confused:
Penguinboy18 years ago2006-10-10 03:49:22 UTC 0 comments
New Av.