
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-11-30 12:16:01 UTC 0 comments
Q: What's so bad about skyboxing? (making a hollowed box around your level textured with the sky texture)

A: Usally all the the faces that face the void aren't rendered but when you skybox those faces that you don't see are rendered for they don't touch the void also it makes it much harder for vis and rad to render the map, vis needs to create more portals and leafs(may cause errors like- Max leaf faces, Max base patches, Max portals on a leaf, leaf saw in to portal, maybe allocblock:full and all these memory errors and many more) and rad will need to conculate the light on more faces(might also create many memory errors and some faces that were discarded before might cause a melformed face normal error)- Results: Long compiling time, poor framrates and high R_speeds might even be fullbright(if you have a memory error or a melformed face error) or might not work at all(all those vis and rad errors), it's worse then a leak. If you do skybox then atlist texture the faces you can't see with the null texture, all though it wont help you alot.

I hope this will make you understand that skyboxing is bad and you shouldn't do it even if you're lazy. :glad:
D_man18 years ago2005-11-30 01:36:40 UTC 0 comments
I just got HL2 game of the year edition is is quite cool
it comes with HL1 but ime not sure how to map 4 it
"with all the steam stuff" but i just look around. :confused:
Seventh-Monkey18 years ago2005-11-29 11:54:31 UTC 0 comments
Heh, picked up some guy on a farm today with my CB radios. Had given one of mine to a mate at the other end of the college, so we were sitting on a channel going "Ziggy's gay!" "fuck you", etc., when some bloke pipes up with "Peter, is that you? It's Dave, on the farm". "Have you stolen this radio?".

n00b #218 years ago2005-11-28 17:03:36 UTC 0 comments
Well hmm..I have no idea waht to put in this random ass journal lol.

neways yea I jsut submitted my first map and I think its pretty fun for gameplay. Apparently brushes and texture-wise, I need a lot of improvement.

But no doubt, I'll catch on and what not.

just a short entry blah blah

n00b #2
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-11-28 15:12:22 UTC 0 comments
I recently got steam. It's great. I don't understand why people say it has so many problems and bugs, I haven't encountered a single one. :D Now I have the transperity.dll and I can play in DM without hamanchi. :glad: (lower ping)

Also I shouted 2000 times. (7.3) Arghhh :roll:
Dorian2718 years ago2005-11-28 11:48:54 UTC 0 comments
I don't wanna sound like a whiney little prick (like some people) but I have to take a week or so off from TWHL.
My english teacher decided to give us a week to develope a term paper on how greek literature has influenced stuff.. so I'll be working hard..
On top of that she told us to read 100 pages in our "Atlas Shrugged" Book, which is very dry.
Also. the SATs are on Saturday. (I don't know if they have SATs in other countries, but think of it as the primary thing colleges look at when you apply.)
Also also, I'm being pressured by my Computer teacher to get my A+ Certification (base Computer Certification, required by most every computer company) before the end of the year.
Also also also my boss is out, so I have to cover his shift.. making me the only person at work doing IT.
So I have a lot of work to do, and I wont be checking in to TWHL as much now.. so bye for now.

But the good news is.. 102 Days on TWHL!
D_man18 years ago2005-11-28 02:46:12 UTC 0 comments
Today i do not have school because i do not have to :biggrin:
MattyB18 years ago2005-11-27 20:23:32 UTC 0 comments
Jeez doesnt time fly when you are having fun... its been a while since I popped up here, but all is not lost. Just hanging out and playing CS and DoD mainly. Havnt had time or motivation to map.
38_9818 years ago2005-11-27 09:56:46 UTC 0 comments
Yay! Only 17 school days till christmas holidays, i just wonder what i'll be getting this year (uses time machine)


Urgh, socks ;)
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-11-27 03:57:30 UTC 0 comments
Hello Elon Yariv! This is your 1500th login.
Nothing! :cry:
alexb91118 years ago2005-11-26 14:44:47 UTC 0 comments
starting 2nd room of "THE ARENA" tomorrow... i can hardly wait. (sarcasm) It didn't seem as popular as I expected... well hoped! :(
AJ18 years ago2005-11-26 02:51:14 UTC 0 comments
Gackt18 years ago2005-11-25 12:29:04 UTC 0 comments
For those who are wondering, I AM still alive and working on my mod. However, it's coming to the end of my Fall university term, so my free time is going to be very limited until the 20th of December. That said, I have been breathing life back into an old mapping project of mine - the drivable Tumbler! Yes, folks, the flawed and sketchy (yet oh so beautiful) Tumbler I made based off of the one in Batman Begins is being re-worked from the ground up. I have made numerous graphical enhancements, and I'm completely re-doing the steering mechanism. Also, weapons are being added for the enjoyment of the driver :glad: The biggest enhancement so far has been the addition of moving wheels and working floodlights - both using techniques I learned while working on my new DM mod.

I'll remake the Tumbler demo currently available in the Map Vault (under Unfinished Stuff) once it is ready to go.
rowleybob18 years ago2005-11-25 11:27:39 UTC 0 comments
W00t! I just started running my screen resolution at 1920?1200 while using hammer, and what a difference! I always have my grid size scaled down to 1-unit, so it's much less zooming for me now! YAI! :)
Boxtop1718 years ago2005-11-24 14:51:26 UTC 0 comments
So far, my map looks like crap. I have the beginning hallway done as well as some form of reception area. Unfortunatly, the textures I used on the reception desk = crap, so I have to dig around for some new ones. I already have 450+ faces, so I don't know whether or not that's good. Hopefully the office area won't send r-speeds to hell.