
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2005-03-19 00:56:08 UTC 0 comments
Congratulations, comrade :).
Saribous19 years ago2005-03-18 16:40:58 UTC 0 comments
I have a girlfriend... Again..

OMFGZ!!!!!!11 :D :D :D :D !!1! :D :D :D
lord2k19 years ago2005-03-18 14:11:38 UTC 0 comments
Fixed problems with the Trigger_camera! Hurah! Get the mod soon at! Yes, I'm hosted by Gamespy! That must mean it's a good mod :)
dandyli0n`19 years ago2005-03-18 05:35:16 UTC 0 comments
Hello dandyli0n`! This is your 300th login. Woohoo!
Well, hey, noone told me! Oh well, YAY! :) :D :nuts: :cool:
SpaG19 years ago2005-03-18 04:37:01 UTC 0 comments
arrrggg.... new compo.... still no ideas...... THINK THINK!!!!
dandyli0n`19 years ago2005-03-17 19:00:07 UTC 0 comments
I'm planning to join the compo and I hope I get gold :D :P but those chances are probably a bit slim...although I am pretty good; it's just that I'm never quite fast enough to actually finish a map and I end up leaving the map alone to let it barf around or something...but heck, if I get at least bronze, then oh happy joy! :) Just like my first piano competition a while ago: I wanted gold, but I got silver, but hey, I'm still happy :) .

Oh yeah,
Hello dandyli0n`! This is your 299th login.
Dangit, where's the barf smilie? :zonked:

But then again, I think you don't get any congrats for 300... :barf:
odin19 years ago2005-03-17 16:58:59 UTC 0 comments
Hello odin! This is your 50th login. The half milestone :badass:
Habboi19 years ago2005-03-17 11:16:20 UTC 0 comments

Here is an exciting example :D
M_gargantua19 years ago2005-03-17 04:55:09 UTC 0 comments
Hello M_Gargantua this is your 500th login. A true TWHLer

Daubster19 years ago2005-03-17 00:07:24 UTC 2 comments
My 13th login! OMG! Bad day!!! :confused: :roll:
Daubster19 years ago2005-03-16 23:15:25 UTC 0 comments
Stiiil workin on dat new map....... Getting kinda boring but i cant stop now... Too much work done... :
odin19 years ago2005-03-16 22:38:47 UTC 0 comments
Have decided to take a break from this map and start another idea I have been thinking about....already have the main structure down, as well as some details about said structure. The map will envolve heavy rain, thunder, lightening.....your basic severe thunder storm. I will have to create a custom sky for this map due to the violent nature of the weather conditions. No sky that half-life includes is good for stormy weather other than black, and Im not keen on being so dull......more to come.
tha_crazy19 years ago2005-03-16 11:55:50 UTC 0 comments
Hello tha_crazy! This is your 700th login.
dandyli0n`19 years ago2005-03-16 05:52:16 UTC 0 comments
Longest. Explanation. Ever. Made. By. Me.
(NOTE: Here's a really long explanation!)

-As you should know, there are multiple G-Man entities across Half-Life. Just to point some out, there was one in the window talking to a scientist, one on a ledge where the first houndeyes were, and the ending (obviously). However, there can only be ONE G-Man, so if you kill one, then how would they stop G-Man from showing up again? Well, maybe an env_global or something, but then, how would the ending work then? To recall the ending, (NOTE: Obviously, spoiler for those who haven't played Half-Life 1) G-Man takes away all of your belongings except the HEV suit, claiming they weren't your property (besides the HEV suit). Then, he would offer you a job. So, if you killed the G-Man earlier in the game, who would take away your weapons? Who would offer you the job? See, killing G-Man would ruin the plot since the ending would be messed up, and then G-Man coming back in the beginning of HL2 talking about how you were in statis and blah blah blah wouldn't make sense if you killed him in HL1 because if he was killed, how would he come back? Plus, if you never saw the ending of HL1, then how in the world would you understand the intro of HL2? You wouldn't know what he was referring to as "the job" or "putting you into statis". (NOTE: I didn't actually play HL2, I just played the demo on my bro's comp) So, to prevent that, Valve just made him invincible.

That was really long.
Daubster19 years ago2005-03-16 03:19:07 UTC 33 comments
Workin on a new map... I think ill finish it in bout 2 days... ;)