
Daubster18 years ago2006-04-22 06:19:05 UTC 0 comments
Clicky! I've just finished my first normal c++ game! It's just tetris, although it took me 2+ weeks to finish it. The source code is dodgy, although if you'd like to have a look at it - PM me. :)
Snpbond18 years ago2006-04-21 18:34:44 UTC 0 comments
Hello Snpbond! This is your 1200th login. Just had to put that there :)
Penguinboy18 years ago2006-04-21 02:13:07 UTC 0 comments
major site update.

edit: site is down until further notice. provider having webspace troubles :/
further notice. site back up.
srry18 years ago2006-04-20 22:23:18 UTC 0 comments
Earlier in the day, I took some allergy medicine so I would stop sneezing so much. Well, it did its job fine, except it made me so sleepy I conked out at around 6 PM. About 20 minutes ago, I woke up to find it was 11 PM. There goes my already screwed up schedule! :zonked: :nuts:
NineTnine18 years ago2006-04-20 21:29:40 UTC 8 comments
making an opposing force single player mod....hope its good.....first mod.....
Snpbond18 years ago2006-04-20 13:28:36 UTC 0 comments
So I've been working away at 3d Studio Max (4 hrs so far?). I've done fairly well, I think. Have a look at my gatling gun! :biggrin:
User posted image
BJ18 years ago2006-04-20 07:51:13 UTC 0 comments
Just finished programming job (well, I wasn't paid, so "job??") for which I had to buy MS Visual Studio. That was a chunk of change. Prefer Borland but has become too difficult to integrate with MS stuff (directx, etc.).

Getting back in a small way to HL, mostly continuing my first-ever HL map. Working on level 3 at present.

Just noticed I'm coming up on two years hanging around TWHL. wow.
Psycho18 years ago2006-04-20 05:56:46 UTC 0 comments
Here is my map idea.

Begin Idea

Generally speaking many maps give balance of both offensive and defensive positions but lets say we took away the offensive side and what are we left with? A fort of course. Camper's Heaven!

"WTF?", you might ask, "Campes are noobs. Your giving them exactly what they want!". That's where a stroke of genius comes in (Me thinks lol).

Let's say you have several spawn points on a map that when spawned upon define what "Class" a player ends up in.

As you can see, there some little rooms going all around the castle with roofs on top and windows above the curtain wall.

This is where riflemen go. Ak47s for Terrorists and M4a1s for Counter-Terrorists.

At each corner there is a tower.

Snipers go here.

"Where is this all leading?". Simple. Each team has their own fort complete with bombs attached! Oh, and a nice shiny button near the fort's entrance. See where I'm going?

The objective is for each team to destroy each other's fort. But, it is somewhat suicidal and requires teamwork.

One person must push the button on the opposing enemy's fort. Succesfully doing so, wins said person the game! And they will be rewarded in a nice display of debris flying through the air complete with corpses smile - :)

And to add more destruction, walls can be weakened by rocks from trebuchets which are found by the moats but are well hidden. Rocks go flying into the opposing enemy's wall causes them to crumble down, catching the enemy to be caught with their trousers down. Naturally.

I don't actually know how much of this is possible in Source but the least I can do is try grin - :D

I'll get some screenshots up soon of the beginning of the main architecture for the fort.

PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ANSWER MY THREAD IN THE FORUMS. Ahem. Please comment my idea on whether it is good or bad :)

Btw, Hello Habboi.
quiet_girl8618 years ago2006-04-19 21:20:35 UTC 0 comments map..................just..can't................find the..time!!..or the skillz! :zonked:

..I guess I could find time.......but it's hard and.....I feel like I forgot everything......but who knows, maybe it would all start to come back to me if I just tried! :D
AJ18 years ago2006-04-19 20:51:01 UTC 0 comments
Wrote a film review today: V for Vendetta.

Read more reviews here.
Luke18 years ago2006-04-19 13:07:28 UTC 0 comments
Hello Luke! This is your 4000th login. Insane!
Rimrook18 years ago2006-04-19 08:55:04 UTC 0 comments
I've decided not to enter this compo since working on my mod will heed superior results.

Goodluck to all of the compees.
Habboi18 years ago2006-04-19 07:00:27 UTC 0 comments
Eh...Want to know what?s happening in Habboi's World?

Ok I'll tell you:

First this Dedication project is tiresome...I will finish it but parts of it bring me down...Ideas may be scrapped or kept as secret rooms....

Second I'm addicted to Monster Hunter again on the PS2...

Third I have quite a bit of school work to do...Means less time for fun...

Fourth I look at map websites and shake my fist as I see great maps made by other people.

Fifth my arms feel like balloons because I was forced to carry a heavy projector / OHP from one side of the school to the other without any help...Going down stairs, opening doors etc...

Sixth I joined or partly formed the 'Epic Rising' team where we map as normal but we mainly advertise our maps with the logo and have a few servers hosting it. You can thank me and Psycho for the Epic Rising name? I had no idea you could have so much fun with random name generators.

Seventh I need 280 A level points if I am to pursue my career as a level designer at Staffordshire University.

Eighth I am starting to worry whether I can get the 280- points and what?s worse is I read most game companies use 3DS Max or XSI to make levels...Grrr I am not too fond of modelling!

Ok that?s enough ranting...
rowleybob18 years ago2006-04-18 13:31:58 UTC 0 comments
I am currently building prop models upon request for HL1.

PM if interested.

Bulletproof CS
Slasher_10118 years ago2006-04-18 03:03:24 UTC 0 comments
I might post a map for CS soon, I can't really say what it's about or it's setting, because, well, it's half-finnished but I don't know what it is !!

I saw it in a dream, (cliche, anyone? ^^) and I began mapping it, and I really like the texturing and brush work so far, but I just don't know what it is that I'm mapping !

It's quite a wierd feeling.