
psychotic19 years ago2004-12-11 09:02:47 UTC 0 comments
working on a new counter-strike map about a dog food factory (cs_popdog).The map had a leak =(
Wrangler24919 years ago2004-12-11 08:39:55 UTC 0 comments
this anonymous guy seems to be causing a lot of pain, i suggest dis-allowing people the right to post unless they are a member and deleting the relavent offending members that already exist
Dred_furst19 years ago2004-12-11 06:04:31 UTC 0 comments
ok, my bad map didnt go down too well, ok, deleted it off the internet, people want good maps, I'll keep that in my head...

although it was my poor attempt at a joke...
nomercy7v19 years ago2004-12-10 18:32:52 UTC 0 comments
December 10th,

My first map... it was a stupid block room with light. That was my first map and I was finally able to compile it correctly into the right folder. For some odd reason when I manually copied it over into the folder I now compile it into, it didn't want to work. However, thanks to SourceSDK's SDK Reference Docs, I was able to properly get this stuff rolling so I can begin mapping. However... I do know that there's going to be a great deal more bugs that I'm going to have to exasperatingly sort out. But for now, I'm just going to sit back and let my ideas and my imagination wander towards my creative side.

Peace out :cool:
diesel_power19 years ago2004-12-10 04:53:59 UTC 0 comments
Well this seems to be my first entry in my journal.

I don't really know what to put in here the first time. So I will give my reason why I joined.

I joined twhl because I like to map, and this site has helped me a lot to build the maps/levels I had in mind. So I hope I can do something back for the people who helped me out and offcourse I will help anyone else also.

I hope this makes some sense. :P

Till next time...
DestrucTionZ19 years ago2004-12-09 12:02:24 UTC 0 comments
Lost my other account and did not know my password anymore (dumb me :P ) my e-mail is hacked so i had to make a new account....
blackravent19 years ago2004-12-09 07:38:22 UTC 0 comments
Geeks Piss me off!!! :P
AJ19 years ago2004-12-08 22:47:32 UTC 0 comments
Hello Anthony! This is your 1249th login.
nomercy7v19 years ago2004-12-08 20:37:50 UTC 0 comments
December 8th,

Having great difficulty with compiling maps. I can compile them just fine, but it's getting them to run in Half-Life 2 is the problem. I fixed the stupid gameinfo.txt, I have no idea how, I just messed around with stuff, copied this over that, changed the cases of the font of "GameInfo" to "gameinfo" and now it works... weird stuff. Anyway, on to fixing my compiling problem! And then perhaps I can get started on some REAL work.

Peace out :D
Trapt19 years ago2004-12-08 19:50:31 UTC 0 comments
Hello trapt! This is your 700th login.

JPiolho19 years ago2004-12-08 11:24:48 UTC 0 comments
More dm_arena1_better things!!
  • Some textures with transparent colors blocks light in real texture!
  • When breaking wall to get in Secrets, light apper!
  • Added Places to Hide
  • Added 1 worker bedroom, the door is closed and window is unbreakable, at window the worker is looking outside.
  • Added 1 wood cutter.

CT Spawn - Primary WoodCutting Operations
T Spawn - Storage

Bugs cant fix:

Dead trap in CT Spawn - When you break 3 supports a rock fall, only work 1 round.


CT Spawn:
Screenshot1 -
Screenshot2 -
Screenshot3 (May not work) -
Screenshot4 -
JPiolho19 years ago2004-12-08 11:14:07 UTC 0 comments
Some people think my Arena1 is horrible, Yes, I know, I like make maps easy, not realistic, but me making dm_arena1_better. Realistic!
Some things:
  • 2 Secrets in each team, with dead trap inside
  • Theme now is in a wood factory.
  • Breakable things very realistic, if you break the sign, the sign break, but if you break the support of sign, the support and sign break!
  • Some textures fixed
  • Map larger
thks for reading ;)
kol19 years ago2004-12-08 04:06:26 UTC 0 comments
How to stop Spam / Abuse and Flaming:

Respond in love, not abuse.

Or just do the easy thing... Ignore it.

If you respond with an angry post, you're only fuelling more Spam.
Try to be better than the "Trolls"

Ignore / Respond with nonsensical rants about something completely harmless and random i.e. : MAPPING :P
nomercy7v19 years ago2004-12-07 23:14:35 UTC 0 comments
December 7th,

Now I begin to start off mapping. I know my basics and Hammer is pretty similar to WorldCraft, however, I haven't used a map editing program in years so I'll be rustier than usual. The first damn error I get is the gameinfo.txt one. God damn I hate it, I hope Valve fixes that worthless shit, because I hate pointless errors that are practically unfixable manually. Teh gay. Anyway I'm mad fuckin' tired, what the hell am I doing up so late on a school night, you dumbass, get yo bitch ass in bed.

Peace out
rowleybob19 years ago2004-12-07 21:00:16 UTC 0 comments
I hate HL2. Now I have to buy a new computer. Looking at a notebook in the 2k range that has a Radeon mobility 9700 and another with a geforce fx go5700. feh.