
darkphoenix_6818 years ago2006-01-24 02:14:26 UTC 0 comments
When I posted my last journal entry (and my first six maps) to TWHL, I was already working on my seventh. That was five months ago, and I'm still working on my seventh level. Of course, in that time I've been rather busy at work; I've also had my life turned upside down, and I've written a novel (60,390 words; thank you, NaNoWriMo!)

Also in that time, my friends and myself have had two separate "Grand Opening Nights" to usher my seventh level into the world. In both cases, it was far from being complete (and, in fact, deep in the catacombs you may still find the "wet paint" sign I put up to indicate it was still incomplete! ;-))

The wet paint has long since dried; the sign remains. 'Tis the way of the world, I guess...

I am finally getting close to being able to release my level to the world, but I have been struggling with a couple of issues -- which have been discussed on the TWHL forums:

To Mod or not to Mod?
Weapons not spawning properly

I was sprawled across my bed tonight, thinking of this level and its problems, and like a bolt of lightning out of the blue, the obvious solution hit me. I can split it into two different levels -- in keeping with my other releases, a pre-disaster and a post-disaster map, except that in this instance the "disaster" is nothing less than the collapse of a civilisation and the passage of 3,000 years. (For those who want to argue that the Egyptians of 1000 BCE probably didn't have automatic weapons, I need merely point out that, one, these are Tibetan Egyptians with Stargate Technology so anything is possible, and two, don't stress about the story too much, it's only a deathmatch level! :D)

I know how to make it work - and the fact that I built my pyramid in full before covering it in sand certainly helps! I knew I did that for a reason! ;)

So I shall take a copy of my current level as it stands, and I shall split it. With a bit of luck, I should have both levels ready to go in a couple of weeks...


Well, here goes nothing...

M_gargantua18 years ago2006-01-23 18:18:58 UTC 0 comments
Hello M_gargantua! This is your 1337th login. 9o()|) s7|_|p/-/!

Kaido18 years ago2006-01-23 13:24:05 UTC 0 comments
w00t!, I'm getting published! No, seriously the mini-game I created over the summer is being published by Xing-Interactive! They told me it will be a part of a package. It's due out February/March, goto your local game shopee and buy it.

Working on my next project now, gonna try getting it published...again! :biggrin:
Tosse18 years ago2006-01-23 06:15:13 UTC 0 comments
6ft Above
Dorian2718 years ago2006-01-23 05:36:56 UTC 0 comments
I released a map the other day. It was called aim_submerge. I didn't really like this map, but rowleybob did, so I was wondering if anyone else does. If you people like it, I will re-make it (with some of Rowley's suggestions included) Go ahead and try it out, let me know what you think.
Daubster18 years ago2006-01-23 02:11:31 UTC 0 comments
The map of my school is FINALLY finished.
Took me 4 months, but it's finally done, so check it out! :)
Snpbond18 years ago2006-01-21 13:40:20 UTC 0 comments
Hello Snpbond! This is your 777th login.

dragons18 years ago2006-01-21 08:36:27 UTC 0 comments
Working on a svencoop map. A resident evil mansion+lab type map except its not resident evil. My aim is to make a high quality and scary map (OMGWTFWASTHATOMGIDIED). I plan to convert it to an hl single player mod
Instant Mix18 years ago2006-01-21 06:52:57 UTC 0 comments
Hello Mr.Good Map! This is your 190th login. :|
fearian18 years ago2006-01-21 04:11:58 UTC 0 comments
Ok, new update then. 90 (now 100! 'nice!' aparantly) logins and lovin the site. Ive been following HL:HS closly but THERES NO MEDIA RELEASES! c'mon guys give us some map pics!

in mapping new, Ive cancelled my HLSP map to do a small deathmatch map. the beta can be found here.

I tried to make it detailed - but forgot the limits of the engine and got a 10 fps map. after much optimizing and playtesting over a lan with some mates I bring you - DM_AZTEC! (working title:P)

Ive paused my other projects for the time being to focus on school work, but looking back I dont think Ill ever release PW_ravine to the public - clan only. Its very rushed, made for the sake of it, and dosnt really represent my abiliaty. I may do a remake but thats unlikley.

Anyway, Enjoy my new map!!
Daubster18 years ago2006-01-19 05:30:22 UTC 0 comments
It's -26 c here atm..
And just my luck - i had to wait for the goddamn bus for 20 motherfuckin minutes! I froze my ass off! :furious:
But that's ok, coz tomorrow is snowday - no school!! :biggrin:
VOX18 years ago2006-01-19 04:23:57 UTC 0 comments
Ok. What the hell is up with people and IPods??! For all that money, you can get a nice pocket pc with gigs of extra memory! WHy would you buy a more expensive piece of shit that breaks all the time because of it's crappy mini-hard-drive? Buy a pocket pc! IPODS SUCK!
Snpbond18 years ago2006-01-18 19:47:05 UTC 0 comments
With 760 logins, I should be putting in a completed map :P so, Im working on a HL2SP map, since noone else has any ;) , its really detailed and will take awhile, probably be too short too, but oh well, should be fun :P
Saribous18 years ago2006-01-18 13:39:09 UTC 0 comments

Saribous: 1
Stupid fucking asshat router: 0

I'm back. I managed to survive 5 days without Internet (Award anyone?) and I've been so fucking bored the whole time. Damn..
Kaido18 years ago2006-01-18 09:05:55 UTC 0 comments
Well, it's official; I'm a pushover.

considering my friend's gay emo band convinced me to them a site, that seems best fitting.

And I've changed the URL of my indie developer site to www,