
Red18 years ago2006-05-07 00:54:16 UTC 0 comments
I can now take apart and put together a Glock 17 blindfolded in under 25(not shure of the actual time it took but im sure its under 25) sek. ME rulez :D
D_man18 years ago2006-05-07 00:51:06 UTC 0 comments

These are my latest pic of my new map entittled Dm_furnace

It is a HL2DM Map. :biggrin:
Snpbond18 years ago2006-05-06 20:02:53 UTC 0 comments
Hello Snpbond! This is your 1300th login. Yay, now everyone start posting your logins, yeah, you people who own mine go ahead! :thefinger:
Orpheus18 years ago2006-05-06 17:09:27 UTC 0 comments
I enter unto day 5. This stupid journal is screwy. Somehow, it cannot differentiate days. It can be in excess of 26 hours and it still says that I cannot post because I already had that day. :(

Day 5... hmmm

Perhaps I will see something interesting today.
Rednik18 years ago2006-05-06 07:33:57 UTC 0 comments
I got CSS!!! Now I just need to finish the download of Source and Source SDK, then i can start mapping for Source!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :nuts: :cyclops: :D :) :P ;) :lol: :) :) :biggrin: :glad: :cyclops: :nuts: :cool: :glad:
Mephs18 years ago2006-05-06 01:47:56 UTC 0 comments
Got a new job three weeks ago as a casual. It sucked seriously. Got a new new job thats permanent and a promotion. It starts next week. Karma.
The Mad Carrot18 years ago2006-05-05 12:24:06 UTC 0 comments
Funeral tomorrow... :cry:

Thanks to all those who have pm-ed me. I really appreciate that. :)

I received so many PM's that i had to clean my inbox twice a day! I started with only 5 PM in my inbox, 5 hours later, it was full, so i had to delete some. I deleted 10 messages, but another 5 hours later, my inbox was full again. Oh boy! :D

Thanks all! And Hugh: make jokes! :P
Rednik18 years ago2006-05-05 05:27:36 UTC 0 comments
Finally summer! Now it's a real summer! It's like 35 degrees celcius here... MELTING!!! Luckely we got an AC so it's not too hot inside.. :D
rowleybob18 years ago2006-05-04 23:54:51 UTC 0 comments
Just started playing Opposing Force...Wrench FTW!
Snpbond18 years ago2006-05-04 20:23:00 UTC 0 comments
Finished my first xhtml certified site. Only works in IE though and thats why ZombieLoffe should really contact me. Cause he's pro and could help with why...not that its my new site, but I'd like to know whats causing the problem
IMUS18 years ago2006-05-03 16:36:56 UTC 0 comments
E3 press conf. start in 5 days. Can't wait to see all the next gen stuff and of course what Nintendo is doing. :biggrin:

User posted image

Link tearing them up
Orpheus18 years ago2006-05-03 16:30:24 UTC 0 comments
I survive unto my second day with hardly a ripple. So far, only one malcontent has shown their ugly side. Lucky for me, it was but a small fish in a big sea. For the most part, I have seen many old friends who seem shocked, but happy that I have arrived safely.

/me looks forward to day #3
Xyos21218 years ago2006-05-03 11:19:59 UTC 0 comments
Well, only got one week of school left. Cant wait for the summer. Trying to get custom textures for materials right. Its kind of tricky.
Howdy18 years ago2006-05-03 03:16:23 UTC 0 comments
Dear dear diary, i sat on a chair today. It was really fun. It was one of those chairs that you can roll about with and swing around. There we're wheels on it so i didn't really need to get up at all. I personally think that those chairs are the best invention in the whole world! For example, when i went to the server room at work to change backup tapes, i didn't have to get up. instead i rolled with the chair down threw the corridor. It wasn't that far luckily, and no stairs! People stared at me in a funny way when i rolled down the corridor with a big grin on my face. Don't ask me why, people are strange. And i work at a school, and you know how "school people" are. Sometimes i think they have totally lost it...
Habboi18 years ago2006-05-03 02:56:14 UTC 0 comments
Looking for Modeller and a gifted drawer!:

If you think you are skilled enough to make this:
User posted image
Then call me!
User posted image